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Everyone's Watching To See What You Will Do

Posted 02-17-2009 at 05:10 AM by WDOgF0reL1fe
Everybodys working for the weekend!

Not me anymore! Football season is over :'-(

Man, when football ends, it ends HARD. Why?
it ends with spring semester in full swing
it ends with the NBA season more than halfway done, and just finished having a really lame all star weeked (exception being horse )
it ends with baseball once again taking over for 6 months of the year. The only good thing about baseball is MLB: The Show for the PS3.
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School Starts For Me Tomorrow

Posted 01-26-2009 at 04:14 PM by WDOgF0reL1fe
This seemed like the longest break from school that I have ever had. I always like going back to school after breaks, because it helps keep the crazy spending I do with money down. I tend to focus on school more, and never am bored, and when I am bored I spend money.

I am also going to be doing a LOT of sports this semester and am so excited.
My Schedule is this:
Tu and Th - 11:30 - 3:45
Plus one online class.

Monday nights - Intramural Flag...
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I Like Our Chances...

Posted 01-13-2009 at 03:36 AM by WDOgF0reL1fe
Well the season is over for the San Diego Chargers.
While I am sad and angry at the same time, it was a very good season. Why? Well... the Chargers started 4 - 8. 4 and ****ing 8. Wow.

The season was pretty much done at that point, but thanks to a monumental collapse by the Denver Broncos we made it into the playoffs and once again beat the Colts.

Next year...
Could be even better.

For one thing, Shawne Merriman will be back and I...
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This Semester Is Over

Posted 01-12-2009 at 06:38 AM by WDOgF0reL1fe
With the semester done and over with the one question seems inevitable.

What did I learn?

Great question.


1. I learned that carpooling with someone is great and is a perfect way for: Venting, sharing thoughts, sharing feelings, having fun. Thanks Cami!
2. I learned that Anthro is ridiculously easy.
3. I learned that upper division G.E's are easier than the lower division ones.
4. I learned that when old...
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