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UFC Undisputed 3 Review

Posted 02-13-2012 at 09:35 PM by cursive
With the 3rd release of UFC on Next Gen systems I must admit I was not too excited. This was mainly because I felt the game took a step back from UFC 1 to UFC 2, and to expect something different might have been too hopeful. Well I am glad to say not only did UFC Undisputed 3 prove me wrong, but it also made me a fan of the franchise again.

The Breakdown:

A few big changes to this year’s game are the additional game modes and options to each. The biggest in our opinion...
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NFL Blitz Review

Posted 01-30-2012 at 03:55 PM by cursive
With the NFL season coming to an end, EA has re-release NFL Blitz to keep the pig-skin excitement going. If you like sports games to be more Video Game and less simulation or just can’t get enough of the NFL we will go over a why this might be just for you.

The Breakdown:

When NFL Blitz was first announced to be release we weren’t sure if it would hold our excitement as much the old NFL Blitz arcade days. Of course we love the NFL and we love video games, but with more...
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NBA 2K12 Review

Posted 01-13-2012 at 09:03 PM by cursive
Now that the Lock Out is over and the NBA Season is under way I feel like I can finally do my review of NBA 2K12. Something about now having current roster really put this game on the shelf for some time, but now that 2K Sports has updated their roster and added the Rookies in the game I’m taking my game back to the court.

The Breakdown:

Going into NBA 2K12 I couldn’t imagine what could be done to drastically improve the game play and AI, and luckily for us 2K Sports...
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FIFA 12 Review

Posted 01-13-2012 at 09:02 PM by cursive
Let me start out by saying that EA Sports FIFA is not a game I play yearly, but something I have been purchasing every 4 years when the World Cup Edition releases. So when reviewing FIFA 12 I find myself a year back in the Franchise and in need to know what I missed. FIFA 11 brought us new Career Modes as well as a New Passing and 360° Dribbling Systems. This year they have improved on user ball control with Precision Dribbling, added a New Impact Engine for Realistic Collisions, and our favorite...
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NHL 12 Review

Posted 01-13-2012 at 08:57 PM by cursive
I have to start my review by letting you know I do not follow the game of Hockey and the last Hockey video game I played was “Ice Hockey” for the original Nintendo. So going into the game I had a huge learning curve ahead of me, but felt like I could get a good perspective with some fresh eyes. The first couple games I played versus the Computer and spent the majority of my time trying to get into fights, instead of working on my offensive and defensive skills. Even though I enjoyed the fight controls...
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