
Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

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Old 06-03-2024, 08:08 PM   #129
noarmsduck's Arena
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

Originally Posted by GoDucks1224
I think we for sure can edit created players (for TB). But they're saying we can't edit players inside a dynasty. I would think that means generated players as well. Which, I'm kind of fine with when I think about what Matt said in that show. In real life when you recruit a player, you can't just edit his flaws out, or make him instantly go from a 3 star to a 5 star. So we just have to roll with what we are given. I mean, I never edited players ratings inside of dynasty anyway, but it seems like people are up in arms over the inability to make their 1 star team into a powerhouse overnight by cheating lol. As long as I can adjust equipment and jersey numbers I'm happy.
I always created custom recruits and went about it that way. I filter a few classic players in every few years to keep it fresh. I made a thread on it a few weeks back asking what others were planning on creating as I didn't imagine it would be left out. But with that not in the game the only option for me to get custom recruits would be editing random gen recruits. I also edit a bunch of players on several other teams as well. Say a team falls off that I want to remain a powerhouse and be a challenge to me, I buff a bunch of their players so that is the case.

And hell even further, I really don't care if someone wants to recruit a 1 star and make him a 99 ovr on his team. He's paying $70 for the game, he should be able to do what he wants with that in an offline dynasty, or even in an online dynasty if everyone else in the league is fine with it.

I don't see the consistency in the logic for removing such a thing. The justification is supposedly for NIL and to prevent people from making "Starch Lanning" or similar. Someone could just as easily make a player like that through create a player before dynasty setup or through teambuilder. The only thing removing it inside of Dynasty does in this context is screw over people who like roster control and also play dynasty long term.

I'm happy for people who will get enjoyment out of the game, but for me this is a big letdown. I was just as hyped as most here but hearing that we might not be able to edit players in dynasty killed all enthusiasm for the game for me, as if that's the case I won't even get it.
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Old 06-03-2024, 08:28 PM   #130
jerwoods's Arena
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

Originally Posted by BonesKnows85
Bottom line is that blocking the editing real life players and everything about them is fine. It’s the generated fake players I’m worried about. When I’m year 7-8 in dynasty and want to edit to fix a stupid name or bad equipment, ratings, or heights and weights I should be able to. Not being able to edit numbers and equipment would be a monumental blunder.

I get it the game went away and blah blah but if I’m sitting here playing in year 8 of dynasty and see all my players wearing odd ball equipment and unrealistic numbers the game will look stupid and unrealistic.

They can’t preach realism and sandbox and then not allow us to edit make believe generated players. Just lock out all the players in game at launch and let us edit the rest. This being left out makes playing dynasty mode unplayable IMO. Play now and simulating will be all it’s good for. People just don’t remember how awful EA is with generated recruits.
great post

i am not going to add futher but i hope in furure years
i just hope they lock the real life players out and let us edit fakes
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Old 06-03-2024, 08:32 PM   #131
jerwoods's Arena
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

Originally Posted by Dagan
I'll be serious so as to not be mistaken this time around. A few serious questions, per contradictions (as I see them) are:

You just purchased these kids' NIL for their college careers in full, and you don't want to give anyone allowance to edit them, no matter how suddenly it winds up that your equipment, numbers, height and weight (because we all know how accurate that always is) and ratings "according to you" only come across?

You expect all of us to trust and/or wait for your company to only ever update all of these things instead, and you trust that it will meet everyone's approval?

What's the legal difference between your fake recruits generated compared to any we could come up with (idiot or prank names aside) ?

If I make a teambuilder team, which always removes another team in the game, then how is that any different regarding "editing," since that is beyond negating an entire team of NIL kids and their stats to beyond zero? That's removing their existence and participation completely, correct?

If I can change any team to play in any conference suddenly, then isn't that directly affecting stats, ratings, any NIL player's chosen preference to where they are? More importantly, if changing a school in or out of conferences therefore forces any single NIL player to transfer away from that school, isn't that possibility of seeing the eventual video of their name in a school uniform that they themselves and/or their actual school that they play for (in real life) make for a possibly messy, angry, litigious situation ???

I'm being serious this time. I can absolutely see any of these things being why / what tanks this game, if the powers that be can't just chill out and let fiction be fiction. Let a game be a freaking game, in full. I get being wary of some things, but that shouldn't make your ability to reason, use common sense or apply logic just completely shutdown and get tossed out the window.
let say a-state goes 10-2 plays well @ mich will they still get hosed

madden has a hard time keeping up with 32 NFL teams much less 134 College teams
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Old 06-03-2024, 08:43 PM   #132
jerwoods's Arena
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

Originally Posted by GoDucks1224
I doubt we get many concrete answers to these unless someone shares the exact wording of the NIL agreement. But I reckon that in 2026 when revenue sharing comes in, the players will likely have formed a union. It's the logical next step, so when that happens EA will have a union to bargain with like they do with NFL/NHL and that would open the doors for us to have a lot more autonomy in game. So maybe you guys are just gonna have to wait a couple years if this really kills the game for you.
it wont kill the game for me
just will likely do play now
and see if this issue get fixed for 26

also will allow me to put the 2024 rosters in ncaa 14 already made arch manning only bad thing is his face is off and most of the player modes look like O-Lineman

and what if some statres refuse the player union like i couild see Miss arkansas ky idaho refuse it
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Old 06-03-2024, 08:55 PM   #133
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

Originally Posted by jerwoods
it wont kill the game for me
just will likely do play now
and see if this issue get fixed for 26

also will allow me to put the 2024 rosters in ncaa 14 already made arch manning only bad thing is his face is off and most of the player modes look like O-Lineman

and what if some statres refuse the player union like i couild see Miss arkansas ky idaho refuse it
If there is a nationwide players union, and only a handful of states block them in the courts, then players will just not go to those schools. They'll go to schools that are unionized, which will be the overwhelming majority now that they are going to be deemed employees (which was the biggest hurdle). Do you think the schools in those states want that?
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Old 06-03-2024, 09:08 PM   #134
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

Very lame you can't edit NIL players ratings. Why? Let's see what the players ratings actually look like in the final product but I have a sinking feeling some players negotiated minimum ratings.

I like messing around with the ratings to make them be what I think they should be. I play Out Of The Park baseball on PC which lets you edit absolutely everything so these console games are killing me.
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Old 06-03-2024, 09:09 PM   #135
stoncold32's Arena
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

I just don't see how some of you are "fine with" not being able to edit ratings on NIL players.

My example again, say you watch a real kid go out on Sat for 15 catches, 270yds and 4TDs....if you're anything like me, you'll want to turn your game and gl play as that player.

Gonna suck when you turn the game on and that kid is a 69 overall with incorrect ratings and you can't so squat about it bc you can't edit his ratings. Sorry but that's just stupid.

And who made EAs ratings, God? They are opinions just the same as my rating changes are opinions. Has nothing to do with NIL. If ur an NIL athlete, and EA says you suck via your rating, you're not gonna be happy about that
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Old 06-03-2024, 09:12 PM   #136
jerwoods's Arena
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

Originally Posted by GoDucks1224
If there is a nationwide players union, and only a handful of states block them in the courts, then players will just not go to those schools. They'll go to schools that are unionized, which will be the overwhelming majority now that they are going to be deemed employees (which was the biggest hurdle). Do you think the schools in those states want that?
they are always 1 or 2 holdouts on everything

boise St coach has already said he will not let his freshman sign NIL deals
Clem Coach does not use the portal
BC Coach last year left for a DC NFL job with GB

u might be right on Miss and arkansas because those staies will do anything to win in football

but idaho utah wyo new hamp might also be a holdup and if ea wants FCS teams in future years all 50 staies have a FCS team

and i hope u are right on this by the way

the big add for Ncaa 26 will be real coachers

what u are talking about will most likely have to be in ncaa 27 at best

Last edited by jerwoods; 06-03-2024 at 09:17 PM.
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