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drift7one 06-25-2013 06:47 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by SpartyParty11 (Post 2045166978)
Oregon Helmets leaked.

wouldnt say a leak. nothing here is new. except for the helmet on the right, which they wore in the spring game. will be interesting to see if it something they choose to where during the regular season.

it was mentioned that Oregon had a new helmet in the game from the E3 thread.

drift7one 06-25-2013 06:52 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by jeffmanqb3 (Post 2045165560)
Here is Tulsa's missing helmet.

that is a beauty of a helmet too. definitivly one of the best looks with their white/blue/white.

they also had another white helmet, with block lettering and the hurricane flags.

Wilson16NCSU 06-25-2013 07:18 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by drift7one (Post 2045167632)
so what other Adidas schools do you think will get these style unis?
Michigan, Notre Dame, Texas A&M, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Louisville... ?

Hopefully not us. I'd be surprised if Michigan or Notre Dame did either.

RebelHog 06-25-2013 08:37 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by Iceman87GT (Post 2045167372)
I noticed the sleeve thing as well, if you find any other pics let me know, would like to verify changes made there before mentioning them on the first page. It looks like it could just be how tight the uniforms are now and they simply bunched up.

It's not that they won't, it's that they can't, hopefully they have that figured out on the next gen.

The only change on the uniform is WHITE NUMBERS only, everything else is the same, per Coach Bielema a few months ago (i.e. the Razors are still there)

TripleCrown9 06-25-2013 08:57 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by drift7one (Post 2045167669)
that is a beauty of a helmet too. definitivly one of the best looks with their white/blue/white.

they also had another white helmet, with block lettering and the hurricane flags.

The one with the flags is in the game.

Iceman87GT 06-25-2013 09:04 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by drift7one (Post 2045167651)

wouldnt say a leak. nothing here is new. except for the helmet on the right, which they wore in the spring game. will be interesting to see if it something they choose to where during the regular season.

it was mentioned that Oregon had a new helmet in the game from the E3 thread.

Are you sure that isn't dayglow yellow (or whatever its called)? Could just be a filter but they both look to be the same color yellow that was used on their 2011 Pro Combats that they wore against LSU.

TripleCrown9 06-25-2013 09:21 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
It's awfully close, that's for sure.

Huskers20 06-25-2013 09:27 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
Yeah a good amount of nebraska fans dont like the uniforms but i love them!

Texas8807 06-25-2013 10:40 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by Huskers20 (Post 2045168276)
Yeah a good amount of nebraska fans dont like the uniforms but i love them!

Yeah I like Them to I'm going to do a RTG player for Nebraska now lol

ehovUOfan 06-25-2013 10:42 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by Iceman87GT (Post 2045168160)
Are you sure that isn't dayglow yellow (or whatever its called)? Could just be a filter but they both look to be the same color yellow that was used on their 2011 Pro Combats that they wore against LSU.

They're not anything new. It's a combination of a poor filter on whatever camera they used and fluorescent lighting causing the bright yellow to look like the volt color they used previously.

drift7one 06-25-2013 10:56 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by ehovUOfan (Post 2045168544)
They're not anything new. It's a combination of a poor filter on whatever camera they used and fluorescent lighting causing the bright yellow to look like the volt color they used previously.

that about sums it up. the whole video is under some weird filters. though I wouldnt mind if they had yellow jerseys that actually looked a yellow/ gold color like this from the video (screenshot).

Iceman87GT 06-26-2013 12:18 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
Bad news guys, those are UCLA's new home uniforms, and they won't be going color vs. color against Nebraska.

I'm getting tired of Adidas making design elements of theirs so blatantly obvious, especially since they tend to really mess up the uniforms (tentacles anyone?).

dawgpound 26 06-26-2013 01:28 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
Was just looking through the teambuilder website for 13 and 14. Does anyone know why all of the extra helmets and jerseys for Army were removed? I was thinking of starting with them for an OD because I loved wearing the camo uniforms.

BFig 06-26-2013 01:44 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
The black Texas A&M uniforms with black to maroon helmet. Wouldn't be surprised if they brought them back this year because they were definitely a hit. Really would like to see them in the game.

Tjeneration87 06-26-2013 03:58 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
here is UNCC 49ers new uniforms:

MrSerendipity 06-26-2013 04:04 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
The UNCC uniforms look pretty slick but I can't help but be distracted by how massive the padding the pants are. It seems like it stands out more than most other uniforms do.

Iceman87GT 06-26-2013 04:12 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by Tjeneration87 (Post 2045170964)
here is UNCC 49ers new uniforms:

I didn't include these because Charlotte isn't in the game this year, but I just realized they absolutely belong on the list because they will be in NCAA 15, and making sure the unis are up to date for that game is one of the main functions of this list.

Watson 06-26-2013 04:18 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
Holy Nike Team Dot Com Batman!

Noble Evildoer 06-26-2013 04:21 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
Charlotte needs way more gold.

MrSerendipity 06-26-2013 04:31 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
Hold up, aren't those visors that they're wearing technically illegal?

Which is slightly unfortunate because dark visors make everyone look a bit more intimidating.

Iceman87GT 06-26-2013 04:41 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by dawgpound 26 (Post 2045170374)
Was just looking through the teambuilder website for 13 and 14. Does anyone know why all of the extra helmets and jerseys for Army were removed? I was thinking of starting with them for an OD because I loved wearing the camo uniforms.

If they aren't in teambuilder then I highly doubt they would be in the game, you can expect some uniforms to present differently in-game (for example Nebraska's jerseys look to be old templates and have no conference logos but in game everything appears to be correct), but don't expect things that are missing to show up in-game.

Now when the uniform packs come out these won't show up in teambuilder but at the moment teambuilder is showing you everything that is on the disc.


Originally Posted by MrSerendipity (Post 2045170978)
The UNCC uniforms look pretty slick but I can't help but be distracted by how massive the padding the pants are. It seems like it stands out more than most other uniforms do.

More defined padding is the reason for that (deeper ridges than normal), also there is a chance you may just be used to seeing players without pads on their legs (not a popular look nowadays, though they're going to be required in the NFL starting this year).

Iceman87GT 06-26-2013 04:47 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
I need some help with Appalachian State. I know they have worn 2 new uniforms over the past few years, both of which look better aesthetically and are composed of more modern materials.

When I google them I see these 2 unis, some throwbacks they wore back in like '08 and the old Miami design (also worn by Nevada up until last year). Can someone clarify what it is they normally wear on Saturdays?

I imagine if they haven't gotten new uniforms yet that they will have them as a way to celebrate the move to FBS, but I'd like to have their current ones on the list for now anyways. You can see what uniforms I have listed near the bottom of the first post.

Also does anyone know the last time Georgia Southern wore blue pants? and how often they do that, I found a few pics with them wearing those and added a note to the list about this.

drift7one 06-26-2013 05:14 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by Iceman87GT (Post 2045171006)
I didn't include these because Charlotte isn't in the game this year, but I just realized they absolutely belong on the list because they will be in NCAA 15, and making sure the unis are up to date for that game is one of the main functions of this list.

the only way they make it into NCAA 15, is if they decide to do what they did with Old Dominion this year, again, and put a team in in its final year as an FCS school. this season will be the their first of 2 years as an FCS school, before then beginning another 2 year process until becoming FBS. so technically speaking, ODU should be in NCAA 15, and Charlotte not until a full FBS member which would be NCAA 17.

Iceman87GT 06-26-2013 06:54 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by drift7one (Post 2045171270)
the only way they make it into NCAA 15, is if they decide to do what they did with Old Dominion this year, again, and put a team in in its final year as an FCS school. this season will be the their first of 2 years as an FCS school, before then beginning another 2 year process until becoming FBS. so technically speaking, ODU should be in NCAA 15, and Charlotte not until a full FBS member which would be NCAA 17.

You are correct about them not being there next year (I got confused on that), but bank on them getting in like ODU was this year. The only reason Georgia Southern and App State didn't make it was because when they announced their move (it wasn't official until it was too later to add them). EA is trying to avoid the game becoming inaccurate after just one season in Dynasty mode. It would be fantastic if they found a way to make multiple spots open in the game for teambuilder representations of Southern and App State (otherwise you'd have to replace two teams), but this could easily screw up scheduling so I doubt it happened this year.

Charlotte will be in the FBS by 2015, they won't be bowl eligible until 2016. The rule only requires 2 years of post-season ineligibility when you move up, Georgia Southern and App State are foregoing the playoffs this year so they only have to sit out one bowl season, Georgia State did this for 2012 and will not be eligible in 2013. I'm pretty sure you have to do it this way (no playoffs your last year in the FCS and then no bowl your first year in the FBS), but it may be optional, regardless its a 2-season post season ban.

Basically Charlotte has to sit out the post season for 4 seasons, but only 2 of those have to be at the FCS level (because of the rule requiring start-up programs spend their first 2 years at the FCS level).

So the earliest they would be in NCAA (if EA waited until they were actually competing in the FBS) would be NCAA 16, not 17.

I'll update the list to reflect the actual year in which they will be joining the FBS, but I will leave them there because I'm confident EA will put them in like they did with ODU.

TripleCrown9 06-26-2013 08:20 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
I googled Appalachian State football 2012, and got the Pro Combats and the Miami-style.

BtothejizA 06-26-2013 11:47 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by BFig (Post 2045170434)
The black Texas A&M uniforms with black to maroon helmet. Wouldn't be surprised if they brought them back this year because they were definitely a hit. Really would like to see them in the game.

Black unis still look damn good to me, I don't care if it's played out. I would love a black MSU uni.

burning knights 06-27-2013 12:34 AM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
I still think that the only reason on why ODU is in the game is because they are an fcs independent and that they play five fbs opponents in 2013. Also they didn't want another South Alabama incident (I really want to see how ea set up their schedule for dynasty)

SpartyParty11 06-27-2013 08:24 AM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
1 Attachment(s)
Here's the results from the Southern Miss helmet fan voting


MrSerendipity 06-27-2013 08:31 AM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by SpartyParty11 (Post 2045173781)
Here's the results from the Southern Miss helmet fan voting


I would like to see what was behind the numbers on Design 3. It looks like there would have been something on the back of the helmet. I don't really think SoMiss fans had a lot to choose from in this particular contest.

tarheel_12 06-27-2013 10:01 AM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by SpartyParty11 (Post 2045173781)
Here's the results from the Southern Miss helmet fan voting


Why is there a grey facemask? The picture shown for the voting had black and that would look a lot better with their unis IMO.

memphistigr36 06-27-2013 12:00 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
1 Attachment(s)
I hope they will put in the new Memphis uni's.

MrSerendipity 06-27-2013 12:04 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by memphistigr36 (Post 2045174249)
I hope they will put in the new Memphis uni

I'm sure they will, it just will likely be in one of the Uniform Packs. EA claimed they were working closely with each Uniform Provider to make sure they can include as many of the new uniforms as possible this year.

SpartyParty11 06-27-2013 12:42 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by MrSerendipity (Post 2045173791)
I would like to see what was behind the numbers on Design 3. It looks like there would have been something on the back of the helmet. I don't really think SoMiss fans had a lot to choose from in this particular contest.

The logo that was on Design 1 without the state outline would be on the back of the helmet on Design 3

Iceman87GT 06-27-2013 02:28 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by tarheel_12 (Post 2045173952)
Why is there a grey facemask? The picture shown for the voting had black and that would look a lot better with their unis IMO.

Pretty sure they grabbed their throwback helmets and replaced the decals for that picture. I imagine when they wear them they will have the black facemask.


Originally Posted by memphistigr36 (Post 2045174249)
I hope they will put in the new Memphis uni's.

So those won? If so I'm glad because that was the stronger design, I need confirmation before I put it on the list though.

MrSerendipity 06-27-2013 02:52 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by Iceman87GT (Post 2045174767)
So those won? If so I'm glad because that was the stronger design, I need confirmation before I put it on the list though.

I don't think the contest is over yet. This is what I found when doing a quick look at the competition:
Voting ends Thursday, August 1.
The winning uniform will be revealed at the opening game on Saturday, September 7, as our Tigers take on the Duke Blue Devils.
I don't think we'll know until the day of their game against Duke, which means they'll have to be provided in a Uni Pack. No way they make it in to the first Uni Pack.

bipolar 06-27-2013 03:08 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
Oregon has new lime green helmets.


and they look sweet!

MrSerendipity 06-27-2013 03:32 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by bipolar (Post 2045174916)
Oregon has new lime green helmets.


and they look sweet!

A little late there bipoar. :cheers444

bipolar 06-27-2013 03:45 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by MrSerendipity (Post 2045175019)
A little late there bipoar. :cheers444

haha I just went back through and saw this was posted already, I apologize.

I stand by the looking sweet post though :cheers:

Iceman87GT 06-27-2013 04:10 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by MrSerendipity (Post 2045174852)
I don't think the contest is over yet. This is what I found when doing a quick look at the competition:
Voting ends Thursday, August 1.
The winning uniform will be revealed at the opening game on Saturday, September 7, as our Tigers take on the Duke Blue Devils.
I don't think we'll know until the day of their game against Duke, which means they'll have to be provided in a Uni Pack. No way they make it in to the first Uni Pack.

Yeah I thought I remember reading that in the old thread. So they are going to have to be purchased unless EA let's up on their 1 Free DLC rule, either that or we will be stuck waiting until the start of the season for the first pack.


Originally Posted by bipolar (Post 2045175074)
haha I just went back through and saw this was posted already, I apologize.

I stand by the looking sweet post though :cheers:

Also that link takes you to a Page Not Found message from Yahoo. Did the article actually say what color the helmets are or were they speculating (because that color can easily be created by flourescent lights in a room, especially if there is no additional lighting for the scene they are filming.).

Or was the page perhaps taken down because they received word from a source that they were not lime green?

I'm inclined to believe they are just the regular yellow helmet and the one they wore in the spring game but it would not be out of the ordinary for Oregon to bust out lime green/volt.

drift7one 06-27-2013 07:15 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
ughhhh. you guys. why does everyone think those are new helmets? better yet, why do so many Oregon fans believe they are. I dont get it.


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