
NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

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Old 09-11-2014, 09:12 AM   #169
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That floaty chest pass is still there...*SMH*. The ball bounces in slow-mo once it hit's the rim. Seems floaty. I like the spacing and off ball movements though.
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Old 09-11-2014, 09:23 AM   #170
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
Starting with the excuses already, huh? Building up that equity early I see.

All leaked videos have terrible players.

Being a terrible player has nothing to do with 4 CPU-controlled teammates and 4 CPU-controlled opponents not going for a rebound while the ball drops to the ground in between them. Eight players letting that ball drop is just bad AI no matter how you slice it.

Back in Live 2005 you could tap rebounds until the ball went in or someone secured it. That's 10 years ago man.

I'm tired of these conversations about off-ball movement too. Last gen you could set your offense type and they'd run their sets regardless if you called a play or not.

Why are we taking steps back when the technology is more powerful?

Instead of making excuses, hold these guys accountable because this stuff is just flat out unacceptable. These are core aspects of gameplay. Not Sim stuff. Not fluff. Core fundamentals. And they're skimping on them.
I agree we should have a standered these guys are held to, but these same funamental problems are/have been in all basketball games. Rebounding,AI logic, woonky movement,players moving without purpose, no one has come close to matching the pace of an nba game, fast breaks are joke have you ever seen a 3 on 1 run correct? Players can cheese their way through the lane and score without regard to other players on the court and the list goes on. Point is nobody has the fundamentals of the game right, they just use a different coat of paint. So yes let's hold them all accountable.
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Old 09-11-2014, 11:35 AM   #171
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by Ajknowsit
I agree we should have a standered these guys are held to, but these same funamental problems are/have been in all basketball games. Rebounding,AI logic, woonky movement,players moving without purpose, no one has come close to matching the pace of an nba game, fast breaks are joke have you ever seen a 3 on 1 run correct? Players can cheese their way through the lane and score without regard to other players on the court and the list goes on. Point is nobody has the fundamentals of the game right, they just use a different coat of paint. So yes let's hold them all accountable.
The foundation of the game is the problem. And every year they just slap more lipstick on a pig.

Can't talk about pace of a game when there are no sliders.

My issue is that a lot of these issues worked in years past.

There were rebounding battles in Live 2005.
Fastbreaks were a thing of beauty in Live 2006. Yes..2-on-1s and 3-on-1s worked correctly.

Any game can be cheesed.

But when people keep switching lead designers, dev teams and philosophies every single year this is the unpolished garbage we get.

The game may be playable and fun.

But let's not act like people are bitching about things that are outside the scope of being fixed.
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Old 09-11-2014, 11:39 AM   #172
(aka Alberto)
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by Ajknowsit
I agree we should have a standered these guys are held to, but these same funamental problems are/have been in all basketball games. Rebounding,AI logic, woonky movement,players moving without purpose, no one has come close to matching the pace of an nba game, fast breaks are joke have you ever seen a 3 on 1 run correct? Players can cheese their way through the lane and score without regard to other players on the court and the list goes on. Point is nobody has the fundamentals of the game right, they just use a different coat of paint. So yes let's hold them all accountable.
I have no issues with the Rebounding and AI logic in the other game. Why? Because the game has sliders which can affect those areas.
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Old 09-11-2014, 11:47 AM   #173
El_Poopador's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Oddly enough, I have mixed feelings about the auto-motion. In one respect, it's weird and not realistic to have players stand around and doing nothing, unless you're running an iso. And even then, they should still be looking for opportunities to get open.

On the other hand, I can't count the number of times I beat my man off the dribble, or draw another defender inside that would have been perfect for a drive and kick, only to have my AI teammate make a bonehead move off the ball (or at least a move I didn't want them to make), leading their defender into me or getting themselves out of position for an open shot.

Last edited by El_Poopador; 09-11-2014 at 11:49 AM.
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Old 09-11-2014, 11:52 AM   #174
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by El_Poopador
Oddly enough, I have mixed feelings about the auto-motion. In one respect, it's weird and not realistic to have players stand around and doing nothing, unless you're running an iso. And even then, they should still be looking for opportunities to get open.

On the other hand, I can't count the number of times I beat my man off the dribble, or draw another defender inside that would have been perfect for a drive and kick, only to have my AI teammate make a bonehead move off the ball (or at least a move I didn't want them to make), leading their defender into me or getting themselves out of position for an open shot.
This typically doesnt happen if you call plays or run pick and rolls.
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Old 09-11-2014, 12:05 PM   #175
23's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

That's still no reason for it.

What coach or team has this as an offense in the nba?

Nobody is going to run an iso offense for an entire game
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Old 09-11-2014, 12:07 PM   #176
El_Poopador's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by 23
That's still no reason for it.

What coach or team has this as an offense in the nba?

Nobody is going to run an iso offense for an entire game
That's why I'm torn lol. In real life, that would never happen. But in the video game world, where the off-ball movement is a result of AI programming, too many mistakes happen. In any case, even if it is made an option, auto-motion should absolutely be enabled by default. No idea why they would make it the other way around.
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