
Armor & Sword's CFB 25 Custom Dynasty Mode Sliders

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Old 07-15-2024, 12:04 PM   #1
The Lama
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Armor & Sword's CFB 25 Custom Dynasty Mode Sliders

Armor & Sword's College Football 25 Custom Dynasty Mode Sliders

Welcome to our Slider thread. So this is a first time slider thread for me with EA's College Football series. We have always developed Madden, The Show and 2K but this will be our first attempt to give the community a really solid base slider set.

My initial thoughts are we will test on All American and go from there. I also want to talk about several things before we embark on this journey to provide again.....a solid base set for the community to tweak to their skill level and wants and needs.

For those of you who do not know me.....I have been around here for some 15 years now? Jeez.....it's been that long!! I have been playing console sports video games hardcore since 1979. I am a pioneer console video gamer. I have been developing and sharing slider sets since 2003.

Some ground rules we have here:

1. We are a highly positive nest here. We will not respond to trolls, vile negativity and questions without substance and mitigating factors backing it up. I don't really swim in the general forums, nor pay attention to youtubers and non simulation minded players. I make up my own mind about the game and share constructive feedback, tips and ideas in a mature manner.

2. Constructive feedback is always welcomed but "these are too easy" comments won't even be acknowledged. I am 54 years young. I look to have fun first and foremost. Sample Size is so critical folks......give the sliders and game time to breath. Play at least 12 games to really get a feel of what this set provides then make up your mind. If they are not for you...hey that's cool. We have other highly talented slider gurus here at OS.

3. "It's your universe" - In Dynasty mode...anything goes! It's your game. Have fun with it. Storylines are the foundation of having a long and rewarding experience. Yes we want to get some realism (well as much as we can).....my ultimate goal is to have the game feel and play and look like what you see on Saturdays (and Thursday nights). Will it be perfect? Of course not....but we can get it close. I am a totally clean screen player (as much as the game allows me to be) so also know we try to shut off all aides if we can.

4. I am at heart a "feel the game" slider maker. For those who have followed me for years and have used my slider sets on The Show and Madden you guys know what I am all about. I do not and will not let statistics bog me down. If the game is fun and feels great....MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

5. Share your stories - we always welcome folks to share their game moments, great storylines and dynasty highs and lows.....that's what it is all about.

6. Please just don't be a doosh. It's really simple. Be excellent to each other here.

So that covers it. I do ask for a lot of patience in this process. We have a brand new game 11 years in the making and a lot of "stuff" to sort thru.

Here is my promise. I will absolutely be working to provide a fair, balanced and most importantly fun set of sliders that you can either play value for value or tweak to your taste. I am also going to really test different levels of schools.

134 plus schools means there is no such thing as a one size fits all so we are going to really hone in what sliders may need different values for 1 and 2 star schools vs 4 and 5 star schools. I want you to struggle with 1 and 2 star schools like you should but I also want that big upset to happen in your 4 and 5 star dynasties as well as a huge victory with your 1 or 2 star school. So patience is critical as I have a lot to go thru.

Road To Glory - YES!!! I am also going to play Road to Glory and will post any tweaks needed for your RTG as a QB/RB. Those are the only two positions I will play as. Most likely a QB. Again that will come later down the line and should not be too much different (if at all from the core Dynasty Human vs CPU set).

One more thing you should know about me.......once I lock in my final set....it's off we go into our proper Dynasty run. We will stream every single game of our Dynasty/Dynasty's as well as our RTG at some point. We do make adjustments if needed from updates but generally speaking.....we don't get Slideritis......just not in our blood.

Let's have fun everyone. I look forward to seeing a lot of you on the streams and interacting here on OS.

All American Game and Slider Settings Version 3.6 8/7/24

User Settings

Game Options

Coin Toss 1st Choice - Kick
Coin Toss 2nd Choice - Against Wind
Kicking - Tap and Tap
Passing Type - Classic
Passing Slowdown - None
Pass Lead Increase - Medium
Reticle Speed - 1
Reticle Visibility - Hidden
Meter Visibility - Hidden

Gameplay Helpers:

Auto Flip Defensive Play Call - Off
Defensive Ball Hawk - On
Defensive Heat Seeker - On
Defensive Heat Seeker Window Size - 100
Defensive Switch Assist - On
Controlled Player art - Off

Visual Feedback:

Dynamic Play Call - Off
Play Call Button Layout - Square, Cross, Triangle
Previous Play Information - On

On Field:

On Field Visual feedback - Off
On Field Trainer - Off
Defensive Pass Coverage Visual Assist - Off
Receiver Visual Assist - Off
Drive Goals Feedback - Off
Dynasty Bottom Line Ticker - Scores Only
Coaching Tips - Off
Pre-snap Menu - On
Players Names - Pre-Snap Only


Camera Toggle - On
Passing Cam - On
Offensive Camera Settings - Standard, Zoom, All 22
Defense Camera Settings - Standard

Volume Control:

Audio Mix - Broadcast

Dynasty Settings:

Skill Level - All American
Coach Firing - On
Coach XP Speed Setting - Slower (User Choice)
Player Edit Permission - Any Player
Injury - On
Wear and Tear - On

Clock Management:

Quarter Length - 11 Minutes
Accelerated Clock - On
Minimum Play Clock Time - 20

User Team Help:

Season Experience - Full Control
League Advancement - Manual

Team Settings:

Auto Recruiting - Off
User Coach Auto Progression - Off

XP Sliders - Please use this link below to use Funkcorms XP Sliders!!!https://forums.operationsports.com/f...-everyone.html

Gameplay Sliders:

Player Skill (+/-) indicates change from previous version values

QB Accuracy - 25 (+5)
Pass Blocking - 65
WR Catching - 50
Run Blocking - 45
Fumbles - 35
Pass Defense Reaction Time - 60
Interceptions - 25
Pass Coverage - 60
Tackling - 49

CPU Skill

QB Accuracy - 20
Pass Blocking - 60
WR Catching - 50
Run Blocking - 60
Fumbles - 35
Pass Defense Reaction Time - 50
Interceptions - 20 (-5)
Pass Coverage - 50
Tackling - 49

Special Teams

FG Power - 50
FG Accuracy - 35
Punt Power - 50
Punt Accuracy - 45
Kickoff Power - 55

Game Options

Injuries - 53
Fatigue - 65
Min Player Speed Threshold - 75


Offside - 80
False Start - 80
Holding - 58
Face Mask - 90 (+10)
Defensive Pass Interference - 95
Illegal Block In The Back - 75
Roughing Passer - 50
All other penalties turned “On”

"Average Joe" All American Dynasty Sliders V1 8/7/24

User Settings

Game Options

Coin Toss 1st Choice - Kick
Coin Toss 2nd Choice - Against Wind
Kicking - Tap and Tap
Passing Type - Classic
Passing Slowdown - None
Pass Lead Increase - Medium
Reticle Speed - 1
Reticle Visibility - Hidden
Meter Visibility - Hidden

Gameplay Helpers:

Auto Flip Defensive Play Call - Off
Defensive Ball Hawk - On
Defensive Heat Seeker - On
Defensive Heat Seeker Window Size - 100%
Defensive Switch Assist - On
Controlled Player art - Off

Visual Feedback:

Dynamic Play Call - Off
Play Call Button Layout - Square, Cross, Triangle
Previous Play Information - On

On Field:

On Field Visual feedback - Off
On Field Trainer - Off
Defensive Pass Coverage Visual Assist - Off
Receiver Visual Assist - Off
Drive Goals Feedback - Off
Dynasty Bottom Line Ticker - Scores Only
Coaching Tips - Off
Pre-snap Menu - On
Players Names - Pre-Snap Only


Camera Toggle - On
Passing Cam - On
Offensive Camera Settings - Standard, Zoom, All 22
Defense Camera Settings - Standard

Volume Control:

Audio Mix - Broadcast

Dynasty Settings:

Skill Level - All American
Coach Firing - On
Coach XP Speed Setting - Slower (User Choice)
Player Edit Permission - Any Player
Injury - On
Wear and Tear - On

Clock Management:

Quarter Length - 11 Minutes
Accelerated Clock - On
Minimum Play Clock Time - 20

User Team Help:

Season Experience - Full Control
League Advancement - Manual

Team Settings:

Auto Recruiting - Off
User Coach Auto Progression - Off

XP Sliders - Please use this link below to use Funkcorms XP Sliders!!!https://forums.operationsports.com/f...-everyone.html

Gameplay Sliders:

Player Skill (+/-) indicates change from previous version values

QB Accuracy - 35
Pass Blocking - 65
WR Catching - 50
Run Blocking - 55
Fumbles - 38
Pass Defense Reaction Time - 60
Interceptions - 20
Pass Coverage - 60
Tackling - 49

CPU Skill

QB Accuracy - 25
Pass Blocking - 55
WR Catching - 50
Run Blocking - 65
Fumbles - 35
Pass Defense Reaction Time - 40
Interceptions - 20
Pass Coverage - 40
Tackling - 49

Special Teams

FG Power - 50
FG Accuracy - 35
Punt Power - 50
Punt Accuracy - 45
Kickoff Power - 55

Game Options

Injuries - 53
Fatigue - 65
Min Player Speed Threshold - 70


Offside - 80
False Start - 80
Holding - 58
Face Mask - 90
Defensive Pass Interference - 95
Illegal Block In The Back - 75
Roughing Passer - 50
All other penalties turned “On”

Armor's Varsity "Average Joe" Slider Set Version 5.0 10/22/24

Coin Toss 1st Choice - Kick
Coin Toss 2nd Choice - Against Wind
Kicking - Tap and Tap
Passing Type - Classic
Passing Slowdown - None
Pass Lead Increase - Medium
Reticle Speed - 1
Reticle Visibility - Hidden
Meter Visibility - Hidden

Gameplay Helpers:

Auto Flip Defensive Play Call - Off
Defensive Ball Hawk - On
Defensive Heat Seeker - On
Defensive Heat Seeker Window Size - 100%
Defensive Switch Assist - On
Controlled Player art - Off

Visual Feedback:

Dynamic Play Call - Off
Play Call Button Layout - Square, Cross, Triangle
Previous Play Information - On

On Field:

On Field Visual feedback - Off
On Field Trainer - Off
Defensive Pass Coverage Visual Assist - Off
Receiver Visual Assist - Off
Drive Goals Feedback - Off
Dynasty Bottom Line Ticker - Scores Only
Coaching Tips - Off
Pre-snap Menu - On
Players Names - Pre-Snap Only


Camera Toggle - On
Passing Cam - On
Offensive Camera Settings - Standard, Zoom, All 22
Defense Camera Settings - Standard, Zoom

Volume Control:

Audio Mix - Broadcast

Dynasty Settings:

Skill Level - Varsity
Coach Firing - On
Coach XP Speed Setting - Slower (User Choice)
Player Edit Permission - Any Player
Injury - On
Wear and Tear - On

Clock Management:

Quarter Length - 11 Minutes
Accelerated Clock - On
Minimum Play Clock Time - 20

User Team Help:

Season Experience - Full Control
League Advancement - Manual

Team Settings:

Auto Recruiting - Off
User Coach Auto Progression - Off

Human Sliders

QB Accuracy - 20
Pass Blocking - 55
WR Catching - 50
Run Blocking - 15
Fumbles - 35
Pass Defense Reaction Time - 50
Interceptions - 20 (-5)
Pass Coverage - 50
Tackling - 35 (+3)

CPU Skill

QB Accuracy - 20
Pass Blocking - 65 (+10)
WR Catching - 50
Run Blocking - 80
Fumbles - 35
Pass Defense Reaction Time - 50
Interceptions - 25
Pass Coverage - 50
Tackling - 75 (+5)

Special Teams

FG Power - 50
FG Accuracy - 35
Punt Power - 55 (+5)
Punt Accuracy - 45
Kickoff Power - 55

Game Options

Injuries - 53
Fatigue - 65
Min Player Speed Threshold - 50


Offside - 70 (-10)
False Start - 80
Holding - 58
Face Mask - 90
Defensive Pass Interference - 95
Illegal Block In The Back - 75
Roughing Passer - 50
All other penalties turned “On”

Recruiting House Rules

1. Whatever your star rating is you can only recruit two stars above your star rating in your Main Pipeline States. These are Tier 5 and Tier 4 states (Purple and Blue respectively). Your home state regardless of color tier ranking you can go two stars above. So if you are a school in Florida....you can recruit 2 stars above your prestige in the state of Florida.

Tier 5 and Tier 4 Pipeline states you can go after anyone 2 stars above your teams prestige rating. Pipeline states have a ribbon and color tier associated with them. The color tiers are 1) Purple, 2) Blue, 3) Gold, 4) Silver 5)Bronze. Purple is the highest tier pipeline state and Bronze is lowest.

You can only go after 2 star above your prestige in Purple and Blue pipeline states.

Also you can only go after players on the recommended list on the prospect list tab. This is how the AI does it. So you are building a prospect list exactly like the CPU.[/i]

Again you can only build your recruit list from the Recommended list tab.

You can select one national recruit not on the recommended list and in any state once per season and only if they list you in the top 10 when setting up your board in the pre-season. And you can fully scout this one exception recruit.

For example for NC State I am a 4 star rated school. I can recruit 5 star players from my main pipeline States (Purple, Blue). Only 1 star above from the rest (Gold, Silver, Bronze). However even if my home state NC was only say a gold tier....since it is my home state I can go 2 stars above.

I can choose one national 5 star player (or any star player for that matter) I want to pursue if they list me in their top 10 initially....but that's if it's outside of the pipelines mentioned. If you are a one star school you can only go as high as 2 stars nationally but you can make one exception outside your pipeline states as mentioned above and only if they list you in their top 10 pre season.

If it is your Primary pipeline states you can try to recruit 2 stars above. But outside your Primary pipeline state it can only be 1 star max above your schools stars rating. The complete chart is below

Recruiting Star Rating Rules Chart:

1-1.5 star school - Can only recruit up to 3 star players in Top Tier states (Purple and Blue), home state and chosen pipeline state of your coach. The rest can only be 1 star above. You can try to recruit a 3 star player outside of your Top Tier Pipeline states once a year (or not a pipeline state) and if they have you listed in the top 10 initially.

2-2.5 star rated school - Can only recruit up to 4 star player in Top Tier states (Purple and Blue), home state and chosen pipeline state of your coach. You can try to recruit a 4 star player outside of your Top Tier Pipeline states once a year (or not a pipeline state) and if they have you listed in the top 10 initially.

3-3.5 star rated school - Can only recruit up to 5 star player in Top Tier states (Purple and Blue), home state and chosen pipeline state of your coach. Outside of that can only recruit 1 star above nationally (4 star players) if in top 10 initially. You can try to recruit a 5 star player outside of your Top Tier Pipeline states once a year (or not a pipeline state) and if they have you listed in the top 10 initially.

4-5 star rated school - Can only recruit up to 5 star player in top tier pipeline states (Purple and Blue), home state and chosen pipeline state of your coach. Outside of that can only recruit 1 star above nationally (4 star players) and choose one 5 star rated player nationally or outside of your pipeline if interest is in the top 10 initially.

2. Scouting - I can only fully scout players in pipeline Purple tier or Blue tier (Home state as well regardless of tier) and only scout 80% in Gold and Silver tiers. 40% in the Bronze tier. This will help limit my discovery of Gems and Busts and make that more rewarding when it happens outside of my home state. I found scouting to be OP. I can easily discover gems around the country and outside my main pipeline state. Also A player must list you as a Top 10 school out of the gate to be scouted at all.

Each class you can choose one player to fully scout outside your pipeline states or a tier Gold, Silver or Bronze (if thats what you want) and they must have you in their top 10 schools on your initial board. So this plays into the "prospect camp" aspect and hometown kids are typically the biggest participants in your camps.

3. You can only add players to your board where you are listed in their top 10.

4. You can select one national recruit not on the recommended list and in any state once per season and only if they list you in the top 10 when setting up your board in the pre-season. And you can fully scout this one exception recruit as well.

5. You can also make one exception to any player not in the Purple or Blue Tier to fully scout. (this is in addition to going after one National recruit of your choice in any tier or state and fully scouting them).

I think with those simple house rules you can make recruiting a little more challenging and rewarding with taking on smaller schools and trying to build them up slowly. If we get more ideas we will update this section!
Gameplay and Dynasty Tips and Helpers

This section is a work in progress and will added to as the cycle moves forward.

Pre Snap Line Adjustments and ID'ing the Mike LB
The first topic we will cover is the great tools we now have on CFB 25 for OL blocking assignments and pre snap adjustments to help pass protection and even the running game! Using these tools is essential to long term success and lowering frustration. Make pre snap adjustments as part of your routine every time you come to the line of scrimmage.

Below in this link is an outstanding video explaining what all the different OL adjustments are (slider protections, ID the Mike, etc) and how to use them. I highly suggest everyone watch it.


The Running Game 101 and cooling down potential holding and blocks in the back

Running the football is a huge part of the college game. With 134 teams and all kinds of different schemes and playbooks and skill levels....you may find yourself a run heavy team and relying on the run to set up the pass. Here are some quick hitter tips in order to get better and limit your penalties.

1. Lay off the turbo button - We have played enough to already see if you find your lane, hole...hit it and lay off the turbo till you get to the second level. Take the 3,4,5.6 yard gains without having to jam your sprint button. When you lay off the sprint button you will see holding calls calm down a lot. Our penalty sliders have been tuned to about as close to a realistic simulation as can be and I highly suggest you use those values to a "T". Use your side step moves to navigate thru the lanes (slight feather on the left stick right or left) and run north and south. On outside zone running plays use that cut back lane effectively. And sometimes...just be resolved to take the loss or 1-2 yard gain when nothing is there.

2. Line Adjustments - The topic above this one really explains how you can slide your blocking either full or half to become more effective at run blocking based on the "look" you are seeing in the box. And don't be afraid to audible! Again "ID'ing the Mike" is a huge part of football and success in pass protection and running the football.

3. Know your personnel, know their special abilities as well. Know their weakness's. Know your opponent and learn to make adjustments to your play calling. The new Adaptive AI is a real game changer on CFB 25.

4. Sink your teeth into your playbook and learn how to use RPO's and option plays. Once you unlock that skill....this game goes to new levels of fun and excitement. Use the practice field to run all kinds of different running plays and find your big 12 that you know are your bread and butter and then find another special 12 to unleash after lulling the defense into your Big 12. The adaptive AI will shut you down if you keep giving them the same looks and formations over and over.

5. If you are having a tough time...slowly move up your run blocking slider. You can do it in increments of 5 till you find your sweet spot.

6. Penalty Sliders, coaching adjustments and the running game - Your team ratings, wear and tear, fatigue all play a major factor. I feel like we have really nailed penalties and they are not overdone at all. You will have critical holding or black in the back calls in the course of a game that's football. So use the above tips and....your coaching adjustments in your playbook screen. Click down your RS (R3) and the menu of your coaching adjustments will pop up. Set your OL to conservative to lower the aggressiveness of your offensive line in run and pass blocking. While this will curb your RNG chances for a penalty.....it will make your running game and pass protection harder to manage....so again pre snap adjustments on your OL are CRITICAL.
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Last edited by Armor and Sword; 10-22-2024 at 03:57 PM.
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Old 07-15-2024, 12:04 PM   #2
The Lama
Armor and Sword's Arena
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Join Date: Sep 2010
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Re: Armor & Sword's CFB 25 Custom Dynasty Mode Sliders

Realignment has come to the College Football Landscape...it's time to go back to basics

In a stunning development this off-season the NCAA realigned and put their foot down after many cries from many fans around the country.

For 2024 and beyond the Pac 12 has been revived after teams were defecting in large numbers.

Also the Governing body for NCAA Division 1 went back to some divisional formats in some of the conferences.

Here is where all 134 teams are!

Pac 12 North Division

Oregon State
Washington State

Pac 12 South Division

Arizona State

SEC East Division

South Carolina

SEC West Division

Texas A&M
Ole Miss
Mississppi State

ACC Atlantic Division

Wake Forest
NC State
Boston College

ACC Costal Division

Georgia Tech
Virginia Tech

Big 10 East Division

Ohio State
Penn State
Michigan State

Big 10 West Division


Big 12

Oklahoma State
Iowa State
Kansas State
West Virginia
Texas Tech

MAC East Division

Miami Ohio
Bowling Green
Kent State

MAC West Division

North Illinois
Eastern Michigan
Central Michigan
Ball State
Western Michigan

American Conference

North Texas
East Carolina

Conference USA

New Mexico State
Jacksonville State
Western Kentucky
Middle Tennessee State
Louisiana Tech
Kennesaw State
Sam Houston

Mountain West

Boise State
San Jose State
Air Force
Fresno State
Utah State
Colorado State
New Mexico
San Diego State

Sun Belt East Division

James Madison
Appalachian State
Costal Carolina
Old Dominion
Georgia State
Georgia Southern

Sun Belt West Division

Texas State
Arkansas State
South Alabama
Southern Mississippi
UL Monroe

FBS Independents

Notre Dame

Conferences with divisions will have each division champ by record play in the conference title game. All conferences will have 8 conference games annually.

Fans welcomed the return of the proper Pac 12 as well as the divisional format for the SEC, ACC and Big 10.

New NC State Wolfpack Head Coach Coach Phillip Rivers is Introduced to the Media

New Wolfpack HC Phillip Rivers was intriduce today as the new leader for the NC States Football program. Rivers a 17 year veteran NFL QB comes back to his Alma Matter ready to get to work. Rivers has spent the last 3 years coaching St Michael Catholic High School since retiring from the NFL. The #4 overall pick by the NY Giants (traded that day to the Chargers) Rivers brings in a wealth of experience playing the game at the highest level.

" I really look forward to getting to know all the boys and get this program to the National Championship" said Rivers. "I have a great idea of what needs to be done here to turn our program into a perennial winner in the ACC. Rivers is married to his Junior High School sweetheart Tiffany and have 10 children. 7 daughters and 3 sons. Asked if his oldest son Gunner would be a future Wolfpack player Phillip replied "Gunner is working hard this year.....it's his senior year in high school and great things are ahead for him".

Rivers shattered virtually all of NC States and the ACC's passing records.

The fans were thrilled with this hire and expect a swift rise to the top!

Week 1 #22 Wolfpack takes on La Tech in Season Opener

The Wolfpack and new HC Phillip Rivers will face LA Tech in their season opener. This game will be our first look at HC's Rivers newly installed Air Raid offense and SR Transfer QB Grayson McCall pulling all the levers. Coach Rivers has raved about McCall's grasp of his playbook and feels highly confident he is the guy to run the offense this season.

The Wolfpack will also look to get Jordan Waters involved early and often. We should also see Freshman (RS) RB Hollywood Smothers and Kendrick Raphael get some touches as well. The passing game is spearheaded and runs thru Senior star WR Kevin Concepcion and Senior TE Justin Joly.

Defensively Senior LE Davin Vann and JR MLB Caden Fordham lead the defense. Senior CB Aydan White leads the secondary.

#21 Wolfpack Pulls Out Thrilling Opening Week Win 42-38 vs a Feisty Louisiana Tech Team

It was a wild debut for HC Phillips Rivers and his Wolfpack. Unranked LA Tech came out and served notice this was going to be a real football game. They were both tough on the ground as well as thru the air en route to taking a 21-13 halftime lead into the locker room.

However after 3 quarters we had a 21-21 game heading into what would be an outrageous 4th quarter. It was there that SR QB Grayson MCCall took over along with Sophomore Superstar WR Kevin Concepcion. The Wolfpack would outscore the Bulldogs 21-17 to pull out a huge home win in week 1

Some Key Stats


LA Tech Passing
Jack Turner - 26/35 408 yards 4TD

NC State Passing
Grayson McCall - 26/43 382 yards 4TD int

LA Tech Rushing
Marquis Crosby - 19/118 TD
Jack Turner - 6/33 fumble lost

NC State Rushing
Jordan Waters 20/82 TD
Kendrick Raphael 5/21

LA Tech Receiving
Marlon Jackson - 6/135 TD
Tru Edwards - 4/102 2TD
Eli Finley - 3/63 TD
Abdul-Fatai Ibrahim - 3/38

NC State Receiving
Kevin Concepcion - 7/173 3TD (83 Yard TD)
Dacari Collins - 7/106
Justin Joly - 5/57 TD

#21 NC State Blown Out in Week 2 at Va Tech 41-10

It was a rainy long day for HC Rivers Wolfpack as his offense could get nothing going and his defense simply was bowled over the Hokies of Virginia Tech. The Ghosts of Frank Beamer were everywhere as VA Tech dominated on the ground and in special teams. VA Tech ran for a whopping 288 net yards and passed for 198. NC State was never in this one down 38-0 thru 3 full quarters.

"We just need to rinse this game away and move forward. We have a game in Charlotte vs App State and we will bounce back" said Coach Rivers.

Wolfpack Rolls in Week 3 vs The Mountaineers 34-13 to Rebound from Week 2 Blowout Loss vs The Hokies.

Senior QB Grayson McCall lit up the Bank Of America Stadium Scoreboard tonight throwing for 419 Yards and 3TD en route to a huge bounce back win vs the Mountaineers of Appalachian State. HE hooked up with Sophomore sensation WR Kevin Concepcion 7 times for 198 yards and 2 TD's. Red Shirt Freshman RB Hollywood Smothers who has fast become a fan favorite scored his first TD of the season and chipped in 35 yards on the ground on just 7 carries. Dacari Collins also had fun hauling in 6/88 yards and Junior TE Justin Joly caught his first TD and had 3/86 yards.

Now the Wolfpack head on the road to take on the #6 team in the nation in rival Clemson. This will be a huge test for Rivers and his Wolfpack. Can they pull out a road upset of this perinial ACC power? We shall find out!

# 21 Wolfpack Upend #6 Clemson in Coach Rivers First Signature Win 28-24 In front of a Stunned Death Valley Crowd!

Senior Transfer QB Grayson McCall led his NC State Wolfpack to a huge win on the road in front of a highly hostile Clemson crowd. McCall would lead an efficient attack finishing 36/46 for 328 Yards and 2TD. Superstar Sophomore WR Kevin Concepcion would lead all receivers hauling in 12 receptions for 115 yards and a TD. He was battling a bruised Sternum in the second half and would ultimately not evn be able to finsh the game in the final 6 minutes. McCall even led all of State's rushers gaining 32 yards on 11 scrambles and also scoring a TD on a huge 4th quarter QB Draw play where he wa able to walk in from 12 yards out.

The first half saw this game as a major defensive battle and the Tigers only led 10-7 heading into the tunnel. IT would then climb to 17-7 before the Wolfpack would cut it to 17-14. The Tigers would answer in the beggining of the 4th quarter and extend their lead again to 24-14 before Grayson would lead his team to 14 unanswered to pull off the huge signature victory for this Wolfpack team.

Statistically this game was nip and tuck and a cleanly played game. Only one turnover and that was an early interception thrown by Clemson. Penalties were a non factor with only 3/45 for the Tigers and 2/10 on the Wolfpack. Total yards were virtually even with 396 for NC State and 401 for the Tigers. The real difference was the 4th quarter and the ability of NC State to convert 3rd downs. They finished 13/18 (72%) in comparison to Clemson who finished 5/9 (55%) . Also NC State was able to severly limit Clemsons hurry up offense and NC State domianted TOP 2-1. NC State held it 30:31 to Clemsons 17:29.

"I could not be prouder than I am today of NC State Football" said Coach Rivers". "We circled this game in Spring practice and said to each other this is the gam we gotta have....and show the country we have arrived and are gonna make some real noise in the ACC and National rankings."

The Wolfpack head home to face a feisty Northern Illinois University Huskies team hungry for a big win vs a ranked team.

#13 NC State Pulls Out OT Thriller vs Unranked NIU Huskies 40-34

Coming off Phillip Rivers first signature win as the Head Coach of the Wolfpack the team found itself down 21-7 to NIU by the end of the first half this past Saturday in Carter Finley Stadium in Raleigh NC. A last second FG made the score 21-10 heading into the tunnel. An early pick 6 thrown by McCall helped NIU storm out to a two TD lead. However at the start of the second half Grayson McCall who transferred to NC State from Coastal Carolina Went off and by the end of the 3rd quarter we had a tie game at 24-24. Both teams would trade a FG each to end regulation at 27-27. The Wolfpack then pulled it out in double OT winning 40-34.

The game proved tough. Grayson continues to light uop the stat sheet. He finished 33/43 for 432 Yards and 3TD with the lone pick 6 being his only mistake. Senior RB Jordan Waters had a great game going 17/82 yards and 2TD and 1 TD Reception. Junior WR Dacari Collins led all with 13/149 and Kevin Concepcion adding 4/138 and 2TD including a huge 61 yard TD.

NIU gave NC State all it can handle in the ground game as Antario Brown rushed for 148 yards and a TD.

"This was a game where we were tested in our focus and the ability to come from behind at home coming off a huge...emotionally draining conference win". I am really impressed by the poise Grayson has shown this season thus far as he continues to grow into a great QB.".

"The reason I transferred here was Coach Rivers and the Ai Raid Attack he implemented". I knew after talking to coach Rivers he would take my career to new heights. I want to be a 1st round selection in the NFL draft next year and Coach Rivers and my teammates are in full support of my long term goals. My short term goals are clear. help my team win a National Championship and help NC State return to the top of college football".

The Wolfpack take on Wake Forest in another big ACC conference game in Week 6.
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Last edited by Armor and Sword; 07-26-2024 at 04:41 PM.
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Old 07-15-2024, 02:32 PM   #3
michaelhalljr's Arena
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Re: Armor & Sword's CFB 25 Custom Dynasty Mode Sliders

Yes!! Knew we could count on this!! Thanks again, A&S!!

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Old 07-15-2024, 06:26 PM   #4
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Re: Armor & Sword's CFB 25 Custom Dynasty Mode Sliders

I played a half with penalties at default and didn't get any. Then I started a new game with all of them at 99 for the heck of it. They are alive and well. I had 7 in the first quarter alone. 3 holdings, Roughing the punter, DPI, and for the first time that I've ever seen, encroachment from one of the guys on my D-line that I wasn't controlling! Just figured I'd share.
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Old 07-15-2024, 07:40 PM   #5
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Re: Armor & Sword's CFB 25 Custom Dynasty Mode Sliders

Stamina and fatigue work. I upped fatigue to go and did auto subs at out -75, in- 95. Rbs and Wr would run/cath 20 to 3 balls then be subbed for the backup. They would be back in after a play or two.

Correction: i upped fatigue to 70 and my RB disappeared on the last drive.

Last edited by djflock; 07-15-2024 at 08:18 PM.
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Old 07-15-2024, 08:17 PM   #6
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Re: Armor & Sword's CFB 25 Custom Dynasty Mode Sliders

Can't wait friend...along for the ride!
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Old 07-15-2024, 08:58 PM   #7
Marino's Arena
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Re: Armor & Sword's CFB 25 Custom Dynasty Mode Sliders

I can’t wait!

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Old 07-15-2024, 09:24 PM   #8
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Re: Armor & Sword's CFB 25 Custom Dynasty Mode Sliders

Can’t wait espcially with you testing coach mode as I’m a coach mode only guy for all the games.Have always admired your work.

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