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Franchise Mode Showdown: 2K12 v. The Show

Posted 03-23-2012 at 02:23 PM by econoodle
Updated 03-23-2012 at 02:28 PM by econoodle

I am going to attempt to pit the two franchise modes head to head using the NY Yankees. I will be posting results, thoughts and musings after one game in each title is finished. Here's some things I will be touching on.

- box score
- lineup logic [cpu as well]
- transactions
- menu navigation
- stat tracking
- AI moves and happenings

Just to name a few.

Basically, I will touch on ALL aspects along with posting notes on what I saw or didn't see.
This is not so much a competition to see which is better, though some people will find through the results and thoughts, that one is better suited for them as opposed to the other, but a way for people to see what each one brings, out in the open and under the hood. I can add my unique take on each one as well.

My thoughts were to wait till OSFM and the Sony patch [to fix franchise start times, which is key, because I would like to also compare lighting for those unique 3:05 start times and the like] so I will probably do just that.

In the meantime, I willpost s ome blogs detailing options & features in the 2 modes to give everyone a heads-up on what's in store.

Ok off to the lab I go, first post should arrive shortly.
Thanks for reading.
Total Comments 4


Schreck's Avatar
Cool idea man, look forward to seeing your thoughts on this. Hopefully the fanboys don't come out of the woodwork .
Posted 03-25-2012 at 05:39 PM by Schreck Schreck is offline
thanks Schreck.
Dropping part one in a few days, just compiling a few pics
Posted 03-25-2012 at 07:12 PM by econoodle econoodle is offline
BlueJays09's Avatar
hey man looking to see how your results are. any games done yet?
Posted 03-26-2012 at 05:59 PM by BlueJays09 BlueJays09 is offline
no, wednesday i am putting up part 1.
no games will be part of that one though.
Posted 03-26-2012 at 06:38 PM by econoodle econoodle is offline

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