
Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

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Old 10-12-2024, 01:20 AM   #41
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by James Rodriguez
They need to fix things still like always with games so frustrating
Yea, I'm seeing a LOT of negative comments across the board, i.e, youtube, reddit, etc which is confusing me, and depending on where you go there's lots of positive as well. Its like the base is split down the middle, I don't know for sure of course, it just seems that way. Many of the comments are odd however, from 'this looks like a PS3 game' , to 'the footwork is arcade', and a multitude of other strange comments that seem to have no basis in logic and are clearly not true as your looking directly at the game lol. The overpowered spam hooks I can definitely see and agree with the complaints, but not much else (outside of the list in my previous post). A few things, but the game is certainly not "broken". Makes me wonder who these people really are.

Last edited by kingsofthevalley; 10-12-2024 at 01:27 AM.
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Old 10-12-2024, 03:56 AM   #42
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by kingsofthevalley
Yea, I'm seeing a LOT of negative comments across the board, i.e, youtube, reddit, etc which is confusing me, and depending on where you go there's lots of positive as well. Its like the base is split down the middle, I don't know for sure of course, it just seems that way. Many of the comments are odd however, from 'this looks like a PS3 game' , to 'the footwork is arcade', and a multitude of other strange comments that seem to have no basis in logic and are clearly not true as your looking directly at the game lol. The overpowered spam hooks I can definitely see and agree with the complaints, but not much else (outside of the list in my previous post). A few things, but the game is certainly not "broken". Makes me wonder who these people really are.
I see multiple trolls or just people who obviously never played Fight Night back in the day saying and going off of videos only saying lies like this game is worst somehow, I played Fight years ago multiple games of the series FN4 and Champ, and even back then I felt the movements were missing a lot of details. That game is the one that is robotic moving like somebody is moving them like puppets. The movement is very simple, and the feet look like they’re gliding. I saw a video showing, and for the people saying all people use is power punches, well, those are online players, and people are lying, saying only power punches do damage. I hardly even throw power shots; I'm able to often keep my opponent away, and I can hurt them only using regular shots. I also drop them often from regular shots.

Of course as I explained I need to land more regular shots than what I think I need to they need to update the regular shots power,but as I said people are lying saying they do no damage at all,their saying that I think cause they don’t see people just overacting like their used to in fn,real boxers don’t overreact like that with every punch
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Old 10-12-2024, 07:24 AM   #43
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

One thing I noticed with this game from playing on PC forever, is that this game depends heavily on counter punching and combos. They do the most damage. Regular punches do very little damage. My biggest issue with the game is when you rock the CPU, they turn into Floyd Mayweather and block EVERYTHING all of a sudden. And the fact they can move back faster than you can move forward when they are rocked. And I hate when they are rocked and they just lean back and all your punches all of a sudden can't reach them, I be like WTF.

Also it is very weird how often punches miss in this game. Leave you scratching your head like how did that miss when they are so close. Game pretty much force you to be a counter puncher. Tried to play with Ali as Ali and that was a no go. His jab missed 90% of the time and when it did connect, it didn't do damage like his jab did in real life.

So yeah they need to fix things. Especially need to fix the the USER burning stamina way faster than the CPU. Game is fun but yet annoying at the same time is the best way to describe it.

Also came across a bug last night fighting against Roy Jones Jr where when the round started he was just on his knee in the corner and wouldn't move for a good 30 seconds. Then when he did stand up, he didn't move, just stood there in the corner taking hits for a good 2 minutes straight.

Wish the roster was deeper though. So many legends missing.
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Old 10-12-2024, 10:06 AM   #44
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by kingsofthevalley
Yea, I'm seeing a LOT of negative comments across the board, i.e, youtube, reddit, etc which is confusing me, and depending on where you go there's lots of positive as well. Its like the base is split down the middle, I don't know for sure of course, it just seems that way. Many of the comments are odd however, from 'this looks like a PS3 game' , to 'the footwork is arcade', and a multitude of other strange comments that seem to have no basis in logic and are clearly not true as your looking directly at the game lol. The overpowered spam hooks I can definitely see and agree with the complaints, but not much else (outside of the list in my previous post). A few things, but the game is certainly not "broken". Makes me wonder who these people really are.
Most of the negative comments is from people who haven been playing this game in early access for 1.8 years. All the nonsense we complained about still hasn't been fixed. Online is EXACTLY the same as it was in early access with ghost punches and desync. To make matters worse they didn't release a build for early access players to test in 8 months. They went straight to launch and that failed badly. In other words, the hate is warranted.
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Old 10-12-2024, 10:08 AM   #45
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Also it is very weird how often punches miss in this game.
You're not missing, the punches literally go through your opponents head. In the case of the CPU it will cancel a punch animation and move the moment you press the button.

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Old 10-12-2024, 10:19 AM   #46
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
One thing I noticed with this game from playing on PC forever, is that this game depends heavily on counter punching and combos. They do the most damage. Regular punches do very little damage. My biggest issue with the game is when you rock the CPU, they turn into Floyd Mayweather and block EVERYTHING all of a sudden. And the fact they can move back faster than you can move forward when they are rocked. And I hate when they are rocked and they just lean back and all your punches all of a sudden can't reach them, I be like WTF.

Also it is very weird how often punches miss in this game. Leave you scratching your head like how did that miss when they are so close. Game pretty much force you to be a counter puncher. Tried to play with Ali as Ali and that was a no go. His jab missed 90% of the time and when it did connect, it didn't do damage like his jab did in real life.

So yeah they need to fix things. Especially need to fix the the USER burning stamina way faster than the CPU. Game is fun but yet annoying at the same time is the best way to describe it.

Also came across a bug last night fighting against Roy Jones Jr where when the round started he was just on his knee in the corner and wouldn't move for a good 30 seconds. Then when he did stand up, he didn't move, just stood there in the corner taking hits for a good 2 minutes straight.

Wish the roster was deeper though. So many legends missing.
It's so nice to see people like you who want those realistic details like me to get that authentic feel,It's fine to me people are missing. I rather have a lot of realistic movement's; that should be the focus. Fight Night had a lot of legends, yet the game wasn't realistic at all in movement's or IQ. Undisputed has way better IQ and a lot of realistic movement's,it just needs more,I had that glitch 3 times the round starts I'm on My knee I get up I can't move
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Old 10-12-2024, 11:05 AM   #47
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

I think I have a more positive outlook on the title coming from the early release on PC. The game feels so much smoother. The AI isn't perfect, but they provide a challenge, which is all I need to enjoy a video game.

The presentation is solid, there is room to improve it to "good" or even "great". My favorite mode is Career Mode. I think SCI missed the ball in Career Mode by not adding a interactive training mode or sparring session to get a better feel for you fighter. I do like that every career is different. Often times on FNC I would cruise to an undefeated record, and wouldn't get challenged early. That isn't the case with Undisputed. The randomness that happens during any given career can be both incredible or tragic.

I don't play online, so I can't speak on that, but as a primarily offline player. I'm happy with the title. Not saying that it's perfect. But there aren't any earth shattering issues that prevents me from enjoying my time.

I would say if you are on the fence and don't want to pay full price for the title, I would understand that decision. When this title does hit a sale, I would say pick it up. If you are a boxing fan, and want an alternative to FNC from time to time, definitely pick it up.
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Old 10-12-2024, 12:21 PM   #48
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions


First off, I am very appreciative to have a new boxing game after all these years. It's almost unbelievable to me still that there is now an option for the current generation to partake in the "Sweet Science".

I haven't read all six pages of this thread "yet" but leading up to the release, during the early access Deluxe Edition and after the universal release of the game, I haven't seen anyone speak on the weird punching. I do not mean the way some hooks look odd as they have the whole time throughout the development cycle. I mean how the jab will be straight and stiff but when followed by a cross, the cross tends to turn into a mini hook/side punch. Some times the cross is punching towards the sky as if it actively trying to miss it's target. I have only played it for a couple of hours but I swear it's like the one glaring problem that nobody else seems to see.

I like to box at a distance and prefer to use reach to my advantage if possible. Once I realized a straight right was almost impossible if the opponent was in range I gave up. If I have a lot of distance between my opponent the jabs and straights look crisp. The second issue I have with punching is that in close quarters the hit detection is not very good. The last match I had was Rocky Marciano vs Ali. I was trying to get on the inside and was successful a bit but things went left. I would get on the inside and trade with Ali when he decided to brawl with me and I swear we where swinging for the fences and the PUNCHES TOUCHED NOTHING! No face contact, no body contact and no blocking contact. It was like we were both ghost. The only thing that landed in this instance was a power modified right hook.

I'm not trying to complain or be the Bad Guy but so far I am disappointed but I'm only two hours in. I welcome any help and I even welcome the," You don't know boxing" and " You're just trash at the game" comments as well. The great thing is that I can just collect video of what I'm seeing to be a bit more clear on what I am speaking about.

Light Bulb 💡. Maybe there are settings to make the game play correctly?

Thank You For Reading
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