
Why is the Layup Defense Strength (Takeoff) slider set to 0 by default in 2K25?

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Old 01-10-2025, 05:51 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Why is the Layup Defense Strength (Takeoff) slider set to 0 by default in 2K25?

Has anyone gotten any explanation or understanding for why this is? It seems completely abnormal and has never been like this in any other iteration of the game. Did they find it was broken so they just set it to 0 right before launch or something? I do find it hard to balance makes and misses on layups and shots around the rim. Sometimes it seems like everyone misses as long as there's a body standing in the vicinity and then sometimes it's just nonstop contact layups makes and And1's. Makes me think this slider being at 0 this year is just some sort of oversight or glitch on 2ks part.
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Old 01-11-2025, 01:59 AM   #2
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Join Date: Oct 2019
Re: Why is the Layup Defense Strength (Takeoff) slider set to 0 by default in 2K25?

No it's not a glitch. It is a sort of band aid to try to fix players coming off a dunk animation if a defender (of whichever height) is in the vicinity of the paint. Since 2K had no time to make a proper fix they simply put the takeoff defense to 0 so that it happens only when good defenders are around.

They are still actively trying to fix the issue properly on the backend and you can see this even in these patch notes.
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