
Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

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Old 06-03-2024, 09:13 PM   #137
1ke's Arena
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

All that we seem to know for sure, even according to Matt is that editing player ratings seems to be off the table inside and outside of Dynasty mode.

For me personally, that's fine. I never change the player ratings anyway. I always thought that was cheating.

He also said EA has to answer these questions and they will in the future. So in time we'll know all we need to know.
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Old 06-03-2024, 09:17 PM   #138
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

Originally Posted by 1ke
All that we seem to know for sure, even according to Matt is that editing player ratings seems to be off the table inside and outside of Dynasty mode.

For me personally, that's fine. I never change the player ratings anyway. I always thought that was cheating.

He also said EA has to answer these questions and they will in the future. So in time we'll know all we need to know.
Who cares if it's cheating in an offline dynasty.
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Old 06-03-2024, 09:26 PM   #139
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

Originally Posted by kevinnm
Who cares if it's cheating in an offline dynasty.
Well me.....

But hey, You do you I ain't mad.
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Old 06-03-2024, 09:38 PM   #140
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

I also have never edited any player ratings, but i do like accurate jersey numbers

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Old 06-03-2024, 09:55 PM   #141
GoDucks1224's Arena
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Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

Originally Posted by jerwoods
they are always 1 or 2 holdouts on everything

boise St coach has already said he will not let his freshman sign NIL deals
Clem Coach does not use the portal
BC Coach last year left for a DC NFL job with GB

u might be right on Miss and arkansas because those staies will do anything to win in football

but idaho utah wyo new hamp might also be a holdup and if ea wants FCS teams in future years all 50 staies have a FCS team

and i hope u are right on this by the way

the big add for Ncaa 26 will be real coachers

what u are talking about will most likely have to be in ncaa 27 at best

BSU head coach clarified later that day that he has no legal ability to stop them from signing NIL deals, or even from stopping the collective from offering deals. He said nothing of consequence lol. Just puffed his chest. If a handful of states prevent unionization players will not go to those states. Those schools will fall into irrelevancy. It won’t happen.
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Old 06-03-2024, 09:56 PM   #142
GoDucks1224's Arena
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Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

Originally Posted by kevinnm
Who cares if it's cheating in an offline dynasty.

Cheat all you want. I just explained why I don’t care that you can or can’t anymore lol.
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Old 06-03-2024, 10:02 PM   #143
texranger's Arena
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

Originally Posted by stoncold32
I just don't see how some of you are "fine with" not being able to edit ratings on NIL players.

My example again, say you watch a real kid go out on Sat for 15 catches, 270yds and 4TDs....if you're anything like me, you'll want to turn your game and gl play as that player.

Gonna suck when you turn the game on and that kid is a 69 overall with incorrect ratings and you can't so squat about it bc you can't edit his ratings. Sorry but that's just stupid.

And who made EAs ratings, God? They are opinions just the same as my rating changes are opinions. Has nothing to do with NIL. If ur an NIL athlete, and EA says you suck via your rating, you're not gonna be happy about that
I get your frustration I mean I want to be able to edit EVERYTHING as well.

However what I don't get -- and what people don't seem to understand is -- there may be LEGAL ramifications (and I suspect we prolly won't know for sure, maybe ever) if they let us modify the stuff that they have locked right now. So, instead of not putting out a game this year, they have chosen to lock us out of stuff that we used to be able to do for now. So I'm ok with it, but I sure hope it changes back to what we could edit in NCAA 14 in the years to come.

I mean my guess is in order to get all the schools to agree etc etc, EA prolly HAD to agree to some of these "lock outs". I would have bought a generic game with all the trimmings, but I don't think most buyer's of the game would have with out the Schools at least. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong...

Oh and I'm not tryin' to be a jerk or anything, like I said I agree with a lot of what your sayin', but I think there's some stuff either we don't understand (legally I mean) as to why they made the choices they made. I REALLY don't think the dev team made these choices (as others have indicated) without the "SUITS" telling them what they could and coudn't do...

Last edited by texranger; 06-03-2024 at 10:10 PM.
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Old 06-03-2024, 10:43 PM   #144
young22's Arena
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Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

I think a lot of you are forgetting just how clutch full editing was in NCAA 14.

- Equipment was awful. Recruits came in wearing the bulky Revo helmets, weird equipment. I would spend a couple hours editing equipment for me and my opponents over the course of a season.

- Too many white corners, white running backs, black kickers and punters, black statue pocket passers. No Samoans either. Breaks realism for me.

- Weird builds. 6'5 220 guys with bad CTH/CIT but great route running, 5'10 receivers with 82 speed and great CTH/CIT, corners with 85 man coverage and 94 speed but 77 agility, 240 pound DL with the skillsets of nose tackles. Also, being able to play with ratings for the sake of gameplay could be huge. In NCAA 14, QB strength was an effective way to differentiate QBs because it influenced trajectories. Awareness also needed edits because you'd have a bunch of 90 overalls with 55 awareness at positions that didn't get in season boosts. Made offense too easy, especially when running the read option or any play action passes.

- Lack of impact freshmen. You'd only really see freshmen play if 4/5 star guys somehow wound up on mediocre teams. Without created prospects (confirmed to not be in iirc) and edits, 90% of starters were 4th or 5th year players.

- I would often tweak weight and physicals when changing positions. WR to TE I'd bulk him up, raise his strength, CIT, blocking a few points but drop his SPD/AGI/ACC/RTE, stuff like that.

- Weights didn't progress properly so a guy coming in at 170 (not super uncommon) would leave at 174. Minor but still something I'd tweak sometimes.

Player progression was also very mediocre. Players improved in a very linear fashion and once you got to 5/6 stars it was just way too easy to have 85+ overalls 2-deep everywhere, especially when considering how easy recruiting already was. If you brought in a guy who was a 75 overall to a top school, he'd pretty much always hit 85+ withing 2 years, sometimes even higher.

I won't complain about generated recruits or player progression if we can edit everything, but if we can't tweak things to our liking it will cheapen Dynasty significantly imo. We have to be able to edit everything on generated players. I'm very picky and I know a lot of us on here are as well. I don't expect EA to focus on what OS users want but I do expect them to give us the tools to optimize the game.
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