
Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

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Old 08-23-2016, 11:35 PM   #73
vannwolfhawk's Arena
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Originally Posted by D81SKINS
Dude you're on a Roll!
Just think, if we wanted to, we could adust the CPUs gameplanning week to week, and really see some variety in the CPU!
Lol! I'm out on that 1! Haha the way I'm editing is I'm doing the whole Seahawks opponents playbooks 1st, then I'll do the best teams in each conference I could meet in the playoffs or super bowl. Teams with bad qb's or rookie qb's will get basic routes and plays and not as much love with different plays added. I'm hoping someone else does a few divisions as this is way time consuming. Then when all done and the season starts I'll re-go thru each team and minimize plays in a situation. If you look at the playbooks I have up now there are over 100 plays in some situations which will give you a huge variety of plays being called but now that I got each teams plays narrowed down per situation I can watch games and adjust here and there...

Last edited by vannwolfhawk; 08-23-2016 at 11:41 PM.
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Old 08-23-2016, 11:35 PM   #74
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Need some PS4 love...

Any suggestions or a breakdown on how we could replicate what you're doing?
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Old 08-23-2016, 11:40 PM   #75
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Originally Posted by xSABOx
Need some PS4 love...

Any suggestions or a breakdown on how we could replicate what you're doing?
All the info needed is within this thread without repeating myself. I know swagger coach said he will be doing a few different schemed playbooks again for ps4. He was getting the game today...
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Old 08-23-2016, 11:55 PM   #76
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Yea pretty sure the playbooks stick without the workaround.. Just move it over to CPU with 2nd controller, switch playbook, exit and move back to middle.. Swear that worked for me, but having played 16 in a while, maybe Im just remembering wrong. This is as a coach, where the 2nd controller is just a "guest" profile.
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Old 08-24-2016, 02:17 AM   #77
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Buccaneers are now up and live...
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Old 08-24-2016, 02:37 AM   #78
FinnishRaider's Arena
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Is this working with 3rd controller as well? Me and my friend are playing offline franchise and would love to use these playbooks. Does is it make a difference if there is 3rd controller that makes the "workaround" to get these playbooks work? Thanks.
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Old 08-24-2016, 07:09 AM   #79
JimmyT85's Arena
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Originally Posted by SwaggerCoach
Create a 2nd profile on your ps4 (or use another profile if you already have more than 2.)

Once you're on that profile, download a custom playbook.

Switch back over to your main profile. Go to your CFM. Create a new PLAYER on the TEAM you're playing against that week in your franchise (click on Right Stick). Make him an ACTIVE QB. Choose the team's 3rd stringer (or whatever is lowest - the idea is: you DON'T want him playing).


Then switch back over to your team. Start the game.

On the controller select screen, turn on a 2nd controller. Make sure it's connected to the 2nd profile (the same one that downloaded the custom playbook).

Slide the 2nd controller over to the opposing team. Choose the custom playbook for them.

Launch the game. The CPU should use the custom playbook and as long as the other quarterbacks don't get injured, your game will play perfectly with the CPU using much better play calling.

I don't own 17 yet (picking it up in a few hours) but from what I've heard, this process SHOULD work. I'll test later when I can.
Thanks a lot bro, much appreciated!
UK Packers Fan
PSN: bigfootstick1
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Old 08-24-2016, 03:22 PM   #80
vannwolfhawk's Arena
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Bills and Eagles are up on madden share. OP updated... I'd like some feedback on bills playbook against the CPU. It's very unique.
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