03-11-2011, 10:06 PM
Regarding changes to hitting
I've read over some of this thread. Just signed up here but I've played MLB 09 and MLB '10 pretty avidly. Bought MLB 11 the day it was released. When playing MLB 09 / 10 I always played on legend with pitching and hitting. I did really well with the PCI. My general strategy was to guess fastball most of the time and react to off speed pitches. I did REALLY well even when I guessed wrong most of the time (I was using default 1/4 for pitch guessing). However, on MLB 11 it seems like hitting has now become impossible. Everything I hit is always a weak ground ball or "just missed" foul ball. Even pitches that seem like I square up perfectly aren't going ANYWHERE. Not to mention if I guess a pitch and I'm wrong, hitting the pitch is nearly impossible.
Anyways I'm really struggling with hitting in MLB '11 after having so much success in previous versions. Did they just make it to where hitting is like 10x more difficult? For what its worth, I tried analog and had decent success, but i'm pretty bad at the whole timing thing. I kinda want to stick with PCI zone controls b/c I've used them for SO long, but if I cant even hit the ball then I might have to go to analog. Any tips or info on this would be much appreciated.
As stated before, I'm basically wondering what the heck was changed b/c hitting is nearly impossible for me now with PCI zone. Even on allstar difficulty I still struggle pretty hard. (Yes I played 09 and 10 and yes I did very well on legend hitting).
Thanks again!