
The OS Golfer's Thread!

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Old 06-26-2012, 10:14 PM   #833
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

Originally Posted by Matt10
Authentic - I'm excited to see, man. That's all. Sorry if my last post came off as accusatory - it's just a bit cliche to hear of big distances that don't make sense in comparison to PGA players - you know? Usually those conversations fall flat and the OP goes and runs away. So thanks for being completely non-defensive if that's how I came off.

Back to business though - looking forward to seeing your swing. You will need to take a trip down here to KS and teach me a thing or two because my game needs it.
It's fine with me.

Well, I got some video after I played my Tuesday 27. 27 holes in 94 degree heat, so I am pretty tired. I noticed a couple things in my video, which I'll explain. One, I was a little too vertical with my swing, most likely either due to fatigue or my left shoulder that is still pretty tight. This is no doubt the cause of my tendency to hit the ball higher since I got hurt. In fact, I tried to be more horizontal and my shoulder cracked on the way up, didn't feel too good. I'll upload the video and post it here when it gets done.
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Old 06-26-2012, 10:35 PM   #834
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

Is YouTube not working for anyone else? It won't let me sign in on my iPhone.
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Old 06-26-2012, 10:42 PM   #835
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

Uh, this is the reason I don't use YouTube ever. I am going to have to take my wifes camera out one of these times and be able to upload it to my computer. I would rather wait anyways until I can actually swing normally. I need to take like a week off but I just can't resist. I promise I will upload a video, can't say I didn't try. Anyways, enough talk about my swing and stuff. My new wedges come tomorrow too...If I go tomorrow I'll get some anyways. At least you guys will see that I'm not some punk that doesn't even golf, that just wanted to say he can hit the ball far. By the way, I didn't say I always hit the ball straight lol My main reason for being able to hit the ball far is I have a lot of leverage, being 6'8''. Sorry guys, I actually wanted to get this on...
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Old 06-27-2012, 12:40 AM   #836
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

Originally Posted by authentic
Uh, this is the reason I don't use YouTube ever. I am going to have to take my wifes camera out one of these times and be able to upload it to my computer. I would rather wait anyways until I can actually swing normally. I need to take like a week off but I just can't resist. I promise I will upload a video, can't say I didn't try. Anyways, enough talk about my swing and stuff. My new wedges come tomorrow too...If I go tomorrow I'll get some anyways. At least you guys will see that I'm not some punk that doesn't even golf, that just wanted to say he can hit the ball far. By the way, I didn't say I always hit the ball straight lol My main reason for being able to hit the ball far is I have a lot of leverage, being 6'8''. Sorry guys, I actually wanted to get this on...
6'8 - you shoulda said so, leverage is a master of speed - us shorter guys 5'8 and below have no leverage - just rotation - this is why I am a member of rotaryswing w/ Chuck Quinton - it's the only way I know how to swing the club that matches my body type.

What kind of wedges, man? Don't worry too much bout the video - it's just fun to see others post. I think only two of us have done so, so far.
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Old 06-27-2012, 12:55 AM   #837
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

I was thinking about how this thread didn't have too many guys posting in it and thought maybe it was because nobody knew about it. There has to be more golfers on OS that don't know about this place and authentic's story kind of proves that.

I'm really happy it's starting to pick up steam. The more people who know what they are talking about, the better.
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Old 06-27-2012, 01:07 AM   #838
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

Originally Posted by Matt10
6'8 - you shoulda said so, leverage is a master of speed - us shorter guys 5'8 and below have no leverage - just rotation - this is why I am a member of rotaryswing w/ Chuck Quinton - it's the only way I know how to swing the club that matches my body type.

What kind of wedges, man? Don't worry too much bout the video - it's just fun to see others post. I think only two of us have done so, so far.
Nike Victory Red Pro Wedges. Got a 56 degree 14 bounce and a 60 degree 6 bounce. I've been shooting my buddies at the range for distance purposes to get used to them. Do you have some video up? I could maybe throw some small suggestions if you do.

Originally Posted by sydrogerdavid
I was thinking about how this thread didn't have too many guys posting in it and thought maybe it was because nobody knew about it. There has to be more golfers on OS that don't know about this place and authentic's story kind of proves that.

I'm really happy it's starting to pick up steam. The more people who know what they are talking about, the better.
I really had no clue. I just bought Tiger Woods 13 so I was looking around these forums and saw this thread.
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Old 06-27-2012, 04:23 AM   #839
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

Originally Posted by authentic
I just bought Tiger Woods 13 so I was looking around these forums and saw this thread.
Thats how I found this as well but I bought Tiger '12 for the Wii. I'll probably get '13 for the Xbox since I already have the Kinect.

But being 6'8 explains a lot -- still impressive. How is your short/mid game?
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Old 06-27-2012, 04:38 AM   #840
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

Originally Posted by JerzeyReign
Thats how I found this as well but I bought Tiger '12 for the Wii. I'll probably get '13 for the Xbox since I already have the Kinect.

But being 6'8 explains a lot -- still impressive. How is your short/mid game?
Short/mid game is strong. Still working on getting closer on my 2nd shot or approach shot though. My main problem is I'll lose focus and with blades, that usually results in a poor shot. When I'm zoned in for a tournament, it gets better. I'm going to try tweak my swing a bit to get more rotation, more of a circular motion than I am right now. I may not get extra distance, but I'll have more control on my drives and irons. I can do fades and draws but without much distance. Hopefully this shoulder issue clears up soon, because it's a real pain. The tough part for me right now I think will be getting a good L and 90 degree angle at the top of the swing.
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