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rockytop52 06-27-2013 08:15 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 61767

These the new App State unis?

Wilson16NCSU 06-27-2013 09:28 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
more pics

drift7one 06-27-2013 09:54 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

thats all I see looking at the home/away uniforms.

macadochis24 06-27-2013 10:39 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
Northwestern should have purple pants and a black helmet with their black "N" outlined in silver.

BigBlue10989 06-27-2013 11:04 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
Baylor's new uniforms
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/LPA2zoFGcII" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Bolt957 06-28-2013 01:19 AM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by tarheel_12 (Post 2045173952)
Why is there a grey facemask? The picture shown for the voting had black and that would look a lot better with their unis IMO.

No helmet could save those uniforms.

MrSerendipity 06-28-2013 07:59 AM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
Is it just me or do the Northwestern Uniforms not translate very well to NCAA 14? In real life the line running across the middle of the Uniform is very subtle and engaging. In NCAA 14 it's very jarring and almost abrasive. I think the difference lies in the fact that the real jersey blends the line pretty well while NCAA 14 looks like the line was placed on top of the Jersey and wrapped around.

vhhsfu0509 06-28-2013 08:29 AM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by drift7one (Post 2045176859)

thats all I see looking at the home/away uniforms.

Ha! This has ALWAYS been a major pet peeve of mine about uniforms. Hate when the logo is repeated on the helmet and the shoulders. Glad I'm not crazy!:cheers:

bmsflame 06-28-2013 03:22 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
For at least the third year in a row, Virginia Tech away jerseys should have names on the back. Very disappointed in the failure to correct this issue despite yearly posts on this same forum.

laxman490 06-28-2013 04:47 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by BigBlue10989 (Post 2045177268)
Baylor's new uniforms
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/LPA2zoFGcII" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

is this Baylor's first year as a nike sponsored school? i swore they wore adidas.

TripleCrown9 06-28-2013 04:51 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by laxman490 (Post 2045179765)
is this Baylor's first year as a nike sponsored school? i swore they wore adidas.

Football is Nike, everything else is Adidas.

Iceman87GT 06-28-2013 07:29 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by laxman490 (Post 2045179765)
is this Baylor's first year as a nike sponsored school? i swore they wore adidas.

Various sports have been sponsored by Nike for years, they are one of the handful of schools out there that makes these decisions based upon the sports rather than a sweeping supplier.


Originally Posted by TripleCrown9 (Post 2045179786)
Football is Nike, everything else is Adidas.

Football and Women's Basketball are Nike, Baseball and Softball are Under Armor, Men's Basketball is Adidas, Track and Field (well at least Men's Track and Field) is Nike. They are all over the place.

Some schools have 2 sponsors depending on the sports (Clemson is Nike for pretty much everything but Baseball (and possibly softball) is Russell), but not many have 3 different ones nor are they so sporadic in which sports are supplied by who.

coogrfan 06-29-2013 10:08 AM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
NCAA Football 14 Uniform Store Details to be Announced Next Week?


boomersooner31 06-29-2013 11:31 AM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by coogrfan (Post 2045181896)
NCAA Football 14 Uniform Store Details to be Announced Next Week?


I hope so! Now that I've pretty much accepted the fact I will buy this game, the uniform store release will determine when. I wish there would be a patch the first day with the obvious base unis like Cal, Oregon State and UConn's correct base unis...and then they can add the one off uniforms throughout and another patch with free base unis a month or so later.

Iceman87GT 06-29-2013 03:59 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
I noticed in teambuilder that in the roster edit section the players are wearing a nike template. Is this new or have they been like that for awhile?

I ask because it looks like we may finally be getting updated jerseys for this mode. Hopefully that is the case and that they've gotten rid of that super-shiny effect.

Additionally does anyone know how to set it so you can make teams for the PS3 and the 360? I remember you could do either or both at the beginning but I don't see an option that anymore. I ask because I went through and created my soon to be Alma Mater (Kennesaw State) and only just realized that it was created for my 360 account, which isn't what I want as I am picking the game up for the PS3 this year. It shouldn't take too long to remake it, but I'd prefer not to have to do that.

BFig 06-29-2013 11:23 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by coogrfan (Post 2045181896)
NCAA Football 14 Uniform Store Details to be Announced Next Week?


Looks like the A&M black unis will make the game, listened to those people in the tweets podcast with one of the creators of the game and they asked him if the black uniforms will be in the game and it went to radio static on purpose to bleep the guy's answer out, then the radio guy asked another question. So assuming they will be, which is a plus for teams that didn't have an alternate in the game's uniforms preview.

michigan216 06-30-2013 01:41 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
1 Attachment(s)
Texas St. helmets

Iceman87GT 06-30-2013 03:25 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by michigan216 (Post 2045185094)
Texas St. helmets

In the future please check the first page before posting.

TripleCrown9 06-30-2013 04:09 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
I think those Texas State might just be auction items. The papers behind them say Item #91, Item #92, etc. and have prices listed.

Iceman87GT 06-30-2013 04:55 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by TripleCrown9 (Post 2045185511)
I think those Texas State might just be auction items. The papers behind them say Item #91, Item #92, etc. and have prices listed.

Good catch the description says "Custom Maroon and Gold Helmet". The Maroon Helmets definitely have the carbon fiber thing going on as you can see in this pic.

I wonder if these are prototypes that they turned down and are now auctioning off or if they are going to be used. I'll update the post and move it to a "rumored" section to reflect this.

michigan216 06-30-2013 04:57 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by Iceman87GT (Post 2045185356)
In the future please check the first page before posting.

My bad... I'm used to posting them if i didn't see a pic in the thread

bipolar 06-30-2013 05:58 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
The O on the back of oregon's white helmet also needs to be darker and they have a carbon helmet with a yellow O on the back.

Iceman87GT 06-30-2013 07:01 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by michigan216 (Post 2045185688)
My bad... I'm used to posting them if i didn't see a pic in the thread

No problem. Usually that is a good measuring stick as to whether or not I have seen them, but I read Uni-Watch regularly and will occasionally just take what I see there and plug it in before anyone else posts it in here.


Originally Posted by bipolar (Post 2045185955)
The O on the back of oregon's white helmet also needs to be darker and they have a carbon helmet with a yellow O on the back.

Just and FYI the Yellow O helmet probably won't be added, I'll add it to the list (If they are only going to have one Liquid Carbon helmet in the game then it should be the one with the school color in it). I think the problem with the O is that its supposed to be the same color as the Shell used for their green helmet, but EA has the wrong shade of green for the helmets so it shoes up wrong in every scenario where green appears on their helmets.

PackAttack 06-30-2013 07:22 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by DJncsu13 (Post 2045165804)
NC State is switching up the helmet stripe on the Red helmet.


The block s logo on the side of the red helmet is likely getting the black border as well.

Iceman87GT 06-30-2013 07:45 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by PackAttack (Post 2045186258)
The block s logo on the side of the red helmet is likely getting the black border as well.

I added that to the entry, included the photo you provided as well as the logo I imagine they are using for the helmet. If you find any better pics of the logo on the helmet post them here and I'll update it again.

EDIT: I just realized that OS's NC State logo is out of date, they made a slight change to it back in 2006 (The C should have black in the negative space).

pistonica 07-01-2013 09:18 AM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
Will the uniforms that are written on the list at post #1 (first post) be on the disc version of the game? Or all of them will be available through a uniform pack?

coogrfan 07-01-2013 10:22 AM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by pistonica (Post 2045187978)
Will the uniforms that are written on the list at post #1 (first post) be on the disc version of the game? Or all of them will be available through a uniform pack?

Probably not to both questions.

Wilson16NCSU 07-01-2013 02:41 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
FAU with new helmets, still need to find better shots

Watson 07-01-2013 04:08 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Iceman87GT 07-01-2013 04:20 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by pistonica (Post 2045187978)
Will the uniforms that are written on the list at post #1 (first post) be on the disc version of the game? Or all of them will be available through a uniform pack?

The list is for stuff missing from the game, so no they will not be on the disc (the list is based off of Teambuilder which has all the uniforms that are on disc in it, if you want to see what is on the disc then go to teambuilder or wait until the game releases). I doubt everything in the first post will make it into the game via a uniform pack, the hope is that most of it does.

sportzbro 07-01-2013 05:18 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Dear god.

I was hoping that black atrocity was a one time thing.. Good thing they re-up'd their contract with Adidas!!

XxJustAguessxX 07-01-2013 05:22 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by BORN4CORN (Post 2045189459)

Dear god.

I was hoping that black atrocity was a one time thing..

What's wrong with the black uniform, I think it looks good.

sportzbro 07-01-2013 05:25 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by XxJustAguessxX (Post 2045189469)
What's wrong with the black uniform, I think it looks good.

It's a fad. Although KU isn't good at football, you would think a school with our type of overall tradition and national recognition wouldn't have to resort to this gimmick - it looks like garbage.

TJ Henderson 07-01-2013 05:28 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
I'm with him, they look bad.
That being said, here are the five options to update on the list.

• The black ones they wore last year vs. Iowa State
• Power blue throwbacks
• Standard white, with white helmets
• KU blue with blue helmets
• KU blue with red helmets

The KU on the helmets has been replaced by the Jayhawk. Fighting Jayhawk is found on the red helmet, and numbers on the throwback.
And also, NOB :)

XxJustAguessxX 07-01-2013 05:29 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by BORN4CORN (Post 2045189483)
It's a fad. Although KU isn't good at football, you would think a school with our type of overall tradition and national recognition wouldn't have to resort to this gimmick - it looks like garbage.

Nah, I disagree but I'm not a Kansas fan so I understand your points. I like new uniforms, I get tired of those old traditions and so forth.

sportzbro 07-01-2013 05:38 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by tjayhawk32 (Post 2045189495)
I'm with him, they look bad.
That being said, here are the five options to update on the list.

• The black ones they wore last year vs. Iowa State
• Power blue throwbacks
• Standard white, with white helmets
• KU blue with blue helmets
• KU blue with red helmets

The KU on the helmets has been replaced by the Jayhawk. Fighting Jayhawk is found on the red helmet, and numbers on the throwback.
And also, NOB :)

Jayhawk on the red helmet is the 1941 version FYI

tinytimh 07-01-2013 05:38 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
I'm a Kansas fan, and I am a fan of the black, gimmick or not.

Also, noticed on one photo, it appears the numbers on the powder blue helmet are red on one side (I can't figure out how to link it, but it's on instragram under kstowers98)

There's also some team-specific gloves in that picture that I doubt are in the game yet.

TJ Henderson 07-01-2013 05:40 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
I don't mind the black itself. I don't like the font on the letters or numbers.

RockCh4lk 07-01-2013 05:41 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0
I have not posted on here in FOREVER... but after I saw the new Jayhawk helmet and jersey options I had to come comment! I see someone beat me to it :appl:. What are the chances that we get these in an update? It will really annoy me going to Memorial Stadium on Saturday and then coming home to play NCAA and have the wrong thing on the helmet in game.

Here is to hoping we can get a jersey update :cheers444.

tinytimh 07-01-2013 05:44 PM

Re: Uniform Updates 6.0

Originally Posted by RockCh4lk (Post 2045189538)
I have not posted on here in FOREVER... but after I saw the new Jayhawk helmet and jersey options I had to come comment! I see someone beat me to it :appl:. What are the chances that we get these in an update? It will really annoy me going to Memorial Stadium on Saturday and then coming home to play NCAA and have the wrong thing on the helmet in game.

Here is to hoping we can get a jersey update :cheers444.

It all depends on how long these have been in the works and whether KU or Adidas was communicating about the changes with EA.

Side note: I think the pictures of the jerseys on the players don't portray the red helmet very well, but I'm stoked to see the angry jayhawk circa 1941 making an appearance. My favorite Jayhawk by far!

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