
Uniform Updates 6.0

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Old 06-21-2013, 05:42 PM   #9
Xero Theory 42's Arena
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by TripleCrown9
Oregon State is the school you're looking for.
and shouldnt UConn be included in this as well?
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Old 06-21-2013, 05:44 PM   #10
mm boost's Arena
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Virginia Tech no longer has nor wears the TV style throwback logo on their helmets or uniforms. Last year was the last time they will ever use them. These need to be removed.

There are numerous helmets from last year that VT wore that are missing on the game. White helmet with the solid orange VT logo, the matte maroon helmets from the Russell Athletic bowl (I know EA says they don't do bowl games, but they put VT's orange helmet in NCAA 12 after they had only wore the helmet once previously against Stanford in the Orange Bowl). Their camo helmets and uniforms are missing from last year as well, and their orange/maroon camo helmets from the game against Marshall this upcoming season. holding out hope these are on the DLC.
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Old 06-21-2013, 05:52 PM   #11
shanemaddox's Arena
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Toledo wore 3 different helmets last season.

Default should be a matte navy with the rocket logo only on one side and numbers on the other.

Alternate should be a matte yellow with the rocket logo only on one side and numbers on the other.

2nd alternate is the matte navy with a throwback UT on the helmet.

All can be viewed on their website or just googling. Font number on side of helmet is the same as the jersey.

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Old 06-21-2013, 05:57 PM   #12
Iceman87GT's Arena
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by Cdog923
I don't know if Teambuilder is incredibly accurate to the finished product. I looked at Nebraska's uniforms last night, and they are exactly the same as their versions in '12 and '13. However, I have noticed in pictures that in-game, they have the B1G patch and Adidas patch in the appropriate places, which are missing in Teambuilder.
It wouldn't be the first time that has happened, but I'm doing the list now anyways, I'll remove the ones that are actually correct in-game but display incorrectly in teambuilder when the game launches.

This is promising for TAMU, though I don't know why TAMU would not have a SEC logo but Miss St. would have one added if they would show up regardless. Plus we've seen Bama in multiple screenshots and the demo with the old pennant.

I doubt we'll see certain uniforms with completely different designs from their teambuilder counterparts I imagine the only discrepancies will be with patches.

Originally Posted by runnernation2
I'd like to see UTSA's new tech fit uniforms, plus the orange ones they wore against Texas State with the new helmets, and if none of that is possible at least give them the orange pants they wore for have the season
This isn't a request thread, its a reporting thread. The Orange jersey was on the first version of the list so I don't know how you didn't see that, I'm getting around to the helmets. Also if you had checked teambuilder you would see that they have the techfit uniforms in there.

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Old 06-21-2013, 06:06 PM   #13
Iceman87GT's Arena
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by Xero Theory 42
and shouldnt UConn be included in this as well?
Will add them to the expected list, we know about 3 that stuck out to someone when he asked someone at E3 about the uniform pack, UConn was not among those but I would be absolutely shocked if they didn't make it in on that pack.

Originally Posted by mm boost
Virginia Tech no longer has nor wears the TV style throwback logo on their helmets or uniforms. Last year was the last time they will ever use them. These need to be removed.

There are numerous helmets from last year that VT wore that are missing on the game. White helmet with the solid orange VT logo, the matte maroon helmets from the Russell Athletic bowl (I know EA says they don't do bowl games, but they put VT's orange helmet in NCAA 12 after they had only wore the helmet once previously against Stanford in the Orange Bowl). Their camo helmets and uniforms are missing from last year as well, and their orange/maroon camo helmets from the game against Marshall this upcoming season. holding out hope these are on the DLC.
They retired 2 logos effective January 1st, the TV logo was one and the Fighting Gobbler was the other, that logo is no longer in use, I doubt they would make a big deal about retiring it only to wear it again (that was the logo's last hurrah).

Camo helmets were one offs, you may see the ones they wear this year as paid DLC (not going to be free I can tell you that much), 2 feet ones were also one-offs, I'll add the White with the orange VT to the list (because they wore it more than once) and add the other 2 to a one-offs list when I get everything up and running. Don't expect to get anymore than what is already in though, and if you do get any expect to put down a few bucks if you want to grab them.
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Old 06-21-2013, 06:25 PM   #14
dhs22p's Arena
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Idaho also had a 2nd black helmet:
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Old 06-21-2013, 06:32 PM   #15
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

LSU's purple jerseys are correct, Iceman

edit: WAIT JUST A GOD DAMN MINUTE, Teambuilder doesn't have sleeve numbers on the uniforms.

And may thy spirit live in us, Forever LSU


Last edited by Watson; 06-21-2013 at 06:42 PM.
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Old 06-21-2013, 06:50 PM   #16
Iceman87GT's Arena
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Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by dhs22p
Idaho also had a 2nd black helmet:
Will add, I saw that while looking for the other helmet, but it wasn't showing up on the Helmet Project so I thought it was a one-off from a few years ago.

Originally Posted by Watson
LSU's purple jerseys are correct, Iceman

edit: WAIT JUST A GOD DAMN MINUTE, Teambuilder doesn't have sleeve numbers on the uniforms.

Don't worry, they are right in-game:

My remark was that the white jersey appears to have been updated to the new cut but the purple jersey may not have been.
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