
NBA Elite 11 Impressions (Kotaku)

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Old 06-20-2010, 01:14 AM   #33
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Re: NBA Elite 11 Impressions (Kotaku)

Dexvex, what makes you think they wont reach their goals? Are they aiming to high or are we going to be disappointed this year.
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Old 06-20-2010, 01:54 AM   #34
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Re: NBA Elite 11 Impressions (Kotaku)

Originally Posted by dexvex

It amuses how people try to **** on w.i.p games. Devs can get a whole lot more done when you're dealing with code based/runtime gamplay engines(Elite) vs animation based ones(LIVE/2k). I talked to one of the producers at e3 this week and they have a real lofty goal for this series, but I don't think they will get quite there this year. It will be interesting to see how close they get though.

Yo dude tell us more man, you seem to have a lot of information, specially about the intention of where the series wants to go, as someone said before me, why do you say they are probably not reaching theyre gameplay goals this year??? Do you think they have hight standards, or it is impossible to reach the perfection they want on the physics engine in a "short" amount of time they had to develop it???

I am glad they havenīt show nothing, because now I know they are working hard, and not hyping the game when right now, huge changes are being made, I just hope they bring a decent game, because if they not people will start bashing the real-time engine, when people that know(not deeply informed of course) what these engines can give to the sports gaming industry(just look at Backbreakers physics), THIS IS THE FUTURE, and I just hope that Elite 11 does it decent or above, because Elite 12, with even more work and knowledge of the engine (plus time), it is over, ITīS OVA

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Old 07-22-2010, 05:30 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Behindshadows
See you hit that right on the nose...Games coming out way past the basketball games, have full gameplay demos running. Showing us something, and overall explaining additions and so forth. Just amazing me, the basketball games coming out in 4 months and we get nothing. 3 lame screenshots per company. Minus the extra one IGN released of other guys playing the game, I mean really?

That is just mediocre and poor marketing, last two E3's have been trash. Why even announce your going to be at E3 if you already know the public can't attend, don't you think we at least deserve to see some online footage or something, since we are the ones buying the games. And then you get tons of articles of I see that they are doing this, and I've seen these graphics, I saw this presentation.

I don't care anymore what people saw, I buy my games based on, SHOW ME!!!! You can tell me anything, but seeing is believing!
no not really becase the reason why those other games are able to be shown like a year from its release date is because they are not sports game. all those other games have ben in the works for years, like 2 or 3 years in the making thats why they have the confidence to display their game early. sports game is on a yearly basis, so every year they only have one year to improove every aspect of the game
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Old 07-22-2010, 07:41 AM   #36
carnalnirvana's Arena
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Re: NBA Elite 11 Impressions (Kotaku)

online play, skill based shooting etc. nothing on cpu AI. hows their post game, are they still going to throw up shows regardless of who it is or the defense in their face....

i am begining thing these games are built for online play only these days and thats still not even done right to curb unsportsman like play....
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