
NHL 15: Reviewer Impressions (PS4/XB1)

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Old 09-09-2014, 06:55 PM   #65
8iron's Arena
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Before the inevitable "Golf Club is 34.99" comment, Golf Club is only available for download, so there is no physical cost to produce and ship, marketing costs are very low, and there is no licensing cost on top of it. The 60 you are paying day 1 for NHL is attributable to all of those factors.

Wait for Black Friday and you will get some of your modes (probably) and a price even lower than 34.99.

Boom, now you are happy. You can pretend EA listened to you and delayed release for your personal version of the game.
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Old 09-09-2014, 09:31 PM   #66
statnut's Arena
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Re: NHL 15: Reviewer Impressions (PS4/XB1)

Originally Posted by 8iron
This strikes me as nothing but EA hate. Everyone on these boards is fawning over the Golf Club (probably deservedly), for focusing on game play and not putting in a bunch of fluff that would have sacrificed quality game play.

EA Canada made decisions to use the resources they had to produce a game that the most people would enjoy. They came right out and said they had data that one mode they axed didn't get played all that much. Huff huff but they got in HUT...yeah...people like HUT. UT is a microtransaction champ for EA because people love it.

I'm not the typical OSer...I believe however that I'm much more the typical EA franchise buyer. I play Ultimate Team until contracts would cost me money, then I play a few seasons as GM or player. I wish a few things were different in every game (more frequent penalties would be nice in all of them) but those absences don't ruin the experience for me.

$60 is too much for almost every game. $120 is certainly too much to pay for COD every year but tons of people do it. Plenty of people pay $60 a year for "roster updates" in one or more sports games of their choice. And they play Play Now games or they go online and "cheese" and have a ton of fun doing it, then they trade in this year's copy next year for a few bucks off the next roster update.

People on boards like this are delusional with their inaccurate sneakers rage and their missing modes meltdowns. Its become impossible to get accurate information about whether the game itself is actually fun. I think the fact that most of you seem to need so many bells and whistles to distract you suggests that for you, the answer is no.
I didn't know Season Mode was a bell and whistle.
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Old 09-09-2014, 11:09 PM   #67
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I've played hockey since I was 4. I'm 29 and still play in beer leagues now. It's my favorite sport and always will be but I haven't bought NHL in years. I used to live for it (NHL 10 greatest to date) but I fn hate EA so much now. I want to play a realistic sim and they couldn't be further from that. I'm in the minority but I could care less about EASHL. I think it's sad that the only way people can enjoy this game is playing with their friends but I don't blame them because the game alone isn't enough!

I couldn't disagree more with this review in that someone looking for a bare bones hockey experience will like it. The gameplay is HORRIBLE This doesn't resemble a hockey game at all. It resembles an arcade game for casual hockey fans.

The passing and stick handling animations are horrible. The players don't even move their arms and they back hand pass lasers half way up the ice? seriously?? What the fck is up with the poke checks too. They look like someone who has a bad back and needs a walker to get around. When players are doing their poke check it looks like they are bending over to take a **** and they poke at the puck like a robot. The stick then turns invisible apparently when it touches the puck. Theoretically the blade should knock the puck loose but it doesn't like it's glued to the offensive players stick. Add the fact that players sticks are constantly somehow going through other players and this game is unplayable for someone looking for a sim.

I just downloaded the FIFA 15 demo and it BLOWS THIS GAME OUT OF THE WATER when it comes to realism. The shooting, passing, volleying and heading motions on FIFA are absolutely gorgeous. I just watched a FIFA replay on slow motion zoomed in and was in utter shock at how accurate their physics are. I watched a player try to make an off balance cross and even his arms swung back after he crossed it and then he fell like a player naturally would from inertia. Even the follow through of his leg looked realistic. NHL goalies have improved but they still look robotic. Go watch a video of the FIFA goalies and it's embarrassing for NHL how much more realistic the animations are even taking into account FIFA being a year ahead on next gen. The graphics are really good on NHL 15 but they have a long way to go if they want this to be a true Sim.
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Old 09-09-2014, 11:33 PM   #68
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Hey guys, are you able to create-a-player in the ps4 version and play them in the GM career mode?? also are you able to edit existing players? thanks..
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Old 09-09-2014, 11:52 PM   #69
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Re: NHL 15: Reviewer Impressions (PS4/XB1)

Originally Posted by 8iron
This strikes me as nothing but EA hate. Everyone on these boards is fawning over the Golf Club (probably deservedly), for focusing on game play and not putting in a bunch of fluff that would have sacrificed quality game play.

EA Canada made decisions to use the resources they had to produce a game that the most people would enjoy. They came right out and said they had data that one mode they axed didn't get played all that much. Huff huff but they got in HUT...yeah...people like HUT. UT is a microtransaction champ for EA because people love it.

I'm not the typical OSer...I believe however that I'm much more the typical EA franchise buyer. I play Ultimate Team until contracts would cost me money, then I play a few seasons as GM or player. I wish a few things were different in every game (more frequent penalties would be nice in all of them) but those absences don't ruin the experience for me.

$60 is too much for almost every game. $120 is certainly too much to pay for COD every year but tons of people do it. Plenty of people pay $60 a year for "roster updates" in one or more sports games of their choice. And they play Play Now games or they go online and "cheese" and have a ton of fun doing it, then they trade in this year's copy next year for a few bucks off the next roster update.

People on boards like this are delusional with their inaccurate sneakers rage and their missing modes meltdowns. Its become impossible to get accurate information about whether the game itself is actually fun. I think the fact that most of you seem to need so many bells and whistles to distract you suggests that for you, the answer is no.
Two years bro
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Old 09-10-2014, 01:34 AM   #70
pm83's Arena
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Re: NHL 15: Reviewer Impressions (PS4/XB1)

Many people defend EA's effort with saying that they have been focusing on gameplay this year instead of game modes. I think that's an awful excuse. Gameplay is far from being good. Clueless defensive AI, poor defensive tools, copy-goalies, awful stick collision etc.

Who can really say that gameplay is good?
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Old 09-10-2014, 02:35 AM   #71
bigwill33's Arena
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Re: NHL 15: Reviewer Impressions (PS4/XB1)

Originally Posted by pm83
Many people defend EA's effort with saying that they have been focusing on gameplay this year instead of game modes. I think that's an awful excuse. Gameplay is far from being good. Clueless defensive AI, poor defensive tools, copy-goalies, awful stick collision etc.

Who can really say that gameplay is good?
It is far from good, in my opinion. It is pretty bad still for the most part. But it is better than it has been for the past 3-5 versions of the game, but that really isn't saying much because this was by far the worst sports game that I had played from about 2011-present on 360/ps3.

The puck physics alone make it better than all of those year's efforts for me. But the same AI and cheese/money crap is in there. It is essentially the same problematic gameplay as you've mentioned once you get down to it. Sliders can help mask it for a little bit, but overall it is still there and a few all new issues have crept up as well. And sliders can't help online. Luckily there is barely anything to do with the game online right now anyway.
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Old 09-10-2014, 03:36 AM   #72
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Re: NHL 15: Reviewer Impressions (PS4/XB1)

Played one game set to 16minutes, shot accuracy zero and some other slider tweaks and finally CPU took 4 penalties while my team got 6. (penalty slider of course on max). Was fun to play and I definitely see some potential with regards to game play. Though; CPU passes are still too much of tape to tape.
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