
NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

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Old 09-11-2014, 03:35 PM   #185
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

I own 2K12 and 2K13 and while I liked those games, I actually had more fun with Live 10.
I'm not a diehard and I barely watch basketball. But I've always found the video games to be enjoyable.

I hope Live can get back to where it was.
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Old 09-11-2014, 03:40 PM   #186
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Live is back to where it was. It's ahead of where it was. Do NOT base your opinion on what was shown here. There is a reason that a lot went into the onboarding process. GO through it, learn the controls, and enjoy.

And before you all say it, I know, you're basing it on the only thing that you have to base it on currently. I'm just saying, wait for the rest of the coverage coming out. Hell, wait til release and I can stream the game.
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Last edited by WTF; 09-11-2014 at 03:42 PM.
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Old 09-11-2014, 03:47 PM   #187
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Sigh...so I guess we should add options to turn off rebounding. Lets add an option so that no one can steal the ball. We can also add options to turn off any kind of special dribbling because some people may find it difficult to do or defend against.

Stop acting like there cant be a line. There is a difference between eliminating fundamentals of a game and tweaking things to make a game less or more realistic.

So who determines where that line is though? Sure we can agree that this option should be no where near a videogame. My point again is what if somebody disagrees with both of us and would love to play this motionless game(for some ungodly reason)? What makes you or me the authority on where that line should be? The fair opinion should be the exact one I share of sliders. I don't care if it's in so long as it doesn't set back the "SIM" style of play that the Live team continues to tell me they are trying to create. Personally I have no use for anything outside of the best possible simulation a game developer can deliver.

It's funny because even though we debating each other we really again only share a very small difference of opinion. I just think you misunderstood my point(as initially I may not have expressed myself well enough) and have taken a defense stance on points I'm not trying to argue against. I'm ok with the principles of sliders and I think this whole option to turn off motion is a waste of any amount of development time.
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Old 09-11-2014, 04:00 PM   #188
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by da ThRONe
So who determines where that line is though? Sure we can agree that this option should be no where near a videogame. My point again is what if somebody disagrees with both of us and would love to play this motionless game(for some ungodly reason)? What makes you or me the authority on where that line should be? The fair opinion should be the exact one I share of sliders. I don't care if it's in so long as it doesn't set back the "SIM" style of play that the Live team continues to tell me they are trying to create. Personally I have no use for anything outside of the best possible simulation a game developer can deliver.

It's funny because even though we debating each other we really again only share a very small difference of opinion. I just think you misunderstood my point(as initially I may not have expressed myself well enough) and have taken a defense stance on points I'm not trying to argue against. I'm ok with the principles of sliders and I think this whole option to turn off motion is a waste of any amount of development time.
No thats not it at all. Your point has evolved as the conversation has gone on. This was your original post about sliders:

"I don't know why on a new gen system in 2014 why we would need sliders in the 1st place."

Then you spent 4 more posts trying to defend that point.

Now its "The game should be use stats to be Sim at default but give people sliders if they want to tweak the game".

Its not a misunderstanding....your position changed slightly.

I'm not gonna discuss the offball motion anymore because I've stated several times that there is a difference between tweaking a fundamental aspect of the game and completely eliminating it. Might as well give people the option to turn off dribbling.
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Old 09-11-2014, 04:02 PM   #189
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by WTF
Live is back to where it was. It's ahead of where it was. Do NOT base your opinion on what was shown here. There is a reason that a lot went into the onboarding process. GO through it, learn the controls, and enjoy.

And before you all say it, I know, you're basing it on the only thing that you have to base it on currently. I'm just saying, wait for the rest of the coverage coming out. Hell, wait til release and I can stream the game.
Come on man. What are you basing this on? Gameplay wise, Live 10 was a better game than Live 14 even after the patch. We've only seen less than 2 minutes of 15 game play so how can you say its "ahead of where it was"? What are you basing that on?
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Old 09-11-2014, 04:14 PM   #190
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Cmon, aholbert32, look at my username color

I'm well aware that Live 10 played better than 14. I'm also stating that imho, Live 15 will play better than Live 10.

2 minutes of gameplay or not, I'll base my opinion on other things.
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Old 09-11-2014, 04:14 PM   #191
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by aholbert32
No thats not it at all. Your point has evolved as the conversation has gone on. This was your original post about sliders:

"I don't know why on a new gen system in 2014 why we would need sliders in the 1st place."

Then you spent 4 more posts trying to defend that point.

Now its "The game should be use stats to be Sim at default but give people sliders if they want to tweak the game".

Its not a misunderstanding....your position changed slightly.

I'm not gonna discuss the offball motion anymore because I've stated several times that there is a difference between tweaking a fundamental aspect of the game and completely eliminating it. Might as well give people the option to turn off dribbling.

Again I meant I don't know why sliders are need to produce the best simulation possible. It was a lazy comment and I owe that. My argument may seem like it "evolved" but that's only because I didn't express it as clear as I should have. As the discussion progress I was able to correct that mistake. You are the one that are holding on to that one comment to try and discredit everything I have said after.

Also saying motion is as important to the game as dribbling is hyperbole. We have had basketball videogames for years with dribbling and without motion yet we have never had a basketball videogame with motion and without dribbling.
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Old 09-11-2014, 04:15 PM   #192
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by WTF
Cmon, aholbert32, look at my username color

I'm well aware that Live 10 played better than 14. I'm also stating that imho, Live 15 will play better than Live 10.

2 minutes of gameplay or not, I'll base my opinion on other things.
LOL. Totally forgot that you are a Game Changer.
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