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RyanLaFalce 08-20-2016 02:30 PM

Re: Way Too Early Madden 17 Sliders!! 15 Minute Quarters (All Pro)
Can these be run on 12 minute quarters?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

CujoMatty 08-20-2016 03:51 PM

Re: Way Too Early Madden 17 Sliders!! 15 Minute Quarters (All Pro)
Sliders are so subjective because everyone plays different but I'll keep providing input from my experiences in case they help.

Increasing CPU pass block to 60 got me down to 3 or 4 sacks per game and with CPU accuracy at 27 the one game the CPU threw 74% with 4tds 1 pick but it was rivers so I was OK I'll keep them there for a few games and see how it goes.

Defensive pass interference at 70 I had 1 game where I had 1 then another where I had 1 and CPU had 1 so I think 70 might work.

Defensive holding even at 70 is the one penalty I still haven't seen.

I see others find stopping the run too easy but at default the CPU is killing me on the ground but maybe that's because I use Indy or just suck lol. Anyhow I'm good there on default.

Only other issue is qb fumbling but I already barely see fumbles other than the qb so I'm hesitant to lower that slider. Maybe an individual qb edit may be an answer.

Mic2904 08-20-2016 05:02 PM

Re: Way Too Early Madden 17 Sliders!! 15 Minute Quarters (All Pro)
Hey guys, long time lurker from Scotland. Played with your sliders as base but also used a bit of input from KWilliams2003. Played with the Titans vs Broncos and it went fairly well. Got beat 32-22 but enjoyed it, which for me is the most important. Main issue was speed parity, had it at 25 but needs closer to 50. Also I struggled with running, although I understand I was playing the Broncos. Had 20 something yards at halftime but then run down in the 3rd quarter near enough the whole field though with 8 or 9 plays.
All in all a very good basis. Will tweak it a bit with some of the new feedback here.

ThatMichiganFan 08-21-2016 11:47 AM

Re: Way Too Early Madden 17 Sliders!! 15 Minute Quarters (All Pro)

Originally Posted by RyanLaFalce (Post 2048350180)
Can these be run on 12 minute quarters?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Sure! I would just adjust fatigue slightly and you should be good to go.


Originally Posted by CujoMatty (Post 2048350353)
Sliders are so subjective because everyone plays different but I'll keep providing input from my experiences in case they help.

Increasing CPU pass block to 60 got me down to 3 or 4 sacks per game and with CPU accuracy at 27 the one game the CPU threw 74% with 4tds 1 pick but it was rivers so I was OK I'll keep them there for a few games and see how it goes.

Defensive pass interference at 70 I had 1 game where I had 1 then another where I had 1 and CPU had 1 so I think 70 might work.

Defensive holding even at 70 is the one penalty I still haven't seen.

I see others find stopping the run too easy but at default the CPU is killing me on the ground but maybe that's because I use Indy or just suck lol. Anyhow I'm good there on default.

Only other issue is qb fumbling but I already barely see fumbles other than the qb so I'm hesitant to lower that slider. Maybe an individual qb edit may be an answer.

Truest thing in the world. Everyone plays differently so your goal should be to find a decent base and tweak from there to fit your personal playstyle. For me, CPU pass blocking has been perfect. Sometimes, if I don't blitz the CPU will have time in the pocket, but I can get pressure with a well timed blitz or sometimes my base pass rush can get a push.

Also, I started using 35 for CPU QB accuracy like Raiders said and I really like how its playing. QBs can still go on decent completion streaks, but I haven't seen many over 72% (Tony Romo was the only one).

I have raised penalties a lot and have seen a few DPI at 70. I also saw a defensive holding at 60, so maybe that is the sweetspot. Also, in my experience, the CPU run game is better, possibly still a bit on the bad side. If they are tearing you up on the ground, raise user tackling and lower CPU blocking.

Fumbles are hard to nail down because QB fumbles happen more than all other fumbles. I think 51 is a good spot, but haven't had a ton of testing time with it.


Originally Posted by Mic2904 (Post 2048350486)
Hey guys, long time lurker from Scotland. Played with your sliders as base but also used a bit of input from KWilliams2003. Played with the Titans vs Broncos and it went fairly well. Got beat 32-22 but enjoyed it, which for me is the most important. Main issue was speed parity, had it at 25 but needs closer to 50. Also I struggled with running, although I understand I was playing the Broncos. Had 20 something yards at halftime but then run down in the 3rd quarter near enough the whole field though with 8 or 9 plays.
All in all a very good basis. Will tweak it a bit with some of the new feedback here.

Try speed parity slider at 40. I have been using it there and the game feels much better. I wouldn't be too worried if you can't run against Denver, but if you find that you keep struggling on the ground, raise user run blocking and lower CPU tackling and you should have better results.

Side Note: I bought two EA Access trials and have already used the first one to completion. On my second EA Access trial, I have played for 5 hr 25 min (according to my achievements page) but the game says that I am too early every time I load up. Hopefully I can figure out a way to play more, but if not, I'll have to wait until Tuesday.

KWilliams2003 08-21-2016 02:23 PM

Re: Way Too Early Madden 17 Sliders!! 15 Minute Quarters (All Pro)
One thing I have noticed is that the good QB's will make due with the protection and coverage they get while the lesser QB's will toss it away or force it. I saw a lot of it with Jameis Winston and Ryan Tannehill when I played against them. Though, Winston shredded me pretty hardcore and four INT's from Dak Prescott (Yeah, I started him over Romo... big mistake) sealed the deal.

For me, it's all about fine tuning the CPU's run game to be more powerful but yet consistent. I could probably afford to raise the CPU pass accuracy a smidge. Otherwise, I think we are honing in on some good sliders, pal!

ThatMichiganFan 08-21-2016 05:37 PM

Re: Way Too Early Madden 17 Sliders!! 15 Minute Quarters (All Pro)

Originally Posted by KWilliams2003 (Post 2048352155)
One thing I have noticed is that the good QB's will make due with the protection and coverage they get while the lesser QB's will toss it away or force it. I saw a lot of it with Jameis Winston and Ryan Tannehill when I played against them. Though, Winston shredded me pretty hardcore and four INT's from Dak Prescott (Yeah, I started him over Romo... big mistake) sealed the deal.

For me, it's all about fine tuning the CPU's run game to be more powerful but yet consistent. I could probably afford to raise the CPU pass accuracy a smidge. Otherwise, I think we are honing in on some good sliders, pal!

Thanks man, appreciate it. Still trying to get the CPU run game to be a bit stronger and have some more work to do with penalties and stamina/injuries, but M17 was pretty good to begin with so I don't think we'll have to do too much more work. Then, I'm diving headfirst into my Cowboys CFM.

(Dak For President)

Bill1 08-22-2016 07:52 PM

Re: Way Too Early Madden 17 Sliders!! 15 Minute Quarters (All Pro)
Do these work on Slow speed or do we need to use normal speed.

cody.morgan24 08-22-2016 08:33 PM

Re: Way Too Early Madden 17 Sliders!! 15 Minute Quarters (All Pro)
Did you upload these to the community files

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