
Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

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Old 10-12-2024, 01:35 PM   #49
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by sooperb

First off, I am very appreciative to have a new boxing game after all these years. It's almost unbelievable to me still that there is now an option for the current generation to partake in the "Sweet Science".

I haven't read all six pages of this thread "yet" but leading up to the release, during the early access Deluxe Edition and after the universal release of the game, I haven't seen anyone speak on the weird punching. I do not mean the way some hooks look odd as they have the whole time throughout the development cycle. I mean how the jab will be straight and stiff but when followed by a cross, the cross tends to turn into a mini hook/side punch. Some times the cross is punching towards the sky as if it actively trying to miss it's target. I have only played it for a couple of hours but I swear it's like the one glaring problem that nobody else seems to see.

I like to box at a distance and prefer to use reach to my advantage if possible. Once I realized a straight right was almost impossible if the opponent was in range I gave up. If I have a lot of distance between my opponent the jabs and straights look crisp. The second issue I have with punching is that in close quarters the hit detection is not very good. The last match I had was Rocky Marciano vs Ali. I was trying to get on the inside and was successful a bit but things went left. I would get on the inside and trade with Ali when he decided to brawl with me and I swear we where swinging for the fences and the PUNCHES TOUCHED NOTHING! No face contact, no body contact and no blocking contact. It was like we were both ghost. The only thing that landed in this instance was a power modified right hook.

I'm not trying to complain or be the Bad Guy but so far I am disappointed but I'm only two hours in. I welcome any help and I even welcome the," You don't know boxing" and " You're just trash at the game" comments as well. The great thing is that I can just collect video of what I'm seeing to be a bit more clear on what I am speaking about.

Light Bulb . Maybe there are settings to make the game play correctly?

Thank You For Reading
I've experienced the weird punching animation for both myself and the AI. It occurs when I throw a power shot, and don't allow the animation to go thru do to interrupting by me to quickly block or throw another punch.

I've gotten better at timing it as I pay on. The AI hasn't landed one of those yet in me. But I have experienced it.

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Old 10-12-2024, 02:08 PM   #50
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

My only real complaint about the game is not even gameplay. It’s the dirty practice of burying the standard edition of tue game. I went into the PlayStation store from my console and could only get the deluxe edition for 106.99 but I knew that the standard edition exists and it’s 79.99.
Had to go on my phone and enter the ps app to find that edition.
I got the standard version but I was quite annoyed at how they try to trick you into the more expensive versions.
Be wary people.

The game itself is fun and I expect some more updates are coming to include clinching. The game isn’t the same without that
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Old 10-12-2024, 05:17 PM   #51
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by kingsofthevalley
Ok, the 0.5 is off. It appears to be the lower this number is, the lesser effects. Just used it and A.I. stamina isn’t going down at all.

Went up to 1.5 and that did the trick. Wouldn’t go up higher than that as it seemed like AI couldn’t manage it and burned itself out (could’ve been that particular AIs aggressive style tho, they all have different styles).

Either way, it may need to be patched because whatever setting you pick , the players stamina burns much quicker with less output. Player has to slow your output waaay down.
Yeah I noticed the stamina drain issue as well. Maybe they could add separate stamina sliders for the hum/cpu so we could tweak it to our liking.
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Old 10-12-2024, 07:07 PM   #52
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

After reading through the posts, it seems the game has great promise, but there are some very glaring issues that may or may not be game breaking...as one who has not yet spent the money, but loves a good video boxing game, is it worth the purchase or will I just be disappointed.

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Old 10-12-2024, 08:34 PM   #53
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by mdiggitydawg
After reading through the posts, it seems the game has great promise, but there are some very glaring issues that may or may not be game breaking...as one who has not yet spent the money, but loves a good video boxing game, is it worth the purchase or will I just be disappointed.

I don't think anyone can definitively tell you that man. Depends on who you ask, some will say its great, some will say its not. Best boxing game ever created on consoles if you ask me. I'm having a great time, any issues and all.
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Old 10-12-2024, 08:40 PM   #54
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by kingsofthevalley
I don't think anyone can definitively tell you that man. Depends on who you ask, some will say its great, some will say its not. Best boxing game ever created on consoles if you ask me. I'm having a great time, any issues and all.

This is it in a nutshell for me. Best boxing game on the console ever made.

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Old 10-12-2024, 09:09 PM   #55
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

I’m enjoying the game for what it does right. Surprised though, especially coming from PC that there are not many options and/or sliders. Seemingly can only use Sim in a quick match. Surprised not an option in career mode.

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Old 10-12-2024, 10:00 PM   #56
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by Christian9
I’m enjoying the game for what it does right. Surprised though, especially coming from PC that there are not many options and/or sliders. Seemingly can only use Sim in a quick match. Surprised not an option in career mode.

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Exactly, it does some things right but also needs significant upgrades in a few areas, par the course with a lot of games imo. I’m curious, with this being SCIs first release how they’re going to handle the patches. They didn’t have to deal with patch certification process with PC, so this will be a new challenge for them. Hope they can navigate it smoothly. I’m wondering if they’ll release fixes all at the same time or if PC players will get the fixes earlier?

On another note, out of the many ways I determined they did a good job, the main reason for me is that I haven’t touched Madden or CFB since this released.

Last edited by kingsofthevalley; 10-12-2024 at 10:05 PM.
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