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Things I want to see in madden 18

Posted 06-14-2016 at 07:12 PM by vannwolfhawk
I am loving the direction that Rex and this team is going in. I really liked madden 16 and am more excited for 17 (with the new additions to defense and the focus on sim football) than I have been in a long time. After reading everything that's been released so far there are still things missing that could take this game over the top for me. Here they are...

- home field advantage - I want to see playing in Seattle or Kansas City mean something. They need to adopt the NCAA feature with the shaky cam when the crowd is loud or in key situations where you can't see the play art, false starts, players can't hear audibles and it takes longer to hot route, cadences and fake hikes might make us see more false starts, etc.

- team specific schemes & play books with the CPU situational star ratings rerated to allow the CPU the ability to use their entire playbook rather than 20% of it. Let us assign edited playbooks to a CPU team within our cfm or play now games to at least let us create realistic team specific playbooks for each team. It's amazing how different and effective the CPU is with playbooks fixed and adjusted. It's like a whole new madden game. I'm not sure the devs realize how bad their playbooks are as far as plays they have per situation?! They have run plays on 3rd and 15, They run the same simple plays with curls, slants, verts, screens over and over. The plays have no backups or 2nd good 2nd option routes in them and are 1 of the reasons you would see user teams having 9-10 sack games. The CPU plays never had a viable 2nd option to go to within the plays they use. There is no variety in the CPU playcalling and all 32 teams play the same. If they don't fix this at least allow us ability to assign edited books to CPU teams.

- defensive sub assignments - let my top corner shadow a teams best wr all over the field. Also, give us the ability to set up packages and subs pre game and save them Ala nba2k with best free throw lineup I want the same ability to set up my own best packages from pass rush, run stop, etc.

- special teams needs to be redone as far as kick and punt returns. It's long overdue and it's 1 of the most exciting plays in football that is not fun in madden! The CPU ai returner runs straight ahead til he gets hit with no awareness or ability to even try and find a lane to run through. Add reverses and new plays for KR and PR. Better blocking, set up alleys, etc...

- give us a draft board and let us edit players BEFORE the draft and not after it. I want realistic and real players in my draft. To piggyback on this allow us to share rosters, draft classes, etc online.

- give us realistic pockets. Get the defensive ends coming up field rather than right into the CPU ot. Have defensive lineman and offensive lineman have more bounce to them rather than tie up like wrestlers.

- better animations (running, wr/db interaction, OL/DL interactions)

- replay system redone. Let us choose what we want to replay

- pre game show, half time show, and post game show in cfm

- ability to change weather or have live weather to real life in that city... In rain or snow games have mud (on grass fields) and have players considerably slower or with very little agility to allow for cutbacks. As is now in snow games it's actually an advantage to the offense over the defense as the defense is on skates when in actuality games in the rain or snow are advantages to the defense and it's hard for offense to run or pass with no traction.

- 22 man true step - no more skating

- proper re ratings in certain categories (aka fbg real data) - more spread out ratings and less 90's rated players

Ratings that need redone with real data and more accuracy...
Speed, agility, strength, jumping, and acceleration for all players
quarterbacks short, medium, and deep pass accuracy.

- auto subs that work

- more sliders for gameplay - for example OL/DL win loss - pass coverage win loss, etc with a greater range and disparity between 0-100 as 100 means win everytime, 0 means lose every time.

- ability to play a friend in our cfm and have him play as a opponent any given week

- fumbled snaps / simulation mode as we know the tournament crowd will not go for this. Either make it random to ratings, weather, and crowd noise with percentages of real nfl data or come up with a hike the ball mechanic for user error every now and again. To add to this add bad snaps (high snaps, low snaps, over head in shotgun or straight fumbled snaps)

- all players (thinking offensive line) with injury chances...

- better corner of end zone fade routes, plays, interactions, or animations. It's a big part of football now a days.

- better goaline defensive stands. Give LB ability to jump over pile the same as running back to meet him in the air for some crazy mid air collisions. Better ability to stop qb sneaks with jamming 3 DL in front of center in goaline situations.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Can you guys think of anything to add?
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