
Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

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Old 08-25-2016, 10:45 AM   #97
IcedCoffee1983's Arena
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

So I can get better play calling with the generic playbooks too, right? I don't HAVE to do custom playbooks, right? The generic PB's have a better star rating system than team regular PB's from what I have read, and therefore the generic ones produce better play calling.

So if I want I before each CFM game I can just turn on a 2nd controller with a guest profile, switch the CPU's playbooks to generic ones, start the game, and after the 1st play move the controller to the middle and turn it off... The playbook will stick, right?

Originally Posted by KingV2k3
To build off D81:

The Generic playbooks have always had better gameplans tied to them than Team Default, if you don't want to go "full on" and create Custom Books for the CPU...

For some reason, the CPU gameplans are weak in Season One and set smarter after the first post season, when the AI recalibrates everything...

This has (unfortunately) been the case for years...

In short:

I (often) use generics in Season One and Team Default from Season Two on...
So based on what KingV2k3 said, I only need to bother with this season 1, correct?

I'm just not advanced enough in my understanding like you guys to do it with custom PB's... but quickly swapping generics in year 1 is easy for me to understand.

Can I do it that way?
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Old 08-25-2016, 11:23 AM   #98
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Originally Posted by IcedCoffee1983
So I can get better play calling with the generic playbooks too, right? I don't HAVE to do custom playbooks, right? The generic PB's have a better star rating system than team regular PB's from what I have read, and therefore the generic ones produce better play calling.

So if I want I before each CFM game I can just turn on a 2nd controller with a guest profile, switch the CPU's playbooks to generic ones, start the game, and after the 1st play move the controller to the middle and turn it off... The playbook will stick, right?

So based on what KingV2k3 said, I only need to bother with this season 1, correct?

I'm just not advanced enough in my understanding like you guys to do it with custom PB's... but quickly swapping generics in year 1 is easy for me to understand.

Can I do it that way?
Yes, the generics have a different star rating system than the default PBs.
I would just have to check and see if they have multiple 4 vertical plays in them, I didn't see them in the Run N Shoot PB.
You may even want to do generic defensive PBs.
I will get more time on this Sunday and Monday.
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Old 08-25-2016, 12:21 PM   #99
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Originally Posted by SwaggerCoach
OK I've had a chance to get the game and played a few games - it's a ton of fun this year.

Haven't had much of a look into the playbooks - might dig into that a little tonight.

Last year I believe I was able to crank out 7-8 PS4 playbooks.

This year I'm going to aim for 3-4.

Instead of doing each team's unique playbook, I'm just going to eliminate the stupid plays (4 verts, endless PA's, etc) and create different options for the CPU you can give them based on their team strengths.

Something like:
- Vertical/pass heavy offense
- Run heavy offense
- Option read/spread offense
- West coast offense

Since I'm not analyzing each team's playbook in detail like I did last year, this project should go much faster.

I'll post here once I get some PS4 books up....and who knows...I might throw up a few specific team ones as well....no promises
Would love to get a Jets playbook.

Thanks for the PS4 effort.
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Old 08-25-2016, 12:36 PM   #100
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Originally Posted by D81SKINS
Yes, the generics have a different star rating system than the default PBs.
I would just have to check and see if they have multiple 4 vertical plays in them, I didn't see them in the Run N Shoot PB.
You may even want to do generic defensive PBs.
I will get more time on this Sunday and Monday.
Sweet! I may have to do this in my CFM!

How will formation subs work if changing to generic playbook?

Does anyone have a list all teams and what generic playbook they should be given?

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Old 08-25-2016, 01:05 PM   #101
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

How do I change the a offensive Schemes to a playbooks I have DLd in CFM. When I go to MY COACH screen and then Schemes, none of the custom playbooks appear. Thanks for any help. I apologize if I overlooked this somewhere in the thread.
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Old 08-25-2016, 01:13 PM   #102
SwaggerCoach's Arena
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Spent a good chunk of time testing out my first BALANCED ATTACK playbook last night in CFM mode.

I'm testing as the Raiders.


- GOOD LAWWWD the CPU needs Run Block boosted in sliders. Their blocking is ANEMIC. Makes it a bit difficult to test the playbook balance when the CPU is going 20 for 38 with running the ball. Yikes. I'll up their run blocking and see what happens

- Play the Moment is incredible for testing playbooks. I can just play DEFENSE ONLY and it's a beautiful thing. LOVING that feature

- My first go had the CPU passing to the TE far too often.

- Not seeing enough deep shots either...which is interesting because I added a good deal of deep posts/outs/corners that get 20+ yards downfield. I yanked out the Verts plays and most of the shot plays...but I may need to stick a few back in. More testing needed here.

- Seeing the CPU chuck the ball out of bounds a ton. I've been able to generate a lot of pressure easily...and I'm seeing the rush affect the throw often which is cool. I recognize that I have Aldon Smith and Khalil Mack...but I'm not quite seeing the problem people are having with pass rush?

Just some initial thoughts. Still plenty to test and tweak - but I'm hoping by tonight/tomorrow to have a fully functioning Balance Attack playbook up for PS4.
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Old 08-25-2016, 01:35 PM   #103
IcedCoffee1983's Arena
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Originally Posted by D81SKINS
Yes, the generics have a different star rating system than the default PBs.
I would just have to check and see if they have multiple 4 vertical plays in them, I didn't see them in the Run N Shoot PB.
You may even want to do generic defensive PBs.
I will get more time on this Sunday and Monday.
Perfect, thanks for responding to my post D8; you are a Gentleman and a Scholar.

And yes, I will be sure to pick a generic for both offense and defense for the CPU. I'll keep an eye out for which generics might have multiple 4 verticals. Once I browse through and decide which generic play books are good, I'll have to devise a plan for which generics apply to each team the best.

After year 1 (supposedly) the CPU teams "recalibrate" their play books and then I will just let them use their default PB's. I will say... this is the 1st time I've heard of this "recalibration." But it's good to know it happens I guess.

Originally Posted by The Kid 24
Sweet! I may have to do this in my CFM!

How will formation subs work if changing to generic playbook?

Does anyone have a list all teams and what generic playbook they should be given?

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Actually, I think there is a list like that around here somewhere.

Someone on OS discovered the thing about generic playbooks a year or two ago. They made a list of which generic playbooks apply best to each team.

However I don't know where to find it, and I don't know if it would still be up-to-date.

Lastly... Is it really true CPU teams "recalibrate" their playbook each year?
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Old 08-25-2016, 01:43 PM   #104
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Re: Madden 17 Everything Playbooks (custom) for the CPU or user

Just plugged in Vikings @ Packers in Play Now.

wow! What a difference...the CPU's play calling is amazing.

What are the plans with this? Are you planning on customizing all 32 teams' playbook?

I briefly saw this was able to be used in CFM which is awesome too.
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