MATT'S RANDOM RAMBLINGS DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Broadcast views NEED to change.

Posted 08-14-2014 at 10:00 PM by ManiacMatt1782
Two years ago I wrote a blog on here explaining my feelings on the broadcast views used by the major networks for sports. Two years later I am even more adament about it. Screw the old dinosaurs who fear change. Fans who have grown up playing Madden and other football games wany to see the hole develop. They want to seethe receivers come open. They want to see why plays happened, not just the end result. When Nick Foles hits Jeremy Maclin with a strike on the post route. I want to see why he came...
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Time for a change in broadcast views for sports events

Posted 08-27-2012 at 09:22 PM by ManiacMatt1782
With Madden 13 being released tomorrow, and reading a thread in the NHL 13 forum, I felt it's time to share something I have felt strongly about for several years now. When is the NFL going to change the way it broadcasts it's games. I feel the view we get in Madden, allows to see what happens on a particular play better, why a play worked or why it got blown up. I feel it provides a better understanding of what the hell we are watching. When I watch on Sunday, and I see Mike Vick complete a 20...
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Complaints about commentary in video games...

Posted 06-10-2012 at 09:54 AM by ManiacMatt1782
...seems pointless to me when you think about it. Commentary is probable one of the most space consuming, time consuming and most importantly budget consuming things there is in a video game. In MLB the show, People whine and complain about Matt Vasgersian Dave Campbell, and Eric Karros, Who I feel, for a video game, do a fantastic job. Same with Gary Thorne and Bill Clement. Hell I have even seen people complain about the great Duo from the NFL 2k games, who went by fictional names Dan Stevens...
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What could have been, or the great dissapointment that is online association

Posted 10-12-2011 at 11:28 PM by ManiacMatt1782
NBA 2k11, was my sports game of the year last year. I am not the NBA fan, but the game got me following the league more than I normally would. My favorite part about last years game was the superb online league system. Online stability is a major issue with any game, but seems to be a major issue with NBA 2k games, so to have the ability to reset games, or give a guy a win if it happened late in a blowout was huge. Yeah thats missing from online association.

The 2nd thing that is...
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Posted 02-16-2011 at 10:10 AM by ManiacMatt1782
Updated 02-16-2011 at 05:50 PM by ManiacMatt1782 (Just wanted to clean it up a little.)
I don't care how good a deal this is for EA or the NFL. I really don't. I am the consumer. I am looking to spend my money on products of high quality. Right now, I am in search of an up to date, high quality football game that bares the NFL teams and players. Right now, that isn't possible. The madden franchise isn't horrible. It's kinda like a McDonalds cheeseburger. It isn't going to wow you. It is going to give you all the things you are familiar with. But to claim it's high quality, you would...
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