If ever something spins inside my head, causing chaotic thoughts, random questions, and a search for answers, I might find the urgency to write about it. Because if it bothers me, it should bother you.

You Might Be Getting More Than You Wanted On That Pizza

Posted 02-06-2009 at 01:43 PM by CMH
Updated 02-06-2009 at 01:53 PM by YankeePride
Yesterday, I stepped out of the train and in front of me was my favorite pizza shop in my neighborhood. So, I walk in, order two slices, and wait by the counter. Now, like most pizza shops, a doughnut shop here and there, and maybe even a chinese restaurant, you get a first-person view of the cooking.

I watched as the Italian and Mexican men behind the counter handled crunchy dollar bills, scum-infested quarters, and extended their hands for friendly handshakes with people I'm sure...
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