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papinho81 03-25-2017 05:28 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by Matt10 (Post 2048751272)
Can't you stream when I'm awake? Lol, it's bed time. I will watch the archive, hope to catch you on one of these soon.

Breakfast time here!

papinho81 03-25-2017 08:29 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by Tinker (Post 2048751253)
I think one or both these settings do not change numbers in attack, i.e. they remain as they are. A bit strange, yes, but it is. If you have team with blue/blue and go to chose All out Defense, it will remain blue/blue. All others (possession, long ball etc.) do change at least one.

If you still have PES 2015 or 2016, check it there with numbers in attack.

In other words, to know precisely what settings will you get, you still have to know what are the default settings for the given team.

I didn't manage to reproduce that on my testings this morning (might have missed something..?). A soon as I switched to a simple tactic the ATT/DEF configuration exactly matched the configs Matt listed.

For example starting with Monaco (BLUE/BLUE) and switching them to the simple tact All out defense they shifted to a ORANGE/ORANGE config.

Also weirdly inside the simple tactic menu, if you move from Possession Game to All-out defense the attacking styles is configured as Possession in the two cases but if you move to All-out Attack and return to All-out Defense, the Attacking style is changed to counter attack? Not really important but I found that strange.

papinho81 03-27-2017 02:20 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by Tinker (Post 2048751253)
I think one or both these settings do not change numbers in attack, i.e. they remain as they are. A bit strange, yes, but it is. If you have team with blue/blue and go to chose All out Defense, it will remain blue/blue. All others (possession, long ball etc.) do change at least one.

If you still have PES 2015 or 2016, check it there with numbers in attack.

In other words, to know precisely what settings will you get, you still have to know what are the default settings for the given team.

Actually you were right. None of the Long Ball, Quick Counter and Possession simple tactics have an effect on the ATT/DEF levels.

I test it with Monaco and Brazil that have BLUE/BLUE and ORANGE/ORANGE default configuration respectively. Nothing happen they kept their default configs when set to any of these three simple tactics.

Tinker 03-27-2017 02:32 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by papinho81 (Post 2048754662)
Actually you were right. None of the Long Ball, Quick Counter and Possession simple tactics have an effect on the ATT/DEF levels.

I test it with Monaco and Brazil that have BLUE/BLUE and ORANGE/ORANGE default configuration respectively. Nothing happen they kept their default configs when set to any of these three simple tactics.

Hmm that's very strange. I thought All out Attack and All out Defence do not change anything, while these you mentioned do :confused:

Matt10 03-27-2017 03:54 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by papinho81 (Post 2048754662)
Actually you were right. None of the Long Ball, Quick Counter and Possession simple tactics have an effect on the ATT/DEF levels.

I test it with Monaco and Brazil that have BLUE/BLUE and ORANGE/ORANGE default configuration respectively. Nothing happen they kept their default configs when set to any of these three simple tactics.

I think there are some teams that it doesn't affect. I tested with Leicester, and they were not affected, but then tested with Lazio and they went from Orange/Orange to Green/Green when using Possession Game simple tactic.

Could it be possible that teams that have a transition Att/Def (color/different color) are not affected by the values because these do not have direction (wide, middle, etc) in the parentheses?

papinho81 03-28-2017 02:42 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by Matt10 (Post 2048754838)
I think there are some teams that it doesn't affect. I tested with Leicester, and they were not affected, but then tested with Lazio and they went from Orange/Orange to Green/Green when using Possession Game simple tactic.

Could it be possible that teams that have a transition Att/Def (color/different color) are not affected by the values because these do not have direction (wide, middle, etc) in the parentheses?

Could be different on your save but I am pretty sure that Lazio is Orange/Green default. Also I tested it with team that have color/same color, Monaco (B/B) and Brazil (O/O) so I am not sure transition has to do with it. Could it be the absence of Green in the default configuration?

Personally I prefer using the Save/Load solution because I am sure what I am getting but also it offers combinations you can't get with the simple settings solution.

Matt10 03-28-2017 09:45 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by papinho81 (Post 2048756194)
Could be different on your save but I am pretty sure that Lazio is Orange/Green default. Also I tested it with team that have color/same color, Monaco (B/B) and Brazil (O/O) so I am not sure transition has to do with it. Could it be the absence of Green in the default configuration?

Personally I prefer using the Save/Load solution because I am sure what I am getting but also it offers combinations you can't get with the simple settings solution.

I'm honestly not sure. I think the whole purpose to not have a different color team unless they are a counterattack team. The orange/orange does the same thing, without the instant retreat as well - especially with all-out defense as a preset tactic.

Regarding Lazio, in the video I'm using them as an example the whole time, and those changes take place. They start as a Orange/Green Att/Def then I modify them throughout. Around the 11th minute mark of the video, I move them to Green/Green successfully.

I suspect for some default transition teams it depends entirely on who the opponent is. I'm not sure if that's the case, but it would make sense.

papinho81 03-28-2017 10:54 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by Matt10 (Post 2048756592)
I'm honestly not sure. I think the whole purpose to not have a different color team unless they are a counterattack team. The orange/orange does the same thing, without the instant retreat as well - especially with all-out defense as a preset tactic.

Regarding Lazio, in the video I'm using them as an example the whole time, and those changes take place. They start as a Orange/Green Att/Def then I modify them throughout. Around the 11th minute mark of the video, I move them to Green/Green successfully.

I suspect for some default transition teams it depends entirely on who the opponent is. I'm not sure if that's the case, but it would make sense.

I think that lower attack levels and higher defensive level deserve some consideration and may be also the Orange/Green or Green/Blue it might just provide more diversity. I prefer to not bury them right away.

About your video, yes, you managed to change Lazio into Green/Green but it is because you used the Down the middle simple tactic. When you then used Quick counter you went back to Lazio default configuration Orange/Green.

I really think none of the first three simple tactics change ATT/DEF level, they just put it back to default. All the others work as you mapped in the video. So with the simple tactic method you can only change to the same ATT and DEF levels (B/B, G/G, O/O) which is already awesome.

Matt10 03-28-2017 10:58 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by papinho81 (Post 2048756775)
I think that lower attack levels and higher defensive level deserve some consideration and may be also the Orange/Green or Green/Blue it might just provide more diversity. I prefer to not bury them right away.

About your video, yes, you managed to change Lazio into Green/Green but it is because you used the Down the middle simple tactic. When you then used Quick counter you went back to Lazio default configuration Orange/Green.

I really think none of the first three simple tactics change ATT/DEF level, they just put it back to default. All the others work as you mapped in the video. So with the simple tactic method you can only change to the same ATT and DEF levels (B/B, G/G, O/O) which is already awesome.

Oh, right - thanks. I forgot I had another video, that wasn't upload, in which I had tested this in-game. I'll have to load it at some point.

Eitherway though, I don't mind having it with G/G, O/O, B/B; then just having the other ones left to explore. I swear I changed to G/G using in possession, multiple times. Will have to go in and try again.

C.J.S. 03-30-2017 08:25 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
<iframe width="780" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2gsRRzd4pAg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

XBox_Roughneck 03-31-2017 02:45 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
Is coach mode broken?

A division 2 (championship) team should not be beating Barcelona 4-1.

papinho81 03-31-2017 11:22 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
Have you downloaded the last patch?

Have you encountered any problem once installed on "classic" PS4? Any forced Live update? Changes in gameplay?

I have it on pause while trying to find the answer to these questions.

papinho81 04-02-2017 05:20 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by papinho81 (Post 2048764528)
Have you downloaded the last patch?

Have you encountered any problem once installed on "classic" PS4? Any forced Live update? Changes in gameplay?

I have it on pause while trying to find the answer to these questions.

I will answer my own question in case it might be useful for someone else.

No problem on classic PS4.
No forced live update.
Several positive changes in the gameplay:
- better ball physics (weight of the ball on passes and shots)
- better collision physics (stunned animation toned down)
- CPU build up less frantic even on Orange offensive level
- I think there is many new small animations
- CPU positioning on defense improved.

TerryP 04-02-2017 03:52 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
PS4 Pro here, game (digital) won't load after patch, just stays on the loading screen.

TerryP 04-04-2017 09:53 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
New patch today to fix the PS4 Pro freezing issue created by the previous one from a few days ago!

papinho81 04-06-2017 05:57 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
I am surprised there are no more reactions to konami last pair of patches for PES 2017.

To me it is clear that the first one of the pair of patches came with gameplay modifications. The last one did nothing in regard to gameplay.
Among these gameplay modifications I think there is a lot of positives ones but also some important negative ones.


1) Shot physics have been very much improved. The super power shot in any kind of situation/position are more the exception than the rule now. There is more variation in the power and the trajectories of the shots.
It seems to me that situation, body balance influence more the outcome of the shots taken both by the user and the cpu. The second ball volley on corner kick looks way more realistic, the sliding tackle shots do not all look like super accurate rockets like before.

2) May be because of what I mentioned above the cpu is less lethal than before the patches. You will see them missing chances they would have never miss before because of a lack in accuracy and/or power but also because of the keepers (following positive point).

3) Goal keepers reactions are very much improved (because of shot power decrease?). They seem also to have several new animations that make them look more alive than before the patches. After they make a stop, the rebound now looks more natural and seems to be less driven to attackers foot for those easy (annoying?) second chance finish. They still happen, but to a much lesser extent than before.

4) Player individuality has been put forward. Speedy players feels faster, agile players more agile, physical players stronger. Bad/average players seem to miss more passes, controls and shots. You can clearly feel the difference between facing Suarez and Emiliano Sala (FC Nantes). More importantly some outstanding players now feels like they are outstanding when you use them or your face them. I mean play against Messi post patch. What a difference! He is not losing the ball immediately anymore, you feel he can make the difference at any moment. I concede sometimes using unreal body posture (bending toward the floor while dribbling).


1) I think defences both for the user and the cpu are way more vulnerable post patch because of two things:

a)The shape of the defensive line gets stupidly destroyed (disconnected) way too often. In many instance you will see one CB or a FB following an attacker very deep in his last third while the others 3 men of the back line are pushing up to play the offside trap. This leads to many opportunities for easy through balls that the cpu tries to exploit a lot. I think it was happening before the patches, particularly with the DMF following and attacker but it was to a much lesser extent.
To limit that from happening too often (it will still happen) I heavily recommend setting the automatic off side trap to ON. The cpu seems to suffer less from that may be because he uses the same automatic off side trap but also we as user are less able to see those through ball opportunities.

b) The decision making of the AI (user and cpu) when it comes to mark a man or go for the ball has become quite poor. You will see sometime three men going for the ball while letting an attacker in their back totally unmarked. Also, when a defender marks a man, and he is tracking him, as soon as he comes in the vicinity of a team mate he will very often stop his marking. The team mate in question will for a second look like he will take over the marking but quickly ignores the opponent player leading to attackers being totally free of marking.
I think the reason for that poor decision making is that now when a team has to defend, it first pushes up to try intercepting the ball then move down while before they were doing the opposite. They were retreating to their defensive position then they would push up to get the ball.

2) The game has become faster post patch, because your are invited to sprint more. I think it is because there is more gaps that are created in the midfield, but likely also because of the enhanced players individuality (contrast between faster and agile players vs slow and rigid players).

I am not saying it is exactly what it is happening, it is more a feeling as I can’t really compare the two versions of the game (I can only use my memory and videos) or analyze the code of the game.

Overall, I don’t know which version of the game I prefer. The positive are very much welcome but the negative are sometimes a bit mehh. I am still enjoying the game very much despite it feels very different to me now. The inertia has been lessen (really love when there is a lot of inertia personally) but the game has become way more open. I had some games where facing the cpu felt crazy (playing Barca on Orange/Orange with under dogs) and others that were simply brilliant.

EDIT: Too bad I have a poor connection at home and uploading video takes me ages. I have a quickly growing museum of horror (replays) showing the very bad defensive behavior of the IA. There is some game where the defensive shape (defense and midfield) is totally inexistent.
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papinho81 04-06-2017 12:34 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
I am streaming with my second PSN account where I have downloaded the Live update after the patches. The quality of the video is poor sorry and it will also be a replay fest. I am quite intrigued about what I am seeing.

Here: https://www.twitch.tv/papinho812

Tinker 04-06-2017 12:40 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
I think you are right, latest patch turned the game into a speed fest. Konami Konami.. why you can't just not to patch?

papinho81 04-06-2017 12:45 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by Tinker (Post 2048776889)
I think you are right, latest patch turned the game into a speed fest. Konami Konami.. why you can't just not to patch?

The fix might be the live update. I like what I am seeing now, the defensive shape and awareness seems to be back.

Edit: I am unsure the video has been archived. I will stream again tomorrow with that account with the Live update. I need more time with it to be sure but I really think defensive organization and reaction is back to where it was before the patch. I can't really speak for the others things.

Matt10 04-06-2017 09:51 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
It's just too fast. Too automatically fast. Like robots versus actual decisions being made. Every single team plays like this. No sense of true resistance and no sense of actually breaking down a team. It's a sad state to be honest.

papinho81 04-07-2017 07:25 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
Call me naive/paranoiac/pro-conspiracy or whatever you want but applying the Live update after the last patch has fixed for me most of (all?) the issues the patch introduced.

I have recorded two times the same game (first half then full game), the only differences are, one is on my user account without applying the live update, while the second one is with my user account where I applied the Live update and of course the players forms (tactics are absolutely identical).

No live update:

Live update:

Both video are of quite poor quality, I am very sorry for that. I have sh**y uploading rate where I live.

Look at the distance between the midfield and the defensive lines. They are way more compact and synergic in the second video (live update). The reaction time of players when they have to close down an opponent is also much shorter. The marking is solid, you don't see players tracking a man then leaving it alone.

I know that some have already criticized the fact that no data except players and teams data are installed when you apply the Live update. But I think the fact that konami released the last pair of patches to fix an issue with career mode that was introduced by a Live update after the DP3 is sufficient evidence to proof that it is not necessarily the case.

I know applying the Live update sound bad as it means re importing OF all over again. But for me the cost of that is clearly out balanced by getting the gameplay back somewhere close to where it was before the patch.

dubcity 04-07-2017 02:27 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
I'll have to check it out, although I'm not a believer in Konami tweaking the gameplay in these updates when they don't explicitly mention it in the patch notes. Especially this long after the release.

MadsTheChamp 04-27-2017 03:33 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
Haven't been following these discussions in a long time ((trying to enjoy the game)).. But. I've started a Master League before all these patches and are finding it incredibly easy suddenly. The game was close to perfect when it was hard to score.. In exhibition I'm actually also finding it harder.. Is my Master League broken and would it be better to start a new because of these patches?

Matt10 05-04-2017 09:31 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
Gave PES 17 all I can give. It's just built with end-to-end action in mind. No resistance, easy to figure out CPU tactics and just flat out boring as a result.

Gave PES 2015 a solid try for the last 3 months, and it should be the base of PES games going forward, it had a lot of good. I'm surprised because I remember really not liking it, despite all efforts, at the time. Not sure what happened in the years since I last played it.

PES 17 comparison clip starts @ 10:00 min mark:

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/15MSuo6wFPw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

aderow 05-05-2017 06:49 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
Just picked up PES 2017 a few days ago. Last one I played was PES 09 and I played the crap out of that (still do in fact).

I think there's a lot of good in this game. And I think the PES community has made it better. But, for me personally, it's unplayable.

I exclusively play BAL. Started a save yesterday. Played about 10 games before I got injured. Was out 9 weeks. Came and got injured again. Out 2 weeks. Played a few matches after that, then got injured for another 9 weeks. Ended up missing more than 3/4s of the first season.

Made a new save after implementing gameplan changes (shout out to Royce, Papinho, and Matt10). Got injured first game of the season. Out 9 weeks. First game back. Out another 9 weeks. First match back, the other team got 6 yellow cards on 10 fouls. I get hurt and am out another 2 weeks.

It's like the game refuses to let me actually play it. At this point, as I doubt there will be anymore changes given where we in the year, I'm inclined to oblige.

HUSTLER_79 05-10-2017 08:26 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
Been playing pes since playstation 1 then switched to fifa 12 after pes missed a couple of years but after fifa dissapointed me i picked up pes a week ago installed the option file to have all correct shirts and logos but i bumped into something very annoying! !

No matter what team u face their passing is off the wall !
All i see is high 80's % with a few exceptions but its so annoying seeing burnley or las palmas pas for 86% on the game 15 minute games on top player (i went back after feeling like superstar is cheating ) .

Everyteam with a high passing accuracy is not realistic
Let alone the deep passes from a stand still position by central backs ...did the programmers ever try kicking a deep pass right on the money from a stand still position with the inside of the boot ? Lol guess they never played soccer.im from europe and i played soccer all my life but after seeing some passes in pes17 made me wonder why did they program those into the game ?! .the passing is already ridiculous dont add unreal animations to it .

The game is nice tho but i cant say fifa is better or pes is better ...i also wonder what year these game developper going to implement multiple user season/leagues like 2k or madden ...cant even add someone as a co-player in your my league. ..he has to sit with you on the same tv or share play and hand him a controller ...i saw ign gave pes 2017 a 10 smh
Thats like they got bribed or some **** ..cmon no sports game out there is even worth a 9 .

I enjoy the game till the frustration kicks in and i lose my motivation to play. .was this always like this or did they patch it to where the passing succes is in the high 80's

lareka 05-15-2017 06:30 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by HUSTLER_79 (Post 2048830023)
Been playing pes since playstation 1 then switched to fifa 12 after pes missed a couple of years but after fifa dissapointed me i picked up pes a week ago installed the option file to have all correct shirts and logos but i bumped into something very annoying! !

No matter what team u face their passing is off the wall !
All i see is high 80's % with a few exceptions but its so annoying seeing burnley or las palmas pas for 86% on the game 15 minute games on top player (i went back after feeling like superstar is cheating ) .

Everyteam with a high passing accuracy is not realistic
Let alone the deep passes from a stand still position by central backs ...did the programmers ever try kicking a deep pass right on the money from a stand still position with the inside of the boot ? Lol guess they never played soccer.im from europe and i played soccer all my life but after seeing some passes in pes17 made me wonder why did they program those into the game ?! .the passing is already ridiculous dont add unreal animations to it .

The game is nice tho but i cant say fifa is better or pes is better ...i also wonder what year these game developper going to implement multiple user season/leagues like 2k or madden ...cant even add someone as a co-player in your my league. ..he has to sit with you on the same tv or share play and hand him a controller ...i saw ign gave pes 2017 a 10 smh
Thats like they got bribed or some **** ..cmon no sports game out there is even worth a 9 .

I enjoy the game till the frustration kicks in and i lose my motivation to play. .was this always like this or did they patch it to where the passing succes is in the high 80's

There is something wrong or missing with your play. Either yoıu can't press enough or you can't hold the ball enough mate. I pretty much get close to 50-50 or opponent having 65 at worst (even Barcelona). Probably you are losing the ball very quickly when you have it. But you gotta press and break opposition's passing.

StoneColdSwede 06-11-2017 12:49 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/q9i5wmJAX04" allowfullscreen="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>

If at first you don't succeed, go for four!

TerryP 06-11-2017 07:04 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by StoneColdSwede (Post 2048867033)
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/q9i5wmJAX04" allowfullscreen="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>

If at first you don't succeed, go for four!

That was incredible.

StoneColdSwede 07-02-2017 09:27 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
Emre Can bringing it something fierce in my Lyon master league campaign.

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eCOWeaCwXiM" allowfullscreen="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>

lareka 07-04-2017 04:15 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions

Originally Posted by StoneColdSwede (Post 2048890387)
Emre Can bringing it something fierce in my Lyon master league campaign.

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eCOWeaCwXiM" allowfullscreen="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Superb goal.

How can I upload videos from MY Ps4 to youtube ? I have some great ones.

lareka 07-20-2017 03:41 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
One of the good goals I scored with my Master League Campaign with Napoli:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/fC7HKCw_ieI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

lareka 07-20-2017 03:44 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
Insigne's Amazing Free-Kick:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MJbpa0DS2wA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

lareka 07-20-2017 03:48 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
Perfect one-touch passes and a great goal by Gabriel Barbosa with my ML season with SSC NAPOLI:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9T1iCs75KcY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

lareka 07-20-2017 03:57 AM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
And last but not least:

A great volley by Hamsik from long-range:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2xVV_aTW4gA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cpre5 07-20-2017 10:12 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
wrong thread

C.J.S. 07-31-2017 03:08 PM

Re: PES 2017 impressions
<iframe width="780" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/v1DyHx_uCQM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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