
EA SPORTS FC25 OS Community Sliders

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Old 09-19-2024, 06:57 PM   #1
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EA SPORTS FC25 OS Community Sliders

Brief History and Origin:
We have been working on FIFA sliders since FIFA 15 as a community. The goal is always to achieve the closest realism the game gives us.

How we test:
Always in Career Mode. You are investing in sliders for a reason, and most of the time that is to play in Career Mode. So, it only makes sense to test in that same environment. With so many values to be looked at, and those values being in 1 point increments, it is very easy to come up with multiple versions of sliders. We will always test on Default first, then identify the main areas to look at. From there, it's about collaborating and finding workarounds for those problem areas. With sliders, it is always a balancing act, fix one thing - potentially break the next.

Helpful Reminders:
As always, remember that the thread moves very fast. I will do my best to update this Original Post as much as possible. I have learned a lot about how to be the "project manager" of this whole thing, so if I do not respond to every post, it is either because it got lost in the shuffle, or that replying to it would deter the thread from achieving the goal of establishing a slider set.

The Main Rules of the Thread:
1. Do not post your own full set. This deters the entire thread. All slider values are relative to one another, so if we see a value like 30 pass speed with a line length of 70, then that's not relevant to someone using a 50 pass speed with a line length of 35. It's better to leave it out of the thread, and create your own.

2. Feedback in Animation. The Match Stats only give so much information. Telling us the CPU has 99% passing is not helpful. Were they passing the ball through the backline the entire time? Details are important, and throughout the years I have asked for details in animations. What this means is simply "What do you see"? Is the CPU having that high passing because your defending players are too slow? Too far away? Too wide? In the end, VIDEO NEVER LIES, so if you have video to provide - please do so. That will save so much time and less of a Q&A.

3. We are not your customer service. This is a collaboration space. No-one is being paid here by EA. Provide feedback because you want to help, not because you feel entitled to let us do all the hard work and you sit back and criticize.

4. Respect each other. Thankfully, we have not run into this issue as much, but there have been times where it's close. First, regarding myself, I am the project manager here. What that means is I am going for a goal, and discussion about conspiracies, theories or ET is not going to be helpful. Secondly, we all have opinions and some know how to filter them, some do not. There is a message there, so do not get offended if someone disagrees with you. We love the game, and just want what is best for it - so keep it civil!

5. Please keep general impressions in the FIFA impressions thread, not here. This is a solution based thread, and general complaints will be ignored. We understand each iteration of FIFA has issues, what game doesn't, but we are given the tools to find workarounds. Remember, this is a slider thread, which means the sample size of play is significantly increased. Chances are if you are having an issue, we have most likely looked at it.
FC25 Tactics (from Coach):
My only caution about Custom Behavior sliders is that there is a LOT going on between Tactics, FCIQ and sliders this year. Losing some of that variability with a custom set of these sliders might not get the desired results. I have had teams at build up speed less than 10 play totally different from each other still. Yeah sometimes a bit too passive other times too aggressive. Just like real life. You ever yell at your club to "MOVE THE BALL FASTER" still seeing dynamic give me the most variety and play style variation that makes using my tactics and playstyle and changing it mid game worthwile in a way I haven't in previous Fifa's. There is stuff going on under the hood we still don't fully have a grasp on.
Link to OS Tactics Thread: https://forums.operationsports.com/f...post2050995014


Changelog & Updates:

Timestamp: 11/9/24

Okay, here is Version 5 Beta 6. The goal here was to bring back some more of that compression we had pre-patch, but still allow those 1v1 battles to happen. This set really focuses on that because we can't fight it anymore - especially when the game has tried to become more open when we raise the marking value.

First adjustment is reducing the acceleration. While 55 and 58 acceleration were good, they just aren't as viable as an option any longer for the sake of animation speed. If you can tolerate the speed in animation, go for it, but we've moved on.

Sprint remains at 35 or 40, those seem to be the thresholds that are best. 35 Sprint allows all players to sprint, while 40 is where the CPU seems to click into their highest gear (that's acceptable for animation speed) of being engaged. If one wanted to fashion a challenge on WC, setting up with a Sprint of 35/40 could be a viable option. That said, 35/35 Sprint is just as good for WC as it is for Leg. Remember, it's all going to be personal preference at the end of the day.

Marking is where things change a bit, but that's only because we've created a discrepancy in width at 49/51. This is a key value because width is a side-to-side marking tool and height is a upfield marking tool, so when adjusting width, we now get players getting pushed into different spaces that can help cover more passing lanes. This is a battle against the low-block teams where we cannot do anything in the sliders to make the defensive line step up sooner, so the next best battle is to get more of a midfield. In order to do this, we had to reduce marking to 52 for WC and 50 for Leg/Ultimate as those difficulties have a bit more sharp defensive 1v1 compared to WC that has a chance of over-pursuit/DAA. The real key visual is the central mids not running into eachother's "zones". They may overrun higher up the pitch, but not as much should be in their own defensive third, where it matters the most - especially if playing against a deep defensive line.

Run Frequency is a big chance as well, but this has been a pleasant change. Not because we want less runs, but we want the runs relative to the tactics of building numbers. On higher run values, the tendency was players would run into each other's passing lanes and it would confuse defending players at times, to the point the animation would be a quick sprint backwards or sideways. Again, the goal is to accept that these 1v1 battles will happen, and getting players into their right positions is the only way to ensure that happens.

Length gets an adjustment as well because the spacing has been a bit too much on 40 post-patch. 30-32 is too low, especially in transition where central midfielders practically instant retreat to the safety of their own defenders. As a result 35 is the happy medium where the spacing is just enough that tactics can breathe, but players can still feel pressure relative to the chosen tactics. the crossing positions are good as well, with a chance of being offside to boot. The runs into the half-spaces can occur, but the width discrepancy allows those spaces to be well marked as well depending on the tactics/quality of players, etc.

FB Positioning dropped all the way to 50. This wasn't because they were so high up the pitch, but more so that we again are trying to isolate 1v1 positions, and the more players running into the specific spaces of other teammates, will just cause havoc and indecision defensively. With it at 50, we defer to the tactics and let the 1v1s still happen because the correct runs are being made due to the RF at 1/1.

Lastly, FT Control is at 95, a bump from 90. This is to combat the driven passes that the user can take advantage of and the CPU tends to use - especially against low block opposition. This is a tough pass to control IRL, so there needs to be some chance of punishment for trying it.

Hopefully this can set us back on the right track. Keep the feedback coming. Remember to include the following format in doing so:

Attempted Troubleshooting:


Timestamp: 11/6/24

Post-update, let's get some organization here when reporting feedback. Please include:

Attempted Troubleshooting:

Timestamp: 11/5/24

We are just about done, right in time for the Title Update that promises some improvements to gameplay. I think it's important to stress Sprint/Acc preference. Thanks to Woods for recommending 40 Sprint in particular as that has helped those who have felt the CPU struggled in the attack.

Here is the insert/comment I plan on including for the final set:

"Sprint and Acceleration are going to come down to personal preference. The ones here are thresholds, or breaking points of change, so each value has their pros and cons.

35 Sprint = Slightly slower sprinting animation, CPU attack not as threatening, but can still get job done.
40 Sprint = Faster sprint animations and feel, CPU attack is threatening, user can feel a bit out of control defensively.

55 Acceleration = Allows better reactions and anticipation defensively and in 50/50 situations. Defensive line in low-block tactics are not as sharp.
58 Acceleration = Allows better reactions and anticipation defensively and in 50/50 situations. Best reactions in defensive low-block tactics. Slightly faster animations compared to 55."

Along with that Sprint/Acc, we are going to include Ultimate difficulty as it's been enjoyed by a couple community members and testers.

GK Ability to 51 from the "under 50" values is the way to go from now on. We just can't get the sync the way we want it, and it's better safe than sorry in "hoping" for animations to play out as late reactions with those under 50 values. 51 GK has been playing quite well overall - but let's still get some eyes on it.

That's all for now. We're almost there, let's hope the TU supports the changes and doesn't go against them. Report feedback as always! Thanks!

Timestamp: 11/4/24

Great job everyone in testing the Beta 3 set. We are now near completion with Beta 4, which is probably going to be one that needs the most eyes on it for the GK Ability more so than the 90 FT change.

The 45 WC, 42 LEG, GK Ability values are geared to just normalize the keeper behavior a bit more. When we dropped to 49 shot speed, the keepers started to misjudge the ball flight more often. Shots right at them were followed with odd animations such as sticking out a hand, then pulling it back in, only to push it out again. It's been as if the GK is ahead of the ball flight, which is why they look silly because they are already in good position initially.

So lowering the GK Ability is essentially dropping their timing and reaction a bit more so they are not so far in front of the ball's flight - and can react in a more realistic manner. Note that point blank save attempts shouldn't be judged as intensely as most keepers just find a way to make themselves big and hope for the best.

FT Control is in-line with what has been discussed in the thread where we get just a tad less ball bouncing straight up, but the value is still high enough that the error is still strong and the ball must be controlled.

That's it, report back your findings! Also provide context on what Sprint/Acc combo you use as that makes a BIG impact to the way teammate AI and CPU react/defend. I personally am using 32/58 Sprint/Acc and haven't looked back since.

Most recent match on Legendary, using G98's CPU behavior sliders:


Timestamp: 11/2/24

I think we are on the right track with Version 5 Beta 2. Now let's start grinding it a bit more with some specific adjustments to finalize into Version 5 complete.

Sprint/Acc combo - which is best? 35/55 or 32/58? We need to keep an eye on Sprint capabilities on 32, and speed in animations/reactions on 58 acceleration.

GK Ability - WC 49, Leg 48 - So far it seems to help the keepers being too ahead of the ball flight where they end up looking a bit suspicious with their save animations. This is an attempt to sync them back up with the Shot Speed of 49.

Marking - Leg 68 - Dropped from 72 as marking on Legendary seems to be stronger than on WC.

Line Width - 48 (WC, Leg) - Helps with getting players tucked in goal-side a bit more. At times we were seeing defenders marking no one because they were so wide.

Please report back with your findings! Thanks.

Timestamp: 11/1/24

Here is Version 5 Beta 2 for everyone to test.

The focus here was trying to accomplish the same thing as Beta 1, but with a bit more emphasis on good spacing. So the width test is gone, and it's just now reverting back to 50 to allow preset tactics to take over.

The big value change here is acceleration bumped from 50 to 58. This was after watching some older FIFA videos and reviewing some of them that had high acceleration, FIFA 23 in particular stood out. We know acceleration serves as a pace value, but it also controls reactions and intensity - but it's always a tough balance to get the game playing without the wonkiness, or twitchy speed, that comes with adjusting this value higher. There is some calm in knowing that Sim Mode uses 55 acceleration, so raising it to 58 wasn't completely out of the box. What raising it does do is an increase in reaction speed, better 1v1 battles (yes, this is the game's design) and more fight for 50/50 balls as a result.

I have been forcing myself to play on the crappy classic camera as I wanted to get to the point that the game's positioning looked good enough. The raise in acceleration accomplishes this as one part, but the other eye sore was the pass speed and how it kept the ball on the deck without any life. We know 45 is an eye sore on the other side, so meet in the middle with pass speed at 42, now we have the bobble of the ball, the need to master it (especially with a raise in FT) and better deflections create better 50/50s.

Shot speed was another eye sore, at times the ball would scream off the screen and somehow the keeper could save it. Just didn't look realistic, on any camera. This adjustment needs to be sampled a lot more with keepers at 50 as there's some reports of weird keeper animations, in particular where the ball is going right at them and they don't move naturally. Just something to keep an eye on.

FT Control was something that I feel just needs to be done. If we can't have a higher pass speed that makes the ball come full alive, then we have to meet it the rest of the way with the max FT possible. Too often the ball stays on the deck and driven passes are controlled with ease. So raising this value just creates more randomness from a very rigid positional game.

So, here's another attempt to get some competitive play and some real footy representation - let's hope. I've included two videos that show the play. First is WC against a low block, second is Legendary vs a fairly aggressive CPU.

WC vs low block

Leg vs aggressive

Version 5 Beta 5 + Version 5 Beta 6 Testing values:

Thanks to discord testers: bman, laxing_ , Hapa90, jrn, TopSide, atsmash, Aaron458f, goblue8118, QB,Urkaun
FC 25 OS Community Sliders website: https://ea-fc25-community-slider-zt8hywd.gamma.site/


Version Logs



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Last edited by Matt10; 11-09-2024 at 02:12 PM.
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Old 09-19-2024, 09:14 PM   #2
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Re: EA SPORTS FC25 OS Community Sliders

Really curious about what you cook this year. Played a little with the simulation sliders and it was pretty good. There are also some new CPU Sliders now (how aggressive they play and stuff).
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Old 09-20-2024, 03:38 AM   #3
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Re: EA SPORTS FC25 OS Community Sliders

Originally Posted by Matt10
This is a place-holder for now. Go ahead and leave comments as there will be just this first post needed. Thanks!
Really excited for this year matt whats your thoughts so far of the game if you've had a chance to play?
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Old 09-20-2024, 03:41 AM   #4
Falken's Arena
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Re: EA SPORTS FC25 OS Community Sliders

It's that time of the year, boys! Super excited to see what FC IQ combined with Matt10 IQ can bring this year. About to play my first match, can't wait
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Old 09-20-2024, 04:27 AM   #5
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Re: EA SPORTS FC25 OS Community Sliders

Just a quick question, i tried to play the game for the first time and keep getting the following error: You do not have the necessary permissions to advance. did someone encounter this please? thanks
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Old 09-20-2024, 06:02 AM   #6
hecbel's Arena
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Re: EA SPORTS FC25 OS Community Sliders

Hi mates! Another year has started.

I bought the game because my local team as promoted again to LaLiga Hypermotion. This is the third FIFA that I can play with them.

My first impressions can't be worse.

The new tactics menu is good in concept, but bad gameplay wise.

I could make my playstyle better in FC24 than in the new game.

I can't adjust the wide of the team, the number of players that go into the final third, the number of player who goes to corner kicks... It's a disaster.

The biggest problem I have found so far is that players don't react to the ball or to the rival. They move according to what you've selected in tactics. But they are dumb as f***. Players don't have a perception of their space. It's horrible.

In my first match, I played with a 3-2-4-1. The midfielders were CMs, not CDMs. Guess what happened... Yes. They didn't defend the box! Like in FIFA 21. War flashes came to my head. At least turning them into CDMs fixed that. But you have to be careful with your tactics, or your player will break the game because he don't react to the opposite players.

Players movement give me FIFA 17 vibes. Not in a good way. It feels I'm not playing a PS5 360 movement controls. More like PS4 8 directions controls.

I think this is the end of my rant for today.

Last edited by hecbel; 09-20-2024 at 06:37 AM.
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Old 09-20-2024, 06:07 AM   #7
hecbel's Arena
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Re: EA SPORTS FC25 OS Community Sliders

If you want my advice right now (09/20/2024).

Buy the game if your main goal is to play with the new kits.

Otherwise, in the current state of the game, don't buy it if you want to enjoy a good football game.

If you have access to PC mods, or simply don't care about new kits, do the transfers by yourself and enjoy FC24 or older games.
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Old 09-20-2024, 08:28 AM   #8
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Re: EA SPORTS FC25 OS Community Sliders

For the first time in many years im excited with a FIFA/EAFC game. Played 5 matches last night and they were fun and competitive. I play on Legendary but I felt the need to go back to WC for the first time since FIFA 16. Game feels harder this year, CPU is smarter. I went straight with the simulation sliders, didn't even test the default one.

It's not perfect though. One weird thing is that they removed the game speed option. Simulation sliders work with 55 acc so game feels faster than it should. But we still have room to improve with Matt's sliders and more so with the new only-CPU sliders which I believe will be a game changer.

Last edited by Barata; 09-20-2024 at 08:33 AM.
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