
Last Geners getting completely punked by gaming sites & companies in the last days

Posted 10-21-2014 at 05:45 PM by NINJAK2
Updated 11-24-2014 at 09:37 PM by NINJAK2
The writing is on the wall for last gen. We have enjoyed a great run on the ps3 and the 360 but that time is coming to an end. Many have already moved on and we last geners whether it be for lack of finance or lack of interest have yet to move on to the current platforms. While we are being told by everyone around us that our systems aren't worth a damn anymore, companies still see fit to charge people the same price for games on these consoles as current gen and put forth minimal effort and...
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Memo to NBA 2k Staff: Please be transparent when it comes to last gen games

Posted 08-26-2014 at 09:31 PM by NINJAK2
Updated 08-26-2014 at 10:49 PM by NINJAK2
On the release date of Madden I choose to write this blog with a warning to NBA 2k staff/marketing : Don't employ EA's attitude of secrecy/silence when it comes to letting your buyers know what is/isn't in last gen titles.

Everyone at this site is a fanatic about one sport or another in regards to gaming. That is a big reason why I love the community here at OS. Whether that is soccer,basketball, football, baseball, etc. we are all passionate about one(or more than one) of...
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How To Survive at O.S. for Dummies

Posted 11-05-2011 at 06:09 PM by NINJAK2
Updated 11-05-2011 at 06:13 PM by NINJAK2
I've been noticing a lot of posts here at OS that have become a little ignorant in attitude and content to the point I can't take it anymore. Everyone here was a new member at one point therefore we all had to go through some growing pains but I'm having old timer syndrome thinking my generation of OSers weren't nearly as bad or entitled as this new generation of members. These are just tips that some of you new guys/girls can use in order to last here longer than a couple of days/weeks.
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The NBA Fraternity Mentality is Killing the Game

Posted 07-27-2010 at 08:06 PM by NINJAK2
Updated 07-28-2010 at 12:09 AM by NINJAK2
Every one is so "good old boy" connected these days the competetive nature of the sport is suffering. Rivalries are pretty much dead and the only teams that seem to play with any indifference to their opponents on the court are the Lakers and the Celtics. Unfortunately for us the Celtics won't be competetive for much longer imo as age is the opponent no player/team in the NBA can beat and render irrelevant for long no matter how much heart you got.

The NBA has become one...
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