
OFFICIAL "I'm looking for a XBOX ONE Madden league" Thread

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Old 12-21-2015, 01:16 AM   #409
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Re: OFFICIAL "I'm looking for a XBOX ONE Madden league" Thread

looking to join a league that advances every 2 days or so. regular rosters is preferred. i like building up teams and making trades with other people. everything else I'm pretty easy with. i don't cheese, so i don't expect the people i play against to either. i have groupme which works well so everyone in the league can talk.
GT: zocs1425
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Old 12-28-2015, 04:17 AM   #410
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Re: OFFICIAL "I'm looking for a XBOX ONE Madden league" Thread

Let's get a league started, people. Advance once every 48-72 hours. I'll start the league, using his slider set as is. 51 for Illegal block in the back and Roughing the passer. Add me on Xbox Live (justinparsley) or shoot me a message here or there for some details. We could get a pretty decent, 12-16 man league at least. I've seen 32 man leagues where people back out too often or play too shady and make others quit. It'd be nice to be involved in a legitimant CFM this year in the best Madden with the best sliders in quite some time. Thanks guys.

Madden League Rules

15 min. quarters. 13-15 second accelerated clock. All-Pro skill. Fast speed. Flazko sliders—as is (except fatigue raised to 62). Preseason is simulated (free agency is open thereafter). Every week is played out. Sim every 48-72 hours. PvP games must be twitched by person with strongest Internet connection.

1. 4th down should be punting/field goal attempts. There are situations for a team to go for it on 4th down:

A. Trailing by 10 pts or more with less than 6 mins left in 4th quarter.

B. Trailing by any amount with less than 2 mins left in 4th quarter.

C. 1 coach's decision per game

2. 3+1 rule. You can only resign up to 3 players on your team at the end of each season. This allows the rest of your team to be reentered into the FA pool (where you may attempt to resign them in the offseason, if you so desire). The +1 means you may franchise tag 1 player at the end of your season as well. Exception to said rule is for Super Bowl winners only. You may resign up to 4 players with 1 franchise tag option.

3. 30% minimal signing bonus. This means you must offer the free agent you're attempting to (re)sign 30% of his (yearly) contract offer as a signing bonus. This ensures that users won't offer absurd contracts with little signing bonuses to only cut players later on down the road to save on costs. You'll have to think and pay critically, as a simulation of the NFL would go. (i.e. $5 million at 1-6 years must contain a signing bonus of $1.5 mil)

4. Padding stats will result in 1 game suspension/auto pilot. Second game will result in 2 game suspension. Third game will be a 3 game suspension. Fourth game will be the remainder of the season on auto pilot.


-Examples of Stat Padding:
(Game 1)TE: 7rec 150yds 4TDs
(Game 2)TE: 8rec 200yds 3TDs
(Game3)TE: 9rec 251yds 5TDs

NO EXCUSE will be accepted.

-Throwing the ball 60 times; running with 1 RB 35 times and no backup getting touches

-Winning by more than 21pts and no 4th quarter reps for your backups (debatable.. If you're using your starter to complete passes on 3rd down conversions, it's respectable; refrain from 45-60 passes unless you're making a comeback and/or playing keep up with an offensive stud)

-There is a difference between having a big game and playing cheesy.
-If you are found guilty of stat padding, there will be a minimum of a 1 game suspension for that player.
-The duration of the suspension will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

-Mix up your personnel. There is no reason why 1 RB has every single carry out of the backfield for your team the entire season.

-If you are up by 21 pts in the 4th qtr (vs the CPU), please bench your starters and run out the clock with your backups .... Chew clock works beautifully.

5. No running the score up (Human or CPU opponents). If you are up by 2 possessions or more late, please do NOT still air it out constantly.

6. No-Huddle: .... Excessive use of the no-huddle is strictly prohibited. Acceptable uses of the no-huddle include: The end of quarters, the 4th quarter when trailing by 2 or more scores, and sprinkled in sporadically during the game; but no more than 3 times consecutively outside of trailing late in the 4th.

7. Disconnects

-If your game freezes or you get booted from the server or your connection drops, you MUST take a picture of the error message or vid of frozen screen. Communication is KEY. If this is not done, the user will be issued a loss for the current week. 2nd offense will result in 2 consecutive losses issued. 3rd offense and the user will be recommended for auto pilot for remainder of season.

8. Milking the Clock

-If you're trying to move the game into the next quarter, two minute warning mark, or are trying to maintain a lead in the last two minutes of the 2nd or 4th quarter, clock milking is deemed acceptable. Any other form of milking the game or play clock is noted as unacceptable. Your play count for every game should be between of 120-140 plays, excluding overtime games. Yes, there are times when you'll accidentally take time off the clock, trying to decide how to make your next move, but it should never be every single to every other down.

9. KIS (Keep It Sim)

A. No trading for 7 first round picks (limit 3) or signing FA for "trade bait".

B. No trades until after preseason. Limit free agent/trade acquisitions throughout the year. When IR occurs, obviously, replenish as needed. One blockbuster trade a year (how often do these occur in real life?)

C. Stay active and play games as often as humanly possible. 2-3 days allots plenty of time.

D. No going up big in score and continually airing it out to pad stats and chase records.

E. If it's preventable, do not go above 50 in scoring (minus maybe ONCE trying to break passing/rushing/receiving TD record). Sometimes your defense is explosive and pick 6's or scoop and scores happen. It's understandable.

F. Do not over utilize the same plays time and time again. Mix it up, just like the NFL games we see every week.

G. Just play realistic, simulated football like we see every week for 17 weeks during regular season.

These are hardly even rules. It's just written out to uphold the integrity of the game in a simulation-based world. It's good sportsmanship and allows everyone to enjoy the game equally. If anyone disagrees or has any questions about the proposed set of rules, speak up now, and we can open the forum for discussion.

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Heat Seeker: Off (THIS MUST BE OFF)
Switch Assist: Off (User Preference)
Kick Aiming Arc: Off (THIS MUST BE OFF)
Passing Cam: Off (User Preference)
Defensive Tackle Indicator: Off (THIS MUST BE OFF)
On Field Visual Feedback: Off (THIS MUST BE OFF)
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Old 01-01-2016, 07:49 PM   #411
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Re: OFFICIAL "I'm looking for a XBOX ONE Madden league" Thread

I am looking for a madden league. I am open quite a bit looking to advance preferably every other day or so I am a college student so have free time. Would like all-madden difficulty.

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Old 01-05-2016, 10:38 AM   #412
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Re: OFFICIAL "I'm looking for a XBOX ONE Madden league" Thread

4thNinches has a couple openings with the Raiders and Steelers being open. We are a league that is hosted here on Operation Sports. You can go to the link below to sign up.

crice256 is offline  
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Old 01-05-2016, 05:31 PM   #413
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Re: OFFICIAL "I'm looking for a XBOX ONE Madden league" Thread

Originally Posted by crice256
4thNinches has a couple openings with the Raiders and Steelers being open. We are a league that is hosted here on Operation Sports. You can go to the link below to sign up.

is this for xbox one?
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Old 01-05-2016, 11:02 PM   #414
Go Pack Go!!
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Re: OFFICIAL "I'm looking for a XBOX ONE Madden league" Thread

All, I'm looking for a Madden CFM, preferably one starting from the very beginning, and I'm interested in sim style football. I'll be a very good user, although I'll have to teach myself how to use Twitch. I'm open to any ideas, if anyone is looking for a good, honest, sim-style user.
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Old 01-07-2016, 03:45 PM   #415
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Re: OFFICIAL "I'm looking for a XBOX ONE Madden league" Thread

I'm very interested in joining a league with sim style play, I don't like it when people pad stats either. I'm very loyal player that can get my game everyday if need be & would use any team available! I have Groupme as well. GT: OSUxxBUCKEYES
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Old 01-13-2016, 10:39 AM   #416
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Posts: 432
Re: OFFICIAL "I'm looking for a XBOX ONE Madden league" Thread

We have Eagles open for XB1 league. Go to link below to sign up. We are hosted here on OS as well.

crice256 is offline  
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