
NHL 16 Tuner Update For September 28

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Old 10-13-2015, 10:59 AM   #177
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Re: NHL 16 Tuner Update For September 28

Right now I logged in xbox, and installed game.
The hitting physics is impossible. Your Human player cannot get close to the AI player 90% of the time.

For me this is what the main issue is behind the high shots as the AI has a clear path to the net every time.

To defend, you just have to hope the goalie makes a stop or you poke the puck away. You cannot hit them.

OK so help me navigate this for an xbox 1 user.....

1) I should delete the game completely from xbox.
2) Go back into xbox but don't sign in
3) Load game
4) Go to game as long as I don't log in anywhere (xbox or EA) I won't get the updated tuner?
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Old 10-13-2015, 11:00 AM   #178
jake19ny's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Tuner Update For September 28

Take it for what it is, as EA says one thing and does another, but after the last tuner they said they would continue to work on and improve the game. I will say as angry as I, and a lot of others are with the last round if tuners, EA has suprised me multiple times this year with their effort to listen to us. I'm hoping the long silence and lack of activity is because they are working everything out at once. I'm hoping we see a big patch that corrects a lot of bugs, glitches, and a few obvious missing things. A game tuner that makes everyone happy, and a roster update now that all teams have played several games. At the end of the day if they do that it would be better than just releasing little things here and there. I would rather they take time and get it right. Yes my optimism is somewhat surprising given the overall track record of EA but I do think they are actually trying this year.
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Old 10-13-2015, 12:42 PM   #179
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Re: NHL 16 Tuner Update For September 28

You have a better chance of seeing pigs fly.
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Old 10-13-2015, 02:50 PM   #180
jake19ny's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Tuner Update For September 28

Originally Posted by jack72
You have a better chance of seeing pigs fly.
Perhaps, but I'm not one those EA conspiracy theorist who thinks EA is out to screw us. I think they have a game with a seriously flawed AI engine and a budget that simply will not allow them to rebuild from scratch. I think they receive marching orders from corporate headquarters to focus on HUT and online. I think that hockey has one of the most passionate fan bases around and we are very hard to satisfy. I think if they can fix a few issues they will.
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Old 10-13-2015, 03:39 PM   #181
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Re: NHL 16 Tuner Update For September 28

Originally Posted by jake19ny
I think they have a game with a seriously flawed AI engine and a budget that simply will not allow them to rebuild from scratch. I think they receive marching orders from corporate headquarters to focus on HUT and online.
Very well said, I've been saying this myself for years. EA is a profit-driven corporation that probably cares a little too much about making a profit rather than consumer relations (both communication and making a good product).

I wholeheartedly believe that Rammer and his team do a tremendous job working with what they have resource wise. I totally agree that people above their heads are telling them to focus on online and HUT as that brings in the most money for EA. I'm a firm believer that if Rammer and his team had their way, we would have the realistic, hardcore offline game that we all crave. For now, we just have to take it for what it is and enjoy it for as much as possible.
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Old 10-13-2015, 04:07 PM   #182
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Re: NHL 16 Tuner Update For September 28

Originally Posted by Tonic
Very well said, I've been saying this myself for years. EA is a profit-driven corporation that probably cares a little too much about making a profit rather than consumer relations (both communication and making a good product).

I wholeheartedly believe that Rammer and his team do a tremendous job working with what they have resource wise. I totally agree that people above their heads are telling them to focus on online and HUT as that brings in the most money for EA. I'm a firm believer that if Rammer and his team had their way, we would have the realistic, hardcore offline game that we all crave. For now, we just have to take it for what it is and enjoy it for as much as possible.
I'd like to believe that you're correct, but I'm not so sure. I was fortunate enough to represent OS at the Community Day for NHL 10, and spent at least 45 minutes talking with Andy D'Agostini (who was then responsible for player ratings) about player separation. This was the first year they introduced the player attributes slider, and I shared my input from editing rosters for their PC game (especially NHL 2004) to help make players stand out. Needless to say not much has changed as there is little to no player separation in this game even today. You'll see it in the sim engine, but hands-on there isn't much there.

It may be a lack of interest, a lack of resources, or maybe a lack of talent in getting it done and implemented.
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Old 10-13-2015, 04:30 PM   #183
jake19ny's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Tuner Update For September 28

Originally Posted by Flyermania
I'd like to believe that you're correct, but I'm not so sure. I was fortunate enough to represent OS at the Community Day for NHL 10, and spent at least 45 minutes talking with Andy D'Agostini (who was then responsible for player ratings) about player separation. This was the first year they introduced the player attributes slider, and I shared my input from editing rosters for their PC game (especially NHL 2004) to help make players stand out. Needless to say not much has changed as there is little to no player separation in this game even today. You'll see it in the sim engine, but hands-on there isn't much there.

It may be a lack of interest, a lack of resources, or maybe a lack of talent in getting it done and implemented.
I think this ties into online gaming though. Before online gaming player seperation existed. Now they want a level playing field for online gamers so they can roll out 4 lines and still compete. I've been playing the EA NHL series since it's very first release and back in the day you would be hard pressed to skate around and score to many goals with Tie Domi.
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Old 10-13-2015, 04:37 PM   #184
Tonic's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Tuner Update For September 28

Originally Posted by Flyermania
I'd like to believe that you're correct, but I'm not so sure. I was fortunate enough to represent OS at the Community Day for NHL 10, and spent at least 45 minutes talking with Andy D'Agostini (who was then responsible for player ratings) about player separation. This was the first year they introduced the player attributes slider, and I shared my input from editing rosters for their PC game (especially NHL 2004) to help make players stand out. Needless to say not much has changed as there is little to no player separation in this game even today. You'll see it in the sim engine, but hands-on there isn't much there.

It may be a lack of interest, a lack of resources, or maybe a lack of talent in getting it done and implemented.

I think this is actually another issue altogether. I'm not sure if it was just rumored or actually confirmed, but it's the Players' Associations in all the pro sports (not just the NHL) that are preventing much player separation from happening. I personally don't believe the guys on the NHL team have much say over the ratings. With that said, roster sharing would be a very welcome feature for '17.
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