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Jamin23 01-25-2010 10:04 PM

Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 New Screenshots (1-25-10)

Originally Posted by nemesis04 (Post 2040681868)
To me it lacks texture and looks sterile and flat. The main jumbo-tron picture does not even fill up the screen. The two other screens on each side are supposed to electric blue in color. Why do the fans look flat in the outfield? We used to have that with the ps2 and xbox.

I hope they do something about the scoreboards. On a positive note I like how the dirt looks. The rake marks are cool to see.

Checmate101 01-25-2010 10:06 PM

Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 New Screenshots (1-25-10)
I like the "after 1-1 count" on the BJ upton pic.

EnigmaNemesis 01-25-2010 10:08 PM

Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 New Screenshots (1-25-10)

Originally Posted by WaddupCouzin (Post 2040681898)
The funniest part, Only Dudes with "The Show" Avatars point out the "flaws" in 2K10


Nothing wrong with critiquing a baseball game. Especially one that decided to purchase an exclusive license to lock out two other major players.

Trust me, The Show gets plenty of critique from "The Avatar" people as well, or there would not be additions and changes made provided by feedback within the community.

Please don't turn this into a fanboy war.

Knight165 01-25-2010 10:10 PM

Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 New Screenshots (1-25-10)

Originally Posted by WaddupCouzin (Post 2040681898)
The funniest part, Only Dudes with "The Show" Avatars point out the "flaws" in 2K10


I don't have "The Show" in my avatar....you want me to start?


RedbirdFan18 01-25-2010 10:13 PM

Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 New Screenshots (1-25-10)

Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis (Post 2040681917)
Nothing wrong with critiquing a baseball game. Especially one that decided to purchase an exclusive license to lock out two other major players.

Trust me, The Show gets plenty of critique from "The Avatar" people as well, or there would not be additions and changes made provided by feedback within the community.

Please don't turn this into a fanboy war.

I agree with you Enigma. Trust me, if you ever take a look at the Show forum, we critique the game alot. A ton of the stuff they put in this year was because of what we had to say. Their team is very responsive, they take our input, they have groups of major members of the forum come to check out the game early {they just did on the 20th and 21st}. It is a good dev team. I'm not a console fanboy, so don't accuse me. I have both and love both. I bought PS3 mainly for the Show, but there are a ton of other good games on there. I have an Xbox, and it's amazing. That being said, this game looks like it may turn out good this year. VC seems to be taking the right direction after a bad outing in their first year making 2k. They are implementing things from NBA 2k, which I think is good. The graphics already look 200x better than last years.

jerm21 01-25-2010 10:18 PM

Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 New Screenshots (1-25-10)
I'm pleased. Love the Upton pic. Can't wait for some gameplay.

Is this to make up for the 4 day gap in which we were supposed to get the Insight?:y2:

miamimarlins1 01-25-2010 10:18 PM

Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 New Screenshots (1-25-10)

Originally Posted by WaddupCouzin (Post 2040681898)
The funniest part, Only Dudes with "The Show" Avatars point out the "flaws" in 2K10


a- I think your trying to start a war for no reason

b- anyone that blindly defends a game, whether it is the SHow, Madden, 2k, etc needs to have their head checked. Why would someone support any company blindly? Do you have stock options? Are you an owner? Is there any financial rewards for supporting a company? I support companies that make good games, whether it is SCEA, EA, or 2k. Those with blind loyalty do so much damage to the product and to the consumers

Greene_Flash03 01-25-2010 10:18 PM

Re: Major League Baseball 2K10 New Screenshots (1-25-10)
Not feeling the pants at all...they make players legs/thighs looks juiced.

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