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How do you judge a game

Posted 08-04-2010 at 02:03 PM by ryan36
As a fairly casual gamer, I ask is it fun? That's really about it.
-A game is not fun, if I absolutely can't do something that can be done in real life.
-I keep notice players reacting, moving, and playing like they know what's coming,
or are simply way too good at any one thing
-The balance is way too off.
-Or there're a whole bunch of meters, power ups, completely diff. mechanics for
something in my view should...
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Do we judge sports titles harder than FPS or RPG?

Posted 08-02-2010 at 07:20 PM by ryan36
Let me say this, my non-sports title gaming is horribly limited. I tried Halo, wasn't my thing. I'm more of a fantasy RPG type guy when it comes to my non-sports gaming. I beat Grandia II on Dreamcast, and loved Lost Odyssey on 360.

That being said there are 2 titles in my new ps3 that are getting close to equal time. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and MLB: The Show 10. For the sake of this blog, I'm going to talk about graphics & movement.

One thing I've seen...
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Way to go Gamestop: NCAA 11 story

Posted 07-24-2010 at 07:52 PM by ryan36
So yesterday I bought a ps3 "sony refurbished" 80gig $249...just to play NCAA 11 and the show. Having already liked MLB 2K10, I was strongly leaning toward a 360, because it's cheaper. I bought the refurbished instead of new at Gamestop just cause. I bought an extra controller, NCAA 11 new , the Show used, and Reflex MX vs. ATV

...so I notice that one of my USB's on the ps3 isn't working. I'm not worried about it, one works and I have plenty of ways to charge the controllers....
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Mlb2k10: My first day, two games

Posted 06-09-2010 at 01:06 PM by ryan36
Well, this game is a looooot of fun. But it definitely needs some improvement, and slider tweaks. It said there was a game update, and I downloaded it. I don't know if had both patches or just one. There were no more chances to download.

My impressions: ballparks play waaaaaay to small like MLB on the ps1...everything was a single or HR. I hit one double off the wall. The "very early swing" text that I can't find a way to turn off, totally ruins immersion for me. ...
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Can the Show even be changed by SCEA?

Posted 03-18-2010 at 12:20 PM by ryan36
I've been thinking about this, and want to know if you guys follow me. I am not a CD guy , and basically nobody knows who I am, and I can barely use facebook. But I have a theory, about what as MMChris says, makes the Show a victim of it's own success. I think that because they have such a deep, huge game, it's incredibly difficult for them to make changes.

I'll contrast with Madden, instead of MLB 2K because it's a more fair comparison. You'll see why in a minute. When the...
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