
Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

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Old 10-12-2024, 10:23 PM   #57
Po Pimp's Arena
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by cjallure24
I think I have a more positive outlook on the title coming from the early release on PC. The game feels so much smoother. The AI isn't perfect, but they provide a challenge, which is all I need to enjoy a video game.

The presentation is solid, there is room to improve it to "good" or even "great". My favorite mode is Career Mode. I think SCI missed the ball in Career Mode by not adding a interactive training mode or sparring session to get a better feel for you fighter. I do like that every career is different. Often times on FNC I would cruise to an undefeated record, and wouldn't get challenged early. That isn't the case with Undisputed. The randomness that happens during any given career can be both incredible or tragic.

I don't play online, so I can't speak on that, but as a primarily offline player. I'm happy with the title. Not saying that it's perfect. But there aren't any earth shattering issues that prevents me from enjoying my time.

I would say if you are on the fence and don't want to pay full price for the title, I would understand that decision. When this title does hit a sale, I would say pick it up. If you are a boxing fan, and want an alternative to FNC from time to time, definitely pick it up.
I thought Fight Night Round 2 had the best career mode in a boxing game. Not because of the mini games (which it did include) but the fact that when you picked a legend, you started your career in that era. For example, if you picked Ali, your career began in 1960 when he was 18 years old. You would never see Ali face Deontay Wilder, but as you advanced in your career, you would see a Joe Frazier rise up in the ranks a couple of years later. Even advancing through the 1970s, although you couldn’t fight him, you’d see Sugar Ray Leonard coming up through the ranks.

Imagine a boxing game with an “eras” mode similar to NBA2K where the presentation changes as the years pass?
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Old 10-12-2024, 10:33 PM   #58
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Re: Undisputed impression

Originally Posted by sawicki
Are there a list of changes from the pc version I've been playing the last year to the new release comming out ?

There’s definitely some things I’ve noticed that are different. I think the pace is a little quicker. The movement is a little more polished and the menus are cleaner.

I need to play the PC version tomorrow to make sure though.

It’s nice to have another boxing game. It’s been far too long.

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Old 10-13-2024, 12:45 AM   #59
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Re: Undisputed impression

Okay I discovered the longer the rounds, the more damage your punches do. 12 and 15 round fights is the way to go for sure. Don't even have to make it deep into the rounds either, the difference is immediate right in the 1st round.

For the longest time I was playing as Ali vs Wilder 8 rounds. I could do very little damage with Ali and got KO'ed by Wilder every time. Switched to 12 rounds, Ali jabs was rocking Wilder in the 1st round. I was shocked and ended up KO'ng Wilder in the 3rd. Played with some more fighters with 12 rounds and it was consistent, more damage from punches were being done.

Stamina however still don't change however, the USER still depletes way faster than the CPU. Some things I noticed different from earlier in the year, cuts have been severely nerfed to the point they are like non existent now. Same thing with swollen faces and eyes. Don't know what they did, but they had them in the game earlier in the year.
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Old 10-13-2024, 05:11 AM   #60
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
One thing I noticed with this game from playing on PC forever, is that this game depends heavily on counter punching and combos. They do the most damage. Regular punches do very little damage. My biggest issue with the game is when you rock the CPU, they turn into Floyd Mayweather and block EVERYTHING all of a sudden. And the fact they can move back faster than you can move forward when they are rocked. And I hate when they are rocked and they just lean back and all your punches all of a sudden can't reach them, I be like WTF.

Also it is very weird how often punches miss in this game. Leave you scratching your head like how did that miss when they are so close. Game pretty much force you to be a counter puncher. Tried to play with Ali as Ali and that was a no go. His jab missed 90% of the time and when it did connect, it didn't do damage like his jab did in real life.

So yeah they need to fix things. Especially need to fix the the USER burning stamina way faster than the CPU. Game is fun but yet annoying at the same time is the best way to describe it.

Also came across a bug last night fighting against Roy Jones Jr where when the round started he was just on his knee in the corner and wouldn't move for a good 30 seconds. Then when he did stand up, he didn't move, just stood there in the corner taking hits for a good 2 minutes straight.

Wish the roster was deeper though. So many legends missing.
Aren’t they adding a ton of boxers via DLC? Before they rebranded as “Undisputed”, I remember them talking about having 150+ fighters for the game. Is that not still the case that they were going to release more over time?
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Old 10-13-2024, 08:29 AM   #61
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by desouza7
Aren’t they adding a ton of boxers via DLC? Before they rebranded as “Undisputed”, I remember them talking about having 150+ fighters for the game. Is that not still the case that they were going to release more over time?
I hear it's supposed to be 6 fighters added every 6 weeks.
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Old 10-13-2024, 08:55 AM   #62
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Re: Undisputed impression

Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
Okay I discovered the longer the rounds, the more damage your punches do. 12 and 15 round fights is the way to go for sure. Don't even have to make it deep into the rounds either, the difference is immediate right in the 1st round.

For the longest time I was playing as Ali vs Wilder 8 rounds. I could do very little damage with Ali and got KO'ed by Wilder every time. Switched to 12 rounds, Ali jabs was rocking Wilder in the 1st round. I was shocked and ended up KO'ng Wilder in the 3rd. Played with some more fighters with 12 rounds and it was consistent, more damage from punches were being done.

Stamina however still don't change however, the USER still depletes way faster than the CPU. Some things I noticed different from earlier in the year, cuts have been severely nerfed to the point they are like non existent now. Same thing with swollen faces and eyes. Don't know what they did, but they had them in the game earlier in the year.
That’s strange, I’m seeing cuts and bruises pretty much every fight. Playing mostly career mode, however my last three online bouts were stopped due to significant swelling.
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Old 10-13-2024, 08:59 AM   #63
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by desouza7
Aren’t they adding a ton of boxers via DLC? Before they rebranded as “Undisputed”, I remember them talking about having 150+ fighters for the game. Is that not still the case that they were going to release more over time?
Yea, there’s still upwards of 40 + fighters already signed and coming in packs if I’m not mistaken. There’s also a career mode update coming in a month or so l believe. I know press conferences are being added, they’ve been scanning journalists for that. Ran across one of them (one of the hired journalists) randomly on Twitter that was talking about it.
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Old 10-13-2024, 10:07 AM   #64
StormsWarning's Arena
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Re: Undisputed Deluxe WBC Edition Launches Today - Post Your Impressions

I personally think they put the game as it was because it was in a state where most games are in today's Era, or what I like to call the patch era.

Games are released in a buyable beta form and then can be patched as time goes, I think they did this to not only get a sense of where there stood publicly but where the future in building more resources are or would be.

As I said, I think the game is decent for what it is, a video game, yeah of course there's loads of features, fighters and creation tools I'd like to see in the game but to be fair, for all of that to happen the game never would of never came out, for atleast another 5 years at best.

When you look at today's games most are people that buy are doing what? Screaming for patchees in this or that? Not enough of this, the game doesn't do that etc etc.

I believe it's gone take time, I tryed to create Mike Tyson on console and its absolutely attroius how bare bones the creation suite is, even the nicknames are bare bones.

I'm contemplating of saving up and purchasing an Xbox just for fight night champion, yeah the game is old but the mechanics were there and shelving this until it's had some patches and updates.

Right now it's ok to get in ring but that (ok what's next) is kicking in. So just give them time, I hold out hope that they will deliver just takes time, something they might not have had, especially once obligated release times come into play.

With Sony and Microsoft who knows what the contract related was, and there back was against the wall and said " hey it's good enough to release" we can always adjust and "patch" later.

Guess that's my 2 cents on it, that's how it feels to me.
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