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Yeah...THAT Guy 09-15-2014 03:28 PM

Re: The Adrian Peterson Saga

Originally Posted by wwharton (Post 2046586858)
He didn't admit to being guilty of child abuse, he admitted to disciplining his child. He admitted to going overboard but his intent was still to discipline his child in a way that is still acceptable to a lot of people even today. I believe it's been mentioned that the type of discipline is stated to be legal in Texas even. So it's going to be a case of the significance intent plays into things... and how a jury of his peers view the Texas laws and spanking kids.

It's not just a matter of whether or not he crossed the line of discipline to abuse, but what the punishment would be if that's proven to be the case. The masses want the book thrown at everyone. I wonder how many people who have absolutely no doubt in their mind that this is child abuse consider Peterson as bad as the man that beat his son to death.

Living in the world where people look at things as black and white as that, I'm very happy we have a law enforcement system that can provide more rational judgments.

Eh, I guess. I feel like if you admit to going overboard when beating your kid, you've pretty much admitted to abusing him. Whether or not it was his intent, he committed a crime. I'm not saying they need to throw the book at him and ruin his life, but I think it's pretty clear that he's guilty here.

ThreeKing 09-15-2014 03:44 PM

Re: The Adrian Peterson Saga
The Vikings' front office needs to quit bs'ing everyone and just go ahead and state the fact that the reason Peterson is reinstated, is because he's their best player and gives them the best chance to win.

If AP was a 3rd stringer, his butt would've been gone already.

For the record, if this was Matt Forte, I'd be saying the same thing.

mestevo 09-15-2014 03:59 PM

Re: The Adrian Peterson Saga

Originally Posted by ThreeKing (Post 2046586717)
Whip him on the butt a couple times with your hand and put him timeout. Explain to him why he's getting punished.

Beating him with a stick numerous times to the point where he's bleeding and there's bruises, is completely over the top.

I also don't need 'due process' here. The fact that there's visual proof, admission from the perpetrator, and a subsequent arrest, tells me everything I need to know.

This captures my thoughts on this, as father to a 3 year old and recently started (and stopped, explained below) spanking his child. I grew up with the fear of my father's hand on my behind and always thought my children would do the same (primarily as a deterrent).

In the end though, best intentions sometime result in something unintended. As my son started hitting kids at daycare we've changed our behavior to reinforce that it's not proper and utilize timeouts and removing privileges.

However, if I put my son in timeout that caused him harm above and beyond anything I intended... yeah, that's a crime. As is what happened here.

There's a domestic violence policy, he should miss 6 games right now, per that policy. He's admitted it, due process not required. Because it is a child, and because there is ongoing litigation, the remainder of his punishment can be administered at the conclusion of the case (the inevitable no jailtime plea deal) as extenuating circumstances above and beyond the prescribed 6 games.

ANDROMADA 1 09-15-2014 04:01 PM

Re: The Adrian Peterson Saga
First let me say this. I hope the child makes a 100% recovery and I get what AD was trying to do. I totally get it.

Now then, under Texas Law and good ole common sense this is what he can do.

1. take parenting classes.(I prefer love and logic)

2 don't leave marks or hit private parts if using CP(spankings) In Texas its legal as long as it is reasonable. There is an expectation not to hit private parts of minors when disciplining or leaving welts.

3. Lead by example, he messed up. Nobody is perfect so we move on. Everybody and I do mean everybody makes mistakes.

wwharton 09-15-2014 04:02 PM

Re: The Adrian Peterson Saga

Originally Posted by Yeah...THAT Guy (Post 2046586879)
Eh, I guess. I feel like if you admit to going overboard when beating your kid, you've pretty much admitted to abusing him. Whether or not it was his intent, he committed a crime. I'm not saying they need to throw the book at him and ruin his life, but I think it's pretty clear that he's guilty here.

What does "guilty" mean then? Where does his punishment lie? Isn't that worth waiting for?


Originally Posted by ThreeKing (Post 2046586923)
The Vikings' front office needs to quit bs'ing everyone and just go ahead and state the fact that the reason Peterson is reinstated, is because he's their best player and gives them the best chance to win.

If AP was a 3rd stringer, his butt would've been gone already.

For the record, if this was Matt Forte, I'd be saying the same thing.

I don't doubt you would. But what if it was your brother, who you've known to spank his kids many times. One day you find out he left marks and bruises. He says, "ThreeKing (in this scenario, your brother refers to you as ThreeKing, lol) he scratched a little girl's face up so I spanked him. Then he went right back out and started a fight with his brother over a video game. I spanked him harder and he didn't seem phased at all, didn't cry a lick."

His intent, knowing him as a good person personally and the kid's behavior don't make anything in that scenario acceptable. But personally, it does effect how I feel he should be punished, especially when it comes to his job.

I don't know AP personally but had no reason to think of him as anything but a good person to this point. His admission should validate his intent, and the rest are pretty much his own words to the child's mother.

DrJones 09-15-2014 04:05 PM

Re: The Adrian Peterson Saga

Originally Posted by wwharton (Post 2046586604)
Is that really the message? Or is it that we live in a society where everyone is innocent until proven guilty and despite the recent trend we should allow the trained and appointed professionals lead the way in judgement before completely destroying a man's life. Any other American would be able to live their life until their day in court and a judgement says otherwise. I think the Vikings are handling this properly.

That's completely false. "Innocent before proven guilty" refers to a court of law, not your workplace. If I was charged with beating my wife and my employer found out about it, I'd be toast, no questions asked. If an assistant equipment manager got charged with domestic or child abuse and it became known, the Ravens or Vikings would fire his *** without a second thought and nobody would care. This isn't about the Vikings respecting "due process," this is about protecting important assets.

wwharton 09-15-2014 04:06 PM

Re: The Adrian Peterson Saga

Originally Posted by mestevo (Post 2046586975)
This captures my thoughts on this, as father to a 3 year old and recently started (and stopped, explained below) spanking his child. I grew up with the fear of my father's hand on my behind and always thought my children would do the same (primarily as a deterrent).

In the end though, best intentions sometime result in something unintended. As my son started hitting kids at daycare we've changed our behavior to reinforce that it's not proper and utilize timeouts and removing privileges.

However, if I put my son in timeout that caused him harm above and beyond anything I intended... yeah, that's a crime. As is what happened here.

There's a domestic violence policy, he should miss 6 games right now, per that policy. He's admitted it, due process not required. Because it is a child, and because there is ongoing litigation, the remainder of his punishment can be administered at the conclusion of the case (the inevitable no jailtime plea deal) as extenuating circumstances above and beyond the prescribed 6 games.

It seems crazy to think that ANYONE would not consider what he did excessive considering the pictures, but it's still only fair for him to have his day in court first.

wwharton 09-15-2014 04:09 PM

Re: The Adrian Peterson Saga

Originally Posted by DrJones (Post 2046587000)
That's completely false. "Innocent before proven guilty" refers to a court of law, not your workplace. If I was charged with beating my wife and my employer found out about it, I'd be toast, no questions asked. If an assistant equipment manager got charged with domestic or child abuse and it became known, the Ravens or Vikings would fire his *** without a second thought and nobody would care. This isn't about the Vikings respecting "due process," this is about protecting important assets.

If you got "charged" you'd be toast. If you were "accused" and were fired, I'm sure there'd be a lot of questions asked at that point. See the Duke lacrosse team case. You go through law enforcement to get "charged".

EDIT to say I know there are employers that will cut bait based on accusation. I don't agree with it. Again, see the Duke lacrosse case.

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