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deezy24 08-25-2012 09:09 AM

Re: NBA 2K11 Roster Update (X-Box 360) [Updated July, 22 2012]

Originally Posted by mkharsh33 (Post 2044054056)
Not sure about how this will do on a mac. Sorry, just have no idea on that.

No worries, thanks for your efforts mkharsh33 but I was able to take my laptop home from work and it does find my thumb stick on the pc but when I go to "open first USB drive" in the Usb Xtaf Gui Version 44 file, the pc pops up with a message that it doesn't recognize the usb and prompts to try and open manually. So I go to do that and I find my thumb stick (its the E drive) I then open it but no where can the file system in USBXTAFGUI_v44 to show those two columns data and cache partition. They won't appear on the pc. This is strange cuz I can get this same thing to pull up on my mac I just can't inject. Now on the pc I can't get the darn columns to pull up. I'm over it at this point.

Gonna wait til 2k13. That or wait til the price comes down cuz I have a hard time believing the game is gonna be worth $60. 2K11 is enough for me. I just want updated rosters like the rest of you guys are getting. Oh well. Happy gaming y'all!

crunknblaze 08-25-2012 01:14 PM

Re: NBA 2K11 Roster Update (X-Box 360) [Updated July, 22 2012]
What's the problem deezy?

deezy24 08-25-2012 01:26 PM

Re: NBA 2K11 Roster Update (X-Box 360) [Updated July, 22 2012]

Originally Posted by crunknblaze (Post 2044057702)
What's the problem deezy?

Hi Crunk, I end up getting a "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application" on the pc. I'll tinker with it some more but I've been made aware that a crossover platform for mac is coming soon http://clkxu5.com I might try when this is available. Just wish I could figure it out.

crunknblaze 08-25-2012 02:22 PM

Re: NBA 2K11 Roster Update (X-Box 360) [Updated July, 22 2012]
What system are you running on the PC?

jessekearney 08-25-2012 03:34 PM

Re: NBA 2K11 Roster Update (X-Box 360) [Updated July, 22 2012]
awesome thanks for the hardwork crunknblaze

deezy24 08-25-2012 07:49 PM

Re: NBA 2K11 Roster Update (X-Box 360) [Updated July, 22 2012]

Originally Posted by crunknblaze (Post 2044057987)
What system are you running on the PC?

The system I'm using on the PC is Windows 7.

crunknblaze 08-25-2012 10:40 PM

Re: NBA 2K11 Roster Update (X-Box 360) [Updated July, 22 2012]
Maybe right-click and Run as Administrator?

GANTY 08-26-2012 03:26 AM

Re: NBA 2K11 Roster Update (X-Box 360) [Updated July, 22 2012]
Thanks for the updates crunk!! :)

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