More info than you can stand about Fifa09, EA's best Sports Title! And other random thoughts that entire my cavernous head....

I must confess... UFC demo has changed my outlook.

Posted 05-28-2009 at 12:14 AM by BrianFifaFan
I'm a purist. I've always watched boxing and abhorred MMA. Thought it was an abomination compared to the "sweet science." Something more akin to WWE than real sport. An avenue for guys who couldn't cut it in the square circle that had to resort to using less than honorable methods to win. I was waiting impatiently to get a hold of the Fight Night demo and one night had read on Ian's Twitter how cool he thought the UFC demo was. An EA guy hyping a competitor's fight game? I found myself...
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My new Christmas toy...

Posted 12-26-2008 at 09:08 PM by BrianFifaFan
Well, I finally got my Hava Titanium Wireless. All I can say is, WOW! I've captured whole games of Fifa and I'm starting to cut up some clips for tutorial purposes. But that's not why I love this little silver box so much. It has a few tricks up it's sleeve. Seems it will record the streamed Netflix movies to my HDD on my PC. Hmmm. I decided to see what else it could record. Seems that it'll record DVD's played in the 360 as well... On top of being able to record both analog cable signals and it'll...
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A "Football" fan in a Football Country.

Posted 11-11-2008 at 01:01 PM by BrianFifaFan
Updated 11-11-2008 at 03:29 PM by BrianFifaFan
I was born in the wrong country, sports-wise. I love football. With all my heart I love football. Not the American one, though. I love what we have called soccer, as not to confuse. I by no means hate any of our American major sports, I watch and have played them all. But I find myself being re-seduced by the love of my youth. In 1978 I was put into youth soccer by my parents. And it wasn't a smooth start as I pretty much had two left feet. But there was one man who I saw with that little round...
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I can see this feature overtaking the forums....

Posted 11-10-2008 at 09:04 PM by BrianFifaFan
The more that I fiddle around with this, the more I love it. As my friends list has grown and I'm starting to get chalkboard comments, the more I'm just engaging in the back and forth with persons that I have on the list. Not saying that the forums will become obsolete, but I can see myself spending a great deal of time in the back and forth with friends and managing my page. In a way it is a welcome change, in that there aren't the inevitable arguments and trolling that have become too pervasive...
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Politics and religion.

Posted 11-10-2008 at 08:33 PM by BrianFifaFan
As of now we are allowed to blog about the two most hotly debated topics by most people I know. I'm actually hoping that we'll be able to keep these open for discussion, but really can't see how it'll last. I just find it ironic that they are such devisive issues, as both are supposed to make the world a better place. They almost always end up as an issue of who's right or wrong. I guess the better question is " Am I so busy trying to be right, that I'm missing the point and purpose of both?"...
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