
Madden impressions from an average gamer

Posted 02-02-2010 at 03:04 PM by ryan36
I consider myself an average gamer, a true blend of sim/arcade style. I just bought a ps3 2 weeks ago (well documented by now LOL).

What do I mean by average gamer? I mean , when I took the Show 09 I used Knight's rosters, and made all my Mariners offseason moves, got Billy Wagner to the Braves, Jason Bay to the Mets, and got lazy. But it's still fun for me.

With Madden, I've spent a lot more time than the Show, probably because it's football season. I bought...
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My first day w/ps3... I now am a loyal Legacy-gen guy.

Posted 01-23-2010 at 02:10 AM by ryan36
Updated 01-23-2010 at 02:38 AM by pitchingcoach36 (update)
I've been lookin' forward to a ps3 or Xbox 360 for 2 years now...so tonight I finally get one. A ps3. FINALLY had enough money. I'm thrilled and excited all the way home.

It took me about an hour/ 1.5 hrs to get it online...whatever , I'm not a techie. (Thank God for google.)

3 software updates. 4 restarts.

I download the patches for Madden 10...I think. No clue where a roster update is, but my internet browser on ps3 was working so I...
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Media and Baseball, Part 1: Bias & Frankness

Posted 06-10-2009 at 01:37 PM by ryan36
Since baseball season has started, I've seen (participated in most, and started a couple) several threads dedicated to complaints about the media, and the quality of ESPN, FOX, and local broadcasters. As a former radio sportscaster (the highest level I reached was a small D2 college in the south), I thought I'd take a look at all the different factors and what's changed with media coverage of sports in this day and age.

First off, let's look at local sports coverage. Most local...
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