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Franchise Mode Showdown: 2K12 v. MLB 12: The Show - The Menus [Show Part 1]

Posted 03-28-2012 at 11:47 PM by econoodle
Updated 03-28-2012 at 11:54 PM by econoodle
Before we dig into head to head franchise games, lets take a look at the menus you'll be navigating during the campaign.

First off MLB 12: The Show

There have been some changes to the franchise menus for 12. Not the wholesale changes I, or maybe others were expecting.

There is a new [old?] backdrop this year. Gone is the stadium shots from 11, here is the MLB Network style banner effect with the teams logos swimming around. You will see this look somewhat...
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Franchise Mode Showdown: 2K12 v. The Show

Posted 03-23-2012 at 02:23 PM by econoodle
Updated 03-23-2012 at 02:28 PM by econoodle

I am going to attempt to pit the two franchise modes head to head using the NY Yankees. I will be posting results, thoughts and musings after one game in each title is finished. Here's some things I will be touching on.

- box score
- lineup logic [cpu as well]
- transactions
- menu navigation
- stat tracking
- AI moves and happenings

Just to name a few.

Basically, I will touch on...
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Posted 10-15-2009 at 03:37 AM by econoodle
Updated 10-15-2009 at 04:03 AM by econoodle
Its time to lighten the mood and get fun for a bit on here. Live is just a game, lets enjoy it while we have it. With that being said, there's things I want to see implemented next year.
This year, Live went small on features and focused on fixing the core gameplay experience and it paid off.
But next year, I hope to see some new things rolled out.
In my 26th bi-annual installment of the 'top ten features' list I look at things I hope aren't some of the things

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Econoodle's Eco-Fact Review: NBA LIVE 10 [Installment 1]

Posted 10-04-2009 at 11:20 PM by econoodle
econoodles eco-fact review: part I - gettin' it

Aww H%*L NO!

Thats what I said when I saw the Mos def intro.

Then, I said it again.

NBA Live aint dead.
oN the contrary, its simply 'wangderful'.

Ok so here's the deal.
Each time I purchase a b-ball game, which is not every year, I flip flop up until release, usually picking one based on my preferences.
last year I got both at Toys R Us with the buy 2 get one...
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