
Ok im late I know, The Wire

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Old 08-11-2008, 04:58 PM   #33
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Re: Ok im late I know The Wire

Season 2 was the most unique I thought. But then again, I'm half-Polish!

(ya, ya, ya..... some of you can just can the "that explains a lot!" commentary)
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Old 08-12-2008, 09:17 PM   #34
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Re: Ok im late I know The Wire

only explains half?
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Old 08-12-2008, 09:25 PM   #35
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Re: Ok im late I know The Wire

Lol. I'm back to season 4 now for like the third time. I started halfway through season 4 before I went to school and stopped watching. Then I started again over Christmas break and finished season 4. I decided not to watch season 5 and start all over from season 1. I've watched season 1-3 this summer and started 4 yesterday.

I think I like 4 the best just because of the kids perspective on it.
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Old 08-12-2008, 10:20 PM   #36
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Re: Ok im late I know The Wire

After much deliberation with myself, I think I've nailed down the reasons that Season 4 is the best. It's a combination of 3 things.

1. Nothing happens. Seriously. The buildup to season 4 is in season 3 and the fallout of season 4 is in season 5. I realize that sounds stupid, but hold on a second. In seasons 1 and 2, entire groups of characters have to be introduced and the cases have to be introduced. The first 4-5 episodes are just building that up. In seasons 3 and 5, the last few episodes are all concluding what happens. In season 4, there are essentially 4 main characters introduced, and all very slowly. In seasons 1 and 2, they just throw hordes of characters at you in the first few episodes. In season 4, the only major event that affects more than 1 character occurs is in the last 2 episodes with the uncovering of the bodies. There is no serious case, there's no wars, and no 10 episode long Omar hunt. The episodes focus mainly on the characters instead of trying to squeeze a whole lot of story into the time.

2. It focuses mostly on the street. If anyone actually tries to tell me that they enjoyed the cop or politics story more than the street, I will laugh. The dock story was good, but none of the characters were likable at all. I hated all of the Sabotkas. The biggest thing that Season 4 had going for it was no McNulty. While obviously an important character, especially in 1, 2, and 5, I felt both him and Kima's love lives were pointless. I never cared about them at all.

3. The acting is the best, and the characters actually make sense. IMO, Marlo, Chris, and Bodie were the best acted older characters in the show, and the kids all acted very well too. If you watch Season 1 and Season 5, some of the actors way overact, the worst offenders being Weebay, Poot, Michael, and Monk (both did much better in season 4 than 5). Marlo and Chris were fantastic as the menacing presences who did great jobs acting by doing nothing, plus they had fantastic chemistry. Watch the rimshop scene with Andre and the 2 discussions about what to do with Bodie in the first and last episode, and then watch some of the awkward Avon/Stringer conversations. No comparison. On top of that, every character acts logically. Bodie's development from season 1 to 4 makes sense. Stringer's from 1-3 does not.
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Old 08-13-2008, 05:46 AM   #37
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Re: Ok im late I know The Wire

Never watched an episode. I'll have to check it out one of these days.
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Old 08-13-2008, 08:56 AM   #38
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Re: Ok im late I know The Wire

Originally Posted by Buddy Knox
Never watched an episode. I'll have to check it out one of these days.

It will change your life!
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Old 08-13-2008, 05:17 PM   #39
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Re: Ok im late I know The Wire

^Hah, seriously.

And yeah, I'm torn between season 3 and season 4 for my favorite. 4 is probably the best all-around, but there's nothing like the ending of season 3 in terms of climaxes... and I love the Hampsterdam sub-plot. The scene with Avon and Stringer on the balcony is still my favorite of all-time -- "us, mother****er."

Agh ****, you guys are gonna make me start it all over again. I haven't even watched a random episode in a while (I normally watch 1 per week or so)... definitely hitting up that S3 episode after work. Best show ever...

EDIT: Hah, my other favorite scene from that season on the humorous side of things was the dude taking notes in the co-op meeting... Stringer: "Are you taking notes on a criminal ****ing conspiracy?" I still die laughing every time I see that.

Last edited by Stumbleweed; 08-13-2008 at 05:59 PM.
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Old 08-13-2008, 05:29 PM   #40
*ll St*r
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Re: Ok im late I know The Wire

Originally Posted by Cebby
After much deliberation with myself, I think I've nailed down the reasons that Season 4 is the best. It's a combination of 3 things.

1. Nothing happens. Seriously. The buildup to season 4 is in season 3 and the fallout of season 4 is in season 5. I realize that sounds stupid, but hold on a second. In seasons 1 and 2, entire groups of characters have to be introduced and the cases have to be introduced. The first 4-5 episodes are just building that up. In seasons 3 and 5, the last few episodes are all concluding what happens. In season 4, there are essentially 4 main characters introduced, and all very slowly. In seasons 1 and 2, they just throw hordes of characters at you in the first few episodes. In season 4, the only major event that affects more than 1 character occurs is in the last 2 episodes with the uncovering of the bodies. There is no serious case, there's no wars, and no 10 episode long Omar hunt. The episodes focus mainly on the characters instead of trying to squeeze a whole lot of story into the time.

2. It focuses mostly on the street. If anyone actually tries to tell me that they enjoyed the cop or politics story more than the street, I will laugh. The dock story was good, but none of the characters were likable at all. I hated all of the Sabotkas. The biggest thing that Season 4 had going for it was no McNulty. While obviously an important character, especially in 1, 2, and 5, I felt both him and Kima's love lives were pointless. I never cared about them at all.

3. The acting is the best, and the characters actually make sense. IMO, Marlo, Chris, and Bodie were the best acted older characters in the show, and the kids all acted very well too. If you watch Season 1 and Season 5, some of the actors way overact, the worst offenders being Weebay, Poot, Michael, and Monk (both did much better in season 4 than 5). Marlo and Chris were fantastic as the menacing presences who did great jobs acting by doing nothing, plus they had fantastic chemistry. Watch the rimshop scene with Andre and the 2 discussions about what to do with Bodie in the first and last episode, and then watch some of the awkward Avon/Stringer conversations. No comparison. On top of that, every character acts logically. Bodie's development from season 1 to 4 makes sense. Stringer's from 1-3 does not.
nice summary, cebby
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