
NHL 16 Penalties?

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Old 09-28-2015, 12:29 PM   #137
Tonic's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Penalties do seem to be better, especially now that I can play longer periods with game speed at 1 without the frame-rate stutter. I've been tweaking the Aggressiveness slider and have been seeing more possible penalties (CPU going for the stick check instead of body check) more frequently which is a good sign. However, I still wish the CPU wouldn't try to go for body checks as much in the defensive zone. The same scenario has played out the same for years:

Get the puck in the corner, CPU defender approaches and tries to engage in a body check from 5+ feet away, skate around the defenseman or bounce off of him into the slot, creating an easy 2 on 1.

I just wish the CPU would play a little better positionally, but it's certainly better this year than it has been in years past. I think a lot of it has to do with the CPU being hard-coded to try to lay out big hits to provide "excitement" to casual fans. Sliders can help reduce this, but the underlaying AI is still there unfortunately.
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Old 09-28-2015, 03:33 PM   #138
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by rickster1
Your opinion, does not mean its right. What others are seeing is different so respect that. Its what individuals see and experience that counts. What there should be is pen sliders that work so that we are all satisfied, thats the main issue. 2k hokey visual was not good but the sliders worked.
Facts not opinion as mine are documented on how and why I got them and people who understand how the sliders work also agree , have you even read the whole thread ?


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Old 09-28-2015, 03:43 PM   #139
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME
Facts not opinion as mine are documented on how and why I got them and people who understand how the sliders work also agree , have you even read the whole thread ?


Once again the intangible is the user

I'm sure people experiencing the opposite can also show you 'facts' of their box scores, etc.

Your documentation shows your specific experience. It may be a fact that your type of play works well to achieve a great simulation game, but it is also a FACT that a majority of people are experiencing trouble.

Now, it is my opinion that while you don't intend to, most of your comments come off as condescending. Reposting the same thread does not get other people's issues solved.

I 'played the game correctly' in '15 and still saw low penalty numbers, so I ditched Be a GM and went to Be a Pro with an existing player. I'm seeing hope of improvement this year, but I bought the game and was disappointed to find that my Be a Pro with existing player option seems to have been scrapped since BAP was redone. Now my other option is to go back to Be A GM, and while stats still aren't fixed, I may be able to find the game enjoyable as long as overall game stats are fairly accurate (penalties, shots, goals, etc.).
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Old 09-28-2015, 03:44 PM   #140
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by jake19ny
Shams talking about me, I called him out last year and again this year because his constant posts that suggested guys aren't seeing penalties because they don't play properly kind of irritated me. I'm sure he's a good guy as pretty much everyone here is and I should have just ignored it because I don't think he was being a jerk but trying to help and maybe not wording it the best.
As far this thread, it was created after the games release when most people were seeing no penalties at all. It was clearly a problem worth complaining about since EA, to their credit, quickly released a tuner addressing it. As far as variance in penalties, I'm not so much complaining about it as I am just wishing they were there. It would be pretty cool but I understand the difficulty they may have trying to implement them into a video game. I am really enjoying NHL 16 and continue to notice little things that were not in the game before. I will still continue to discuss, not complain, that regardless of my success, Shams success, or anyone else's success, the penalty system is flawed. I still believe no matter what that we should not have to tweak our brains out trying to get penalties nor should we have to wait for tuners to correct it. That's where Sham and I differ but it's fine everyone is entitled to their own view. At the end if the day I'm glad to see people are having more and more success in this area.
One of your quotes from last year Jake even when I provided in game proof and I could really care less but your very loose with your recollections and it disappoints me as Im a factual person by nature and I stand behind what I say with facts as best as possible without making things personal as it solves nothing .

Heres ones of your quotes Jake

Lol. Sham wow, as I have taken to calling him, is nothing more than a troll. He blows up several threads with the sane nonsense over and over. He is lucky Al Tito appears to be an easy going guy because Sham totally hi-jacked his slider thread posting his own sliders (which he claims are the best but have changed a dozen times since) which has historically been a no-no to do. I have no problem with someone posting constructive and helpful info or even enjoying the game but he has lost all credibility. He has gone from maxing sliders, to superstar, to default, etc etc and each time the game is the best ever. Has anyone noticed that each time one of us responds about lack of penalties he posts the greatest game ever and the number of power plays he gets goes up each time. It's a flat out lie. He is either mentally ill or a douche. If he was for real he would create his own slider thread and post his nonsense in there instead of over posting the same idiotic crap in several threads. I'm sorry I don't usually call anyone out and for the most part everyone on here are good guys but Sham Wow is just an annoying troll EA fanboy.
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Last edited by THESHAMISASHAME; 09-28-2015 at 04:01 PM.
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Old 09-28-2015, 03:57 PM   #141
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by meetjsquared
I'm sure people experiencing the opposite can also show you 'facts' of their box scores, etc.

Your documentation shows your specific experience. It may be a fact that your type of play works well to achieve a great simulation game, but it is also a FACT that a majority of people are experiencing trouble.

Now, it is my opinion that while you don't intend to, most of your comments come off as condescending. Reposting the same thread does not get other people's issues solved.

I 'played the game correctly' in '15 and still saw low penalty numbers, so I ditched Be a GM and went to Be a Pro with an existing player. I'm seeing hope of improvement this year, but I bought the game and was disappointed to find that my Be a Pro with existing player option seems to have been scrapped since BAP was redone. Now my other option is to go back to Be A GM, and while stats still aren't fixed, I may be able to find the game enjoyable as long as overall game stats are fairly accurate (penalties, shots, goals, etc.).
Did anyone even read the entire thread ?

Im not here to fight or debate but only to offer help on how I do it so people can enjoy this incredible game of hockey but dont take my word for it read the whole thread and what other well seasoned users confirm and you dont need to be a detective to figure it out the user is the intangible regardless how anyone wants to twist it .
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Last edited by THESHAMISASHAME; 09-28-2015 at 04:12 PM. Reason: sp
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Old 09-28-2015, 04:12 PM   #142
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME
Did I step into Bizzaro world ? did anyone even read the entire thread ?

Im not here to fight or debate but only to offer help so people can enjoy this incredible game of hockey but dont take my world for it read the whole thread and you dont need to be a detective to figure it out the user is the intangible regardless how anyone wants to twist it .

I've read just about every thread the last 2-3 years related to penalties. Got some good results for a short period in Be A GM, but back to 0-2 penalties/game after certain updates coupled with the stats being screwed up in multiple areas, I switched to Be a Pro with existing player. It might have been '14 actually as I think I bought '15 and immediately returned it with all the screw-ups in that one, and apparently '15 didn't have the mode I just mentioned.

You are here to debate or else you wouldn't make these comments. Everything you post comes off as "I did it right, so everyone that doesn't get the same results is doing it wrong" and if you're trying to be helpful, it doesn't seem that way.

No matter how you want to twist it, there is a problem with the penalties, among other things. As another poster said, the sliders should work to the effect that maxing them out results in somewhat of an unrealistic amount.

Please explain why the only way I can force MY TEAM to get more than 3 penalties a game (much less the opponent's team) is by intentionally charging/tripping/interfering/etc. with my user-controlled, player-locked player. I've used AlTito's sliders, default sliders, default w/penalty sliders maxed on a number of exhibition games in '16 in the one day I've had the game, and my teammates just don't commit penalties. I can get over the CPU opponent's team not getting penalties - as you said, 'playing it right' will successfully help this case - but that does not solve the issue about my team.
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Old 09-28-2015, 05:01 PM   #143
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

As I said I wont argue or debate just posting my facts and I already wasted enough time on this subject as I have my NHL Playoff Series heating up with progressive Playoff Beards and I much rather spend my time enjoying the game .

Heres my link again from last year as penalties havent changed much in a year and just like the Real NHL you have to draw them as there not handed out like candy just for showing up BUT please anyone who wants to understand what the problem is read all of this thread and what others say as its the user and how they play thats the intangible Good luck and I will start posting new in game screens soon so TC boys .

Finally Roster share in NHL 22 ! Dreams do come true ! To Garryowen and Glory boys !

Last edited by THESHAMISASHAME; 09-28-2015 at 05:02 PM. Reason: add on
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Old 09-28-2015, 05:12 PM   #144
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME
As I said I wont argue or debate just posting my facts and I already wasted enough time on this subject as I have my NHL Playoff Series heating up with progressive Playoff Beards and I much rather spend my time enjoying the game .

Heres my link again from last year as penalties havent changed much in a year and just like the Real NHL you have to draw them as there not handed out like candy just for showing up BUT please anyone who wants to understand what the problem is read all of this thread and what others say as its the user and how they play thats the intangible Good luck and I will start posting new in game screens soon so TC boys .


Apparently, you don't read everything.

How do you force the CPU-controlled opponent's team to draw more penalties? I can control myself in the zone, cycle, etc. and draw penalties, but the CPU-controlled team doesn't. 90%+ of penalties on my team are on myself (with my user-controlled, player-locked player) from tripping or interference usually. I think over 7 exhibition games (7-8 min. periods), everyone else on my team has committed a total of 3 penalties (one way Delay of Game on the goalie).

When the total penalties over those games by my team like 20-25 for me (all but 3 were committed by myself). If I take it easy on the checking into the boards and poke checking, that total would probably be 5-7, in 7 games. Not realistic, not fixable based on anything you've posted.
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