A strictly online player enters into the world of single player franchise mode.
OMPD League
Posted 10-28-2013 at 04:45 PM by roll2tide
One Man Per Division League
°League Premise-To run a fast advancing league with a small number of users-1 user team per division max. Limited user scheduling should allow us to advance every 48 hours or less. I want to operate a league that actually runs 5-8 seasons so that I can better experience long term building via the draft, FA's, and XP.
°League settings-I'm using the sliders found here.
Game Speed - Normal
Quarter Length - 10 mins
Accel Clock - Min 20 seconds
Owner only
Relocation - Normal
°No stat padding. This is a sim style league even if your playing the CPU. Set your auto subs so that your 2nd back sees some carries. If your up by 28 or 35 in the 4th dial it back and just run the ball and the clock. You should not be eclipsing the 50 point mark except on rare occasions.
°Trades-Only CPU-User trades are allowed and you can trade with teams outside your conference. No changing a players position to increase his trade value and you can only have 3 picks in any one round.
We'll sim to the end of season 1, resign players, and then head into the off season.
Divisions Taken
AFC North - Mouthy Rat- Cleveland
AFC East - roll2tide - NY Jets
PM for for more info.
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