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Originally Posted by HOLLIDAY1183 |
Wow, Hotobu & EvanRG, dial that down a bit. When did things become personal? By the way, we're on a message board.
Never was a "fake 2K supporter" because I never supported any company. That's lunacy, when you consider what all this equipment costs us, TVs consoles etc. I spend $$ on games I like. Period.
Where a lotta ya'll go wrong is when you assume another man's motives for posting a particular view. Heck, I can't even figure the motives of people I know/work with, let alone some anonymous guys typing on a sports gaming site.
I never post concerning someone else's opinion, because it's theirs. In a perfect world you'll be in your living room enjoying 2K10, while I'll be here enjoying 2K10, Live 10 as well as CH2K8 w/BS's edits. We gamers, man, I do this when I take my tie off.
Now, a few more impressions:
I do like how the intro is, feels real dynamic, and like someone said, it really feels like a game is bout to go down. And I disagree with some--though Lebron is off, I think Kobe looks great (and it appears they've fixed his form).
The funny thing is -- I never mentioned anyone by name and didn't single anyone out. You felt the need to respond to me.
All I'm saying is that there are people posting in this thread with no reason other than to try and stir up trouble.
I unintentionally did this in the Live forums so I steer clear of them now that I have a definitive choice for which game I'll be getting -- all I ask is that those who have already made up their mind, steer clear of these threads because we don't need to know why you think Live is so much better.
The idea that people somehow know that 2k10 is "2k9.5" from a 3 minute video over the internet is simply laughable and just makes you less credible as a "game critique."
If your post is going to contain the name LIVE 10 in it, then re-think before posting. period.