
Last gen impressions?

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Old 10-07-2014, 03:19 AM   #41
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Re: Last gen impressions?

Am very sad and disappointed, i was pumped, even told my bro to go pick it up as he passes through gamestop on his way to work, smh, i feel betrayed, its like they forget we were a huge part of the people that helped them get to where they are today, ill still get it but am not sure if i can return it for a refund after opening it, i just want to see this garbage with my own eyes, part of me just says forget it and move on, but all the anticipation for nothing, really was hoping for the best, gotta say 2k over the years has given me disappointments, but this is by far the worst, what sickens me is in the crew announcement they were talking about loyalty towards their last gen users, what a bunch of disgusting people, they will do anything for 60$.
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Old 10-07-2014, 03:23 AM   #42
CaseIH's Arena
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Re: Last gen impressions?

Originally Posted by theranhog
there is not even intro vid when you boot the game up lol. Is Kerr the announcer on next Gen? Lol they won't even have commentary about Love being on the Cavs or nothing. This might be more lazy then Madden.
I never thought I would say that 2k was more lazy than the Madden crew, but the 2k guys managed to make the Madden devs look good this year. Madden15 on the PS3 is actually a solid game for once and improved upon, NBA2k15 is identical to 14, SMFH.

Gameplay wise I loved 14, so not really upset about gameplay being the same, its all the other stuff and the lies that were told by 2k that has me upset. I cant imagine the 2k devs worked more than a few hours on the last gen game before releasing it. Id say it take me longer to fix the mess of rating each yr by them than it did for them to make NBA2k15 Unbelievable!
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Old 10-07-2014, 03:25 AM   #43
CaseIH's Arena
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Re: Last gen impressions?

Originally Posted by Leasim96
Am very sad and disappointed, i was pumped, even told my bro to go pick it up as he passes through gamestop on his way to work, smh, i feel betrayed, its like they forget we were a huge part of the people that helped them get to where they are today, ill still get it but am not sure if i can return it for a refund after opening it, i just want to see this garbage with my own eyes, part of me just says forget it and move on, but all the anticipation for nothing, really was hoping for the best, gotta say 2k over the years has given me disappointments, but this is by far the worst, what sickens me is in the crew announcement they were talking about loyalty towards their last gen users, what a bunch of disgusting people, they will do anything for 60$.
Trust me you dont want to see it with your own eyes, thats a lot of money to waste, just pop in NBA2k14 cause thats what 15 is,lol
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Old 10-07-2014, 03:29 AM   #44
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Re: Last gen impressions?

I can only hope that people who are considering buying it find these forums, ive been in their shoes plenty of times now and don't want the same to happen to them, 2k doesn't deserve any money for this, perhaps we should give them time, but a first impression is always crucial, and this first impression is disgusting, i say all of you who bought it go to some sites and give it the negative reviews it deserves, nobody should be tricked into buying 2k14 with a 5 drawed with sharpie.
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Old 10-07-2014, 03:31 AM   #45
CaseIH's Arena
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Re: Last gen impressions?

Originally Posted by JAY_D1
We all knew that we were going to get the bad end of the stick...
Make the best of it..if its your last system you will purchase for a while, try to see the good, if not, sell it to someone that will appreciate it. I know that there are some people that have no choice but to grab NBA 2K15 and trying to see the good..

I'm going to grab it for Xbox 360 and expect it to be the same just with the hornets and some rooks...the rosters? WILL GET PATCHED, along with a bunch of stuff, so its not a big thing (to me at least).

I am definitely sure there are things that are dope in these old gen games, gameplay prolly a little better. We getting the scraps, we know

Next gen has taken over, but I am going to still get it regardless, but this coming from someone that still loves College Hoops 2k8.

Ill def be dropping impressions on when I get it tomorrow.. its all good last gen players!

They didnt Patch 14 so dont expect them to patch 15, cause it wont be happening and you will be sadly disappointed.

If I still had my XBox360 I would still play CH2k8 to this day, but I had to get a PS3 back in 09 so I could have a baseball game, or one that was good, and CH2k8 on the PS3 is junk. I loved CH2k8 and when I bought it for the PS3 and found out it was junk compared to the 360 version I about cried. It had all kinds of framrate issues and kept locking up on the PS3. Back when I had the 360 CH2k8 was all I played, as I could never get enough of it.
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Old 10-07-2014, 03:37 AM   #46
CaseIH's Arena
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Re: Last gen impressions?

Originally Posted by Leasim96
I can only hope that people who are considering buying it find these forums, ive been in their shoes plenty of times now and don't want the same to happen to them, 2k doesn't deserve any money for this, perhaps we should give them time, but a first impression is always crucial, and this first impression is disgusting, i say all of you who bought it go to some sites and give it the negative reviews it deserves, nobody should be tricked into buying 2k14 with a 5 drawed with sharpie.
Im sure they will be getting a ton of calls and rants about this and rightfully so. They deserve all the hate they get this yr for doing this to the last gen gamers.

Honestly I do blame myself more than I do them, because I knew better than trust them. Up until last yr I hadnt been happy with 2k since CH2k8 and NBA2k8, but last yr I loved the game. I really should have waited because I could have been happy with playing 14 for quite a while. I loved 14 like a lot of people loved NBA2k11. 11 was fun but if you are a diehard Association guy and OCD about Stats then 11 was junk because the sim stats were bad and there was a stats glitch along with stats being bad.
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Old 10-07-2014, 03:42 AM   #47
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Re: Last gen impressions?

i doubt they will patch it, i agree with CaseIH, am thinking of just not buying it but i already preordered it and am not sure if i can cancel, all thats left to pay is 10$, my brother is gonna laugh in my face, i was so hyped, its kinda embarrassing, he'll laugh at me for spending 60$ on the same game, i might be able to just exchange it for the ps4 version and have it there for whenever i buy a next gen console, its the only option i can think of, i don't think i can return a game thats already opened from its case, thats the problem.
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Old 10-07-2014, 03:43 AM   #48
CaseIH's Arena
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Re: Last gen impressions?

Did anyone else not get their preorder bonus code? I dod get the digital version but it said I would get a code, yet I never have got one yet.
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