
NHL 16 Penalties?

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Old 09-18-2015, 07:57 AM   #73
jake19ny's Arena
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Thumbs up Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Was just reading a funny rant in another thread and it brang something to my attention. We keep talking about the penalty slider having no effect on the game well what about the players individual Discipline ratings? Unlike penalty slider that's only 1-6 the player Discipline rating can go from 0-100. Well I tried lowering a players discipline to 0 and tested it out. Zip zero nada....no increase in penalties. With a zero rating he should take a penalty every shift. On a side note...how about fighting? You can choose often, sometimes, rarely, or never. Perhaps I grew up with the wrong definition of never because the guys that have "never" under fighting....fight sometimes. I have always felt the last few years that most sliders don't work or do very little. I'm starting to thing player attributes are the same. These sliders and editable attributes are mere eye candy. In fact I think EA has been using pre builds , like they have given us in EASHL, on their rosters for years now and tweaking doesn't do much. Just a thought.
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Old 09-18-2015, 10:17 AM   #74
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by jake19ny
Was just reading a funny rant in another thread and it brang something to my attention. We keep talking about the penalty slider having no effect on the game well what about the players individual Discipline ratings? Unlike penalty slider that's only 1-6 the player Discipline rating can go from 0-100. Well I tried lowering a players discipline to 0 and tested it out. Zip zero nada....no increase in penalties. With a zero rating he should take a penalty every shift. On a side note...how about fighting? You can choose often, sometimes, rarely, or never. Perhaps I grew up with the wrong definition of never because the guys that have "never" under fighting....fight sometimes. I have always felt the last few years that most sliders don't work or do very little. I'm starting to thing player attributes are the same. These sliders and editable attributes are mere eye candy. In fact I think EA has been using pre builds , like they have given us in EASHL, on their rosters for years now and tweaking doesn't do much. Just a thought.
Yup, the discipline rating should really affect how many of those unnecessary penalties a player takes.
And isn't this a problem in general with sliders and attributes in the NHL games.
You have attributes that's on a 0-100 scale, but yet it seems that on zero it's still giving the player a pro attribute not too far after guy that's on 100.
Just like you said, if you set a slap shot attribute to zero on a guy, that fella should hardly be able to hit the puck, nevermind the goal.
Likewise if you set the penalty slider to max, the ref should call penalties every time two players happens to softly nudge each other, or if you set the CPU Penalty sliders to max, the players should just jump over the board every shift doing the best Paul Bunyan impression they can.

I.e with sliders/attributes on max or minimum it should give you "unrealistic" and excessive results... but most sliders in this game at best gives vague differences on ice.

Thank you EA - This game is officially better than sex
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Old 09-20-2015, 12:12 AM   #75
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

A still no penalties in my be a gm

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Old 09-20-2015, 12:41 AM   #76
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by MDgolf
A still no penalties in my be a gm

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Very weird how some people don't see penalties. You have the penalty sliders maxed, I'm assuming?

In my Be A Pro, there are PLENTY of penalties. Like, almost bordering on too many.
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Old 09-20-2015, 12:42 AM   #77
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Ya all maxed. It might be a GM mode thing.

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Old 09-20-2015, 12:59 AM   #78
jake19ny's Arena
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Exclamation Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by gopher_guy
Very weird how some people don't see penalties. You have the penalty sliders maxed, I'm assuming?

In my Be A Pro, there are PLENTY of penalties. Like, almost bordering on too many.
That's kind of my argument. Nobody's wrong. Some guys are getting none some getting a too many and some getting just enough. It's not a matter of wether someone plays right or not. Yes I get that hockey is a sport and perhaps if you play more like the sport it will reward you with better stats but I try and keep my head out if my *** and think in reality. In reality no matter how "real" we think we may be in video games the "real" truth is it's a pre programmed game that does not actually reward you for being more realistic. I'm an old guy and back in the day no matter how good you were at PAC MAN you still only had two fruits appear per board. So while there is a good argument to be made for "drawing" penalties which is proven by everyone's different experience, it proves the point that sliders should actually work and this thread would never exist.
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Old 09-20-2015, 04:18 AM   #79
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

In my handful of games there seems to be little to no consistency with penalties. That is the issue with EA sports games... consistency.

I have CPU penalties maxed and my CPU teammates penalties down low on 1 or 2 and my team gets just as many penalties as the CPU team. One game there are 2-3 penalties per side and the next game there are none.

I remember playing 2k hockey if you maxed their penalty slider it was way way too many penalties and on the lowest setting you really could get away with just about anything. I hate having to bring up that old argument again but the guys at EA really should play a bit of 2k4 or 2k5 (I didn't play anything beyond 2k6) and see just how much effect their sliders had. There were so many sliders for everything and it all had a very noticeable effect from penalties to player speed to even puck and ice friction. Why it seems so difficult for EA to make effective sliders is beyond comprehension.
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Old 09-20-2015, 06:25 AM   #80
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

I agree with you totally, 2k sports had their sliders working right , I do not know if easports sliders work at all, passing for ai is an example as well the ai passes perfect no matter what the sllders are set at. The pens are the big issue for me even if you edit a player and give him 36 for discipline it makes no difference to how many pens he will take . Very poor ea a icehockey game with no realistic ref to real game pens. Rubbish
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