
Mega Dynasty History

Posted 07-08-2010 at 03:27 AM by boxboy99
Updated 07-08-2010 at 03:45 AM by boxboy99

Part I - It Started in Simpler Times (the beginning)

It started in simpler times, the early Nineties. Just a couple kids, some late nights, and one game….. Bill Walsh Football. I would of never imagined that after fifteen years and a lot of growing up we would still be running this thing. The league we named the Mega Dynasty started small and grew with us as we grew up. There were...
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Mega Tournaments

Posted 07-08-2010 at 02:27 AM by boxboy99
Kick-off Classic

2001 Claydog Ohio St.
2002 Conner Banks Texas
2003 Claydog Ohio St.
2004 Claydog Ohio St.
2005 Ty FSU
2006 Claydog Ohio St.
2007 King Skinny Miami
2008 Claydog Ohio St.
2009 Stantz USC

The Kick-off Classic is a local tourney held around Labor Day weekend. The tournament typically draws 8-12 players in a pool play and knock-out format.

Turkey Bowl

2004 Claydog Ohio St.
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Mega Heisman History

Posted 07-08-2010 at 02:14 AM by boxboy99
Heisman Winners

1) None
2) Danny Kannel QB FSU
3) Jake Plummer QB ASU
4) Ryan Clement QB Miami
5) Daryl McMillan RB Miami
6) Jamal Lewis RB Tenn
7) Jamal Lewis RB Tenn
8) Tyree Foreman RB Virginia
9) Tyree Foreman RB Vir
10) David Duplessis WR Mich
11) Bruce Brance WR Penn St.
12) Bruce Brance WR Penn St.
13) Omar Snow WR Miami
14) LaDamien Tomlinson RB TCU
15) Carson Palmer QB USC
16) Carson...
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Mega Dynasty Champions

Posted 07-08-2010 at 01:44 AM by boxboy99
Updated 07-08-2010 at 01:50 AM by boxboy99
1) Tennessee (CPU) Bill Walsh
2) Florida State (Conner Banks)
3) Arizona State (Conner Banks) College Football USA 97
4) Miami (King Skinny) NCAA Football 98
5) Tennessee (Conner Banks)
6) Virginia (JG) NCAA 99
7) Tennessee (Conner Banks)
8) Virginia (JG)
9) Virginia (JG)
10) Michigan (King Skinny)
11) Penn State (JG) NCAA 00
12) Penn State (JG)
13) Miami (King Skinny)
14) USC (King Skinny) NCAA 01
15) Clemson (Boxboy)...
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NBA 2k Gets Pardon From Goozex Trade

Posted 02-18-2010 at 01:08 AM by boxboy99
NBA 2K 10 gets and 11th hour pardon from death row. After letting the game sit on my shelf for the last month or so I decided I would just trade it to Goozex and try another game to kill some time. I felt I had 1 game left in my season and I decided to finish it up, take my loss and move the game on to a better place.

Here is my setup and what happened to save 2K 10. I play Association mode with the Cavs on All Star 10 min. (give me a break, I live in Ohio, suck at the game, and...
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