There's a New Mode In Diamond Dynasty Called Showdown! In this mode you hit line-drive outs until the CPU decides it's wasted enough of your time.
Wow! What a scam this is. I had to score 3 runs in 10 outs starting with a runner on third base to overcome a deficit and accomplish the Showdown. I didn't get on base even once. I hit 10 straight outs. Most of which were line-drives and three of which were perfect/perfects. Oh, there was at least one warning track grab. Mind you, if I play a conquest game on Allstar or lower, I'll score 6 or 7 runs easy and that's a 3 inning game (9 outs)! I believe this particular Showdown was on Veteran because the PCIs were enormous.
This is obviously a psychological play by SDS to invoke anxiety. If you're familiar with DD menus you have had noticed clocks just about everywhere. "I'm on the clock and the enemy's only gettin' better... I better buy something, I gotta upgrade!". I'm guessing that's what they think goes through the minds of the DD faithful, and they're probably right for the most part. However, I'm done. I'm not putting another minute into this wicked mind-F.
That being said, because the IQ of the aforementioned DD faithful probably averages around 80-85, I've amassed about 1.7M in stubs by playing the market. So, if someone wants these and there's a way to transfer them, let me know. I'd shame you for playing DD, but that would only make me a hypocrite and I'd rather you have these Stubs than you buying them from those scum. But please, ask for them if you're really into DD, not if you just want to experiment. If you're weak minded I wouldn't want to be responsible for getting you hooked by their trickery.
I just play DD as a "warmup" for franchise. I usually just play Conquest to build up to Legend difficulty, but this year due to Corona, I had more time so I got caught up in completing the collections. Unfortunately, I can't give those cards to anyone because they're "collected". Unmovable unless somebody knows something I don't. Wow, I can't believe people spend money on this crap.