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Velocityy 08-12-2016 05:37 PM

Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed

Originally Posted by HenryClay1844 (Post 2048332454)
The FUTHEAD preview has a lot more details and it sounds like we are getting another let down.. Many of the big issues, like super lame "press conferences" are unchanged. Sigh..

Yea, I just read the review over there. Not as pretty as it looks on the screen. They said almost everything is unchanged with transfers/loans/press conferences/international offers/training. Transfer logic sounds the same, if not worse.

There are expectations for youth players (such as, increase 5 players by 10+ overall and get them into 5 games during the season) but it doesn't seem like the youth academy has changed, which means we'll still probably be stuck with 50 overall's who don't progress very fast and might fail that objective (while the other teams get artificial 20 point overall boosts for youth players, right?).

These are shiny and new, but man they really don't want to get under the hood to make some big changes, do they?

Entiae 08-12-2016 05:46 PM

Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed
The FUTHEAD preview mentioned winning the Premier League and successfully completing two critical objectives as Manchester United, only to receive plenty of emails about the position being in danger.


Fabric 08-12-2016 05:47 PM

Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed
Thanks for the heads up with the Futhead preview, HenryClay1844! Here's a direct link if anyone else is interested: http://news.futhead.com/posts/fifa-1...r-mode-preview
- they also did a video-preview if tl;dr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYVI...ure=youtu.be&a

After reading their reaction to and comments on the new features I gotta say my initial optimistic outlook from the EA preview has turned a bit pessimistic, especially when it comes to the managers (only 11 non-customizable managers to choose from and no real managers in the game outside the BPL managers, ugh!). I guess the guys at Futhead could have been playing an early build of the game and that some things have been fine-tuned or added but I highly doubt it. Once again it seems like we're being sold the same old rusty car albeit with a new paint job and a new car smell to try to distract us from the god awful state of the car. I'm feeling very disappointed right now...

JayD 08-12-2016 05:50 PM

Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed
Well after reading that It's 100% obvious that EA only cares about FUT. Thanks EA for adding flashy menus and nothing else. I mean, do they not even know how the transfer market works? Give me a break.

grizzlies317 08-12-2016 06:21 PM

Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed
With all of the hype around the new "journey" mode, I thought for sure manager career mode would receive some significant overhauls. Going off the Futhead preview, I've got to say I'm extremely disappointed. I don't even feel rage this year. It's just a real bummer.

bad_philanthropy 08-12-2016 06:51 PM

Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed

Originally Posted by grizzlies317 (Post 2048332595)
With all of the hype around the new "journey" mode, I thought for sure manager career mode would receive some significant overhauls. Going off the Futhead preview, I've got to say I'm extremely disappointed. I don't even feel rage this year. It's just a real bummer.

I thought the opposite when I heard that. Fewer resources for career mode. There is so little incentive to improve existing modes in FIFA outside of FUT. It's a massive cash cow and by far the most popular mode. I wish CM was #1, but it just isn't. We have to accept that.

I wish there was a different version that was basically FIFA manager incorporated with the FIFA game with its own dedicated development priorities. But it doesn't seem like a logical development move to split FUT and the rest of FIFA.

Matty Aqua 08-12-2016 07:28 PM

Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed
There will most likely be a few patches that fine tune things within the first few weeks!, I'm not the biggest advocate of releasing a game then patching it....But there are some things that show career mode is very slowly heading towards the right direction!.

With NBA 2k, The Show and even Madden having decent career mode these days, Fifa will eventually have too follow.

Turbojugend 08-12-2016 07:39 PM

Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed
Maybe I'm a "cup half full" kind of guy, but I see progress here. Sure it's not to the level of what some would expect, and the Futhead article is a bit concerning, but after years and years of CM being basically the same, it's something. Given all of the attention to their new Story Mode, you could expect CM to be untouched this year. That isn't the case.

I mean, FIFA is never going to be FM. Ever. If you find yourself disappointed by FIFA's CM every year, there is a great alternative.

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