
Why should I use dynamic difficulty?

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Old 03-25-2018, 08:34 PM   #1
PVarck31's Arena
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Why should I use dynamic difficulty?

I'm curious about this. I normally play on All-Star for both pitching and hitting. And sometimes I feel like I need difficulty changes when either one of those things gets either too easy or too hard.

I guess I'm trying to understand how it actually works. Like will it just average out and be the perfect setting or will it just make it too easy or too hard then keep adjusting until you really aren't getting anywhere.

Maybe someone understands this and can explain it to me. Thanks.
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Old 03-25-2018, 08:48 PM   #2
alston4659's Arena
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Re: Why should I use dynamic difficulty?

This is my first year using dynamic difficulty and so far I love it. So I'm not the best at this game even after buying the past two editions so this works perfectly for me. Both hitting and pitching start off at rookie level then based on how well you do at both the setting gradually moves up. There's are bar that is displayed throughout games that goes up or down depending on how well you are hitting and pitching. My pitching is better than my hitting so I've worked my way up to all star at the moment. But if I have a bad game or two pitching the bar will move down until I get my groove back. Same for hitting. I'm at the tail end of veteran at the moment and I think this is best suited for me because I'm not necessarily stuck on any one difficulty level. Give it a shot. It's worked wonders for me thus far.

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Old 03-25-2018, 08:53 PM   #3
JahCreations's Arena
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Re: Why should I use dynamic difficulty?

I think its great i just wish there was a way to start at the level you want then have it adjust. I just hate having to grid. Through 10-15 games to get it to where i fee a balance of challenge and fun.
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Old 03-25-2018, 08:59 PM   #4
bravo2208's Arena
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Re: Why should I use dynamic difficulty?

^lol I'm the opposite. This is my first Show in a while so I'm grinding through Play Now games to get my skill level to a good place for Franchise/RTTS. This process has also been keeping me entertained while we wait for the OSFM roster. I don't know why I never used dynamic difficulty before. It's great.
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Old 03-25-2018, 09:01 PM   #5
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Re: Why should I use dynamic difficulty?

If you're already good enough to play on legend, dynamic probably isnt for you. But if all-star gives you fits, then dynamic can slowly over time improve your game. Before dynamic, even veteran would tie me in knots. After years of dynamic, I still stink at hitting, but now I can stink at it on all-star & still do enough with my pitching to sometimes qualify for the post-season.
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Old 03-25-2018, 09:08 PM   #6
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Re: Why should I use dynamic difficulty?

I always use Dynamic Difficulty. I love the way it is constantly moving. If I hit a place where I am struggling then I either figure it out or it lowers the difficulty slightly and I get back on track.

It's just like baseball. There are ups and downs.

This is why I have no problem with OSFM Roster taking a while. It gives me time to get the Difficulty to where it needs to be before I start my franchise.
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Old 03-25-2018, 09:10 PM   #7
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Re: Why should I use dynamic difficulty?

Also remember there is a slider to speed up or slow down the process. You can also bring it to a grinding halt when you reached your desired level.
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Old 03-25-2018, 09:49 PM   #8
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Re: Why should I use dynamic difficulty?

Originally Posted by UTAllTheWay
I always use Dynamic Difficulty. I love the way it is constantly moving. If I hit a place where I am struggling then I either figure it out or it lowers the difficulty slightly and I get back on track.

It's just like baseball. There are ups and downs.

This is why I have no problem with OSFM Roster taking a while. It gives me time to get the Difficulty to where it needs to be before I start my franchise.
I actually think Dynamic takes away the ups and downs. Or at least does it too quickly. If I go on a 3 game slump offensively, the difficulty will become easier and allow me to get out of that slump. If I get hot for a week, the game gets harder and my team falls back.

If I put together a great roster, I should be able to dominate consistently without the game getting more difficult. If my team sucks, it should show.

I used it in the past to get to a sweet spot where the results felt good, then put the progression slider on 0 to keep it there. I wouldn't recommend leaving the slider at 5 or something, but I think it can work to get to your sweet spot without having to mess with individual sliders as much. I don't know if it's ever going to happen, but it would be amazing if they could transfer your DD setting with the carryover.
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