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dnyce87 01-25-2016 07:33 PM

Re: NBA 2K16 Pro-Am's Gameplay Problems Need to Be Patched

Originally Posted by ILLSmak (Post 2047974200)
Basically, they need to make it so that you choose a type of player and it allows you to get certain badges. They try to do this with attribute caps, but remember when you could only have a few badges equipped?

They basically need to make more types of players and make each one valuable thru attributes/badges. And make it so that there can be different team builds.-Smak


^^This and also the following:

Please separate ball handle & ball security.

Individualize attributes and be done with the grouping of attributes.

Give the user these templates that were done in above thread to pick from if it applies to how they want to play. If unsatisfied and want to create their own play style then give user "X" amount of VC to spend towards the specific attributes of their choosing.

Make earning the specific badges for your player's playstyle more difficult to obtain. All Star difficulty minimum on default sliders. Change the way user earns these badges. The way it is now it's a **itshow and just not practical earning them that way.

Given these new playstyles, allow users to improve upon the weaknesses in their attributes giving them drills during the season and in the off season to allow for a more practical way of progression.

Offline only user may get to 99 every attribute over multiple seasons played if they play for however long it takes, but online they should restrict the attributes back to the original max cap prior to the progression gains.

Keep the +5 VC boosts to help alleviate the weaker attributes when playing online. This helps level the playing field online since now with the unique playstyles, there won't be that ONE position that everyone will go for and no more "dump all your blocks on everything but rebounding method" since they're individualized and every playstyle has a purpose.

Anything else I left out? Please feel free to add.

alabamarob 01-25-2016 07:48 PM

Great post. everything you listed applies to other game modes and not just not pro-am. I play hof sim online with real nba rosters and all of these things are issues. I don't mind the strips, but there should be fouls called on defenders with low steal ratings.

Allowing for charges to be called by holding the intense defense button while playing on ball defense would be a game changer, and balance gameplay greatly.

Kully 01-25-2016 10:15 PM

Re: NBA 2K16 Pro-Am's Gameplay Problems Need to Be Patched
For years 2K has had this court spacing issue that was mentioned by numerous people. The court is too small or the players are too large. It needs some widening or a way to make it harder for people to go from below the basket to the 3pt line.

Ras al ghul 01-26-2016 12:36 AM

Operation sports is real funny for this one. I am one of the people playing in the video and i can tell you this for certain, the teams in that match up weren't even at all. We are a highly ranked team and have been playingn with the same group for a while now, so to place us against the level of competition that we were playing against in that particular game was a complete joke. We were all laughing in the party waiting for the game to be over. We wanted them to realize they were out matched and to just do the honorable thing and quit.

When two teams of equal skill and knowledge of 2k16 come together for a matchup, the games dont look like that at all because the players involved understand how to combat the so called cheese that this article is reffering to. To me calling someone a cheeser or a cheater is the gratest compliment because it is a way of that person saying they can't stop you. Sure i get it, people dont play this game as much as others, and if you are one of those teams that doesn't play that often, then you shouldn't expect to be able to compete with a team that has put in the time and spent the hours learning the most effective ways to play. This video is completely wrong and an unfair representation of what 2k16 pro am is. It only looks like this when there are two teams of unequal knowledge and skill. So believe what you all want. You can never bring a knife to a gun fight. You will get killed

2_headedmonster 01-26-2016 01:24 AM

Re: NBA 2K16 Pro-Am's Gameplay Problems Need to Be Patched

Originally Posted by Kully (Post 2047974921)
For years 2K has had this court spacing issue that was mentioned by numerous people. The court is too small or the players are too large. It needs some widening or a way to make it harder for people to go from below the basket to the 3pt line.

its a locomotion issue, not size. I think the strides may be to blame as well.

TwoOneMac 01-26-2016 02:40 AM

This video is hilarious. Especially The slow motion effects are you serious with this ?
I'm one of the players in the video so called " being cheesy". Just call me "TwoOneMac.
First of all I should be capable to play how ever if I wish if I put the time an effort to be 99 and have 60+ badges.
Your saying I shouldn't be a superstar? You make no sense.
The people I've been playing with we've balled for years and with that you get something called chemistry your out here complaining your getting ripped? Well put some time in my career and maybe you'll learn how to dribble.
at the end of the day you don't want No Smoke
Mr. Jason Young.

A6_Foul_Out 01-26-2016 02:47 AM

Re: NBA 2K16 Pro-Am's Gameplay Problems Need to Be Patched

Originally Posted by TwoOneMac (Post 2047975340)
Mr. Jason Young.

At least spell the man's name right Mac.

We've invited Jayson to the party to talk about it. He hasn't responded or replied.


Mac962 01-26-2016 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by A6_Foul_Out (Post 2047975345)
At least spell the man's name right Mac.

We've invited Jayson to the party to talk about it. He hasn't responded or replied.


I noticed that not even worth it to fix it. EVERYONE KNOWS WHO I WAS TALING ABOUT.

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