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aholbert32 09-14-2020 11:26 AM

UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

"US NPD SW - UFC 4 was the second best-selling game of the month, setting a new franchise launch month sales record for an Electronic Arts published UFC title. UFC 4 ranked as the third best-selling game of August on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One."

Alot of things played into this imo. There are more people at home and less things to do during Covid. EA marketed the launch a lot better than it did UFC 3 (ESPN 60 min special and a bunch of Twitch streams with well known streamers).

Also the fact that they brought in more casual fans without them losing the large majority of hardcore fans who either bought it or had their wives/GF/cousins/uncles/aunts/moms/dads buy the game for them.

Looks like EA's bet paid off given that the majority of sales and most of the revenue tends to come in around launch month.

TheShizNo1 09-14-2020 11:39 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess


Originally Posted by aholbert32 (Post 2050210704)

Also the fact that they brought in more casual fans without them losing the large majority of hardcore fans who either bought it or had their wives/GF/cousins/uncles/aunts/moms/dads buy the game for them.


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B_Walsh_77 09-14-2020 11:44 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
Great.Now their gonna get the impression that its a good game.

Not good.It only means the they will move forward in the same direction.

LarsP 09-14-2020 12:14 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
A sad ****ing day for sports gaming

tomitomitomi 09-14-2020 01:14 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
B-b-b-b-b-but the Metacritic!! The reddit threads!

haduken 09-14-2020 01:34 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Lol. Horrible news.

Hoping the upcoming esports boxing club can give us some realistic combat sport action since EA games are just huge turds.


hardcore fans who either bought it or had their wives/GF/cousins/uncles/aunts/moms/dads buy the game for them.

GameplayDevUFC 09-14-2020 03:32 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by aholbert32 (Post 2050210704)
Also the fact that they brought in more casual fans without them losing the large majority of hardcore fans who either bought it or had their wives/GF/cousins/uncles/aunts/moms/dads buy the game for them.

I heard this story on the news the other day of the hard core UFC gamer whose neighbor bought the game for him, tied him up in his own basement and would only bring him food if he played the game.

He even tried to close his eyes while playing to send a message to EA, but his neighbor said that didn't count and refused him food for the rest of the day.

Poor guy was only untied after he completed career mode.

tunnelblick24 09-14-2020 03:45 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by GameplayDevUFC (Post 2050210956)
I heard this story on the news the other day of the hard core UFC gamer whose neighbor bought the game for him, tied him up in his own basement and would only bring him food if he played the game.

He even tried to close his eyes while playing to send a message to EA, but his neighbor said that didn't count and refused him food for the rest of the day.

Poor guy was only untied after he completed career mode.

Cool story.

TheRizzzle 09-14-2020 04:01 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
I've been waiting out here by the tree for the boycott to begin but im starting to think everyone got their times mixed up.

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Counter Punch 09-14-2020 04:08 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by TheShizNo1 (Post 2050210714)


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This guy might be the realest mod in existence 😂😂

Evil97 09-14-2020 04:16 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by GameplayDevUFC (Post 2050210956)

He even tried to close his eyes while playing to send a message to EA, but his neighbor said that didn't count and refused him food for the rest of the day.

His neighbor knows about the haptic feedback setting. Can't really blame him.

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ryangil23 09-14-2020 04:24 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
Wonder how much the previous game owner discount and EA access discount had to do with it.. Guessing not too much but might’ve swayed 1 or 2 who were on the fence.

aholbert32 09-14-2020 05:08 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by ryangil23 (Post 2050211026)
Wonder how much the previous game owner discount and EA access discount had to do with it.. Guessing not too much but might’ve swayed 1 or 2 who were on the fence.

I doubt it was much because the i believe those benefits were in place for UFC 3 also.

TheShizNo1 09-14-2020 06:04 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by Counter Punch (Post 2050211000)
This guy might be the realest mod in existence [emoji23][emoji23]

Allegedly that's kehlis [emoji849]...... but I'll settle for 2nd.

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SUGATA 09-16-2020 02:37 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
Honestly, NO any AAA games were released in August 2020 at all except NFL21 and Project cars - August is a holiday month.
So, I don’t think this news means anything.
Thread name “UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess” is not correct:
- other EA UFC games were released in another conditions (month)
- in proof link no words about sales compare to other EA UFC.

Supreme_Bananas 09-16-2020 03:08 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
Same with Madden 21. Mediocre reviews from outlets, lowest user-rated game on Metacritic, yet sold 20% more than Madden 20 :confused:

Diego Sanchez 09-16-2020 04:30 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
At least I wasn’t part of this. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to make any kind of difference.

manliest_Man 09-16-2020 08:55 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
That's great news! I guess we'll never know how the sales would have been affected if they actually published a quality product for once!

Maybe they would have gotten the first place!!! (in a month where almost no other AAA game released, during global lockdowns and quarantines...)

HereticFighter 09-16-2020 09:11 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
I won’t buy it. My girlfriend asked if I would get it if it was half price or less? Not for 2 bucks.

Hopefully the first week was just because people are bored. If sales are poor enough maybe they’ll actually listen to what people were asking? Not holding my breath but guys we need to demand better, and if it’s subpar actually not buy it.

tomitomitomi 09-16-2020 09:11 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by manliest_Man (Post 2050212634)
That's great news! I guess we'll never know how the sales would have been affected if they actually published a quality product for once!

Maybe they would have gotten the first place!!! (in a month where almost no other AAA game released, during global lockdowns and quarantines...)

Keep reaching for them grapes.

Blackman316 09-16-2020 10:22 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
The main reason is merely that the bar for video games is so low atm that you can practically sell anything based off of some hype.

Good for them that they didn't have to spend much at all on marketing. Eventually franchises sell themselves. The only thing they need to do now is not make a turd of a game like WWE2k20 that kills the franchise.

This game was decent but I hope there will be much more support and they crank up the volume. It feels like I've owned it for months now and there still hasn't been a single patch outside of a small hotfix...

aholbert32 09-16-2020 11:43 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by manliest_Man (Post 2050212634)
That's great news! I guess we'll never know how the sales would have been affected if they actually published a quality product for once!

Maybe they would have gotten the first place!!! (in a month where almost no other AAA game released, during global lockdowns and quarantines...)

They were never going to get #1 with Madden released in the middle of the month. Lets be real here.

While the consensus here may be that the game isnt a quality product, that doesnt seem to be the case with the general public (who doesnt post on the internet about the game).

kehlis 09-16-2020 11:49 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by SUGATA (Post 2050212555)
Honestly, NO any AAA games were released in August 2020 at all except NFL21 and Project cars - August is a holiday month.
So, I don’t think this news means anything.
Thread name “UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess” is not correct:
- other EA UFC games were released in another conditions (month)
- in proof link no words about sales compare to other EA UFC.

PGA 2k was also released in August.

Sleep Doctor 09-16-2020 12:25 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
Lets not break our arm patting them on the back.

Game released in one of the weakest months ever and with everyone at home due to covid lol. So not really anything to beat on your chest about.

TheShizNo1 09-16-2020 12:43 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by Sleep Doctor (Post 2050212816)
Lets not break our arm patting them on the back.

Game released in one of the weakest months ever and with everyone at home due to covid lol. So not really anything to beat on your chest about.

No one is doing that.

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

aholbert32 09-16-2020 01:47 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by Sleep Doctor (Post 2050212816)
Lets not break our arm patting them on the back.

Game released in one of the weakest months ever and with everyone at home due to covid lol. So not really anything to beat on your chest about.

As I acknowledged in my first post, Covid could play a role.

I also think you have to have your head in the sand if you think the increased marketing and the fact that casual fans were targeted (and hardcore fans still bought the game), had nothing to do with the record sales.

I promise you EA isnt going to see this as a sign that it should start catering to the people who come to OS/Reddit/Youtube/Metacritic to complain about the game.

Sleep Doctor 09-16-2020 02:27 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by aholbert32 (Post 2050212909)
As I acknowledged in my first post, Covid could play a role.

I also think you have to have your head in the sand if you think the increased marketing and the fact that casual fans were targeted (and hardcore fans still bought the game), had nothing to do with the record sales.

I promise you EA isnt going to see this as a sign that it should start catering to the people who come to OS/Reddit/Youtube/Metacritic to complain about the game.

No actual numbers to even compare and like I said in the drought season for games.

They can do what they want, i wont ever buy a full priced game from them again. I'll either wait for its much need 6 plus patches and a price drop or just skip it as I've done so far. Beta and ea access gave me enough time to know how bad the game is right now.

SlimmerFredette 09-16-2020 02:31 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by aholbert32 (Post 2050212909)

I also think you have to have your head in the sand if you think the increased marketing and the fact that casual fans were targeted (and hardcore fans still bought the game), had nothing to do with the record sales.

It may have, but we have no quantifiable way to show that. Like you said, it may also be due to COVID, Madden 21 also saw quantifiable growth based on the link you provided.

Really the link tells us nothing although I'm sure EA has more precise info on this. You're very negative and don't offer any solutions.

aholbert32 09-16-2020 02:53 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by Sleep Doctor (Post 2050212954)
No actual numbers to even compare and like I said in the drought season for games.

They can do what they want, i wont ever buy a full priced game from them again. I'll either wait for its much need 6 plus patches and a price drop or just skip it as I've done so far. Beta and ea access gave me enough time to know how bad the game is right now.

This isnt a drought season for games though. Madden, PGA 2k and a new COD pack that increased sales for the game all dropped in August. UFC 1 and 2 actually dropped during real drought periods.

I'm not even discussing the quality of the game which is what everyone seems to want to discuss. It has nothing to do with the sales. From the way, I see it OS thinks UFC 4 is a drop in quality but that drop in quality resulted in more sales so I dont know what else there is to say.

aholbert32 09-16-2020 02:58 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by SlimmerFredette (Post 2050212965)
It may have, but we have no quantifiable way to show that. Like you said, it may also be due to COVID, Madden 21 also saw quantifiable growth based on the link you provided.

Really the link tells us nothing although I'm sure EA has more precise info on this. You're very negative and don't offer any solutions.

Yep I am. I'm not here to provide "solutions".

I'm smart enough to know when a battle is lost. People here seem to think that the way to convince EA to change the game is continue to do what they did during the life of UFC 3. Post complaints non stop.

That had the opposite effect of what they wanted with 4. EA made the game less like they wanted it and removed features that only this community would want.

Actually, I'm wrong. I did provide a solution. I told this forum weeks before release what this game was. EA gave you guys two opportunities to play the game before release.

I told people to not buy the game if they were unhappy with what EA has done.

Still, the majority of people bought the game and played a role in their record sales.

So sorry if I'm negative to a bunch of people who complain but are still willing to hand over $60 for a game that they knew they wouldnt like.

Blackman316 09-16-2020 03:50 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by Sleep Doctor (Post 2050212816)
Lets not break our arm patting them on the back.

And who exactly is doing that? Surely you must've dreamt about that, Sleep Doctor. :cool:

The title of this topic is merely an observation. There's no 'patting' involved.

Plenty of people nowadays are willing to shell out 60$ for a 'newer' game that 'works' (or at least the basics work). Balance and depth don't really seem to matter for those people, and that's their right I guess. I evaluated the game and they've JUST done enough to get my purchase. If the game was more expensive I wouldn't have bought it, or if it had less content. I guess that's the art: to provide just enough for people to bite, like their FIFA releases.

SlimmerFredette 09-16-2020 03:57 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by aholbert32 (Post 2050212996)
Yep I am. I'm not here to provide "solutions".

I'm smart enough to know when a battle is lost. People here seem to think that the way to convince EA to change the game is continue to do what they did during the life of UFC 3. Post complaints non stop.

That had the opposite effect of what they wanted with 4. EA made the game less like they wanted it and removed features that only this community would want.

Actually, I'm wrong. I did provide a solution. I told this forum weeks before release what this game was. EA gave you guys two opportunities to play the game before release.

I told people to not buy the game if they were unhappy with what EA has done.

Still, the majority of people bought the game and played a role in their record sales.

So sorry if I'm negative to a bunch of people who complain but are still willing to hand over $60 for a game that they knew they wouldnt like.

I'm glad you bold your points because alone they don't stand tall on its own.

Anyways, If you're smart enough to know the battle is lost since EA isn't listening to you/us/OS, how come you're not smart enough to stop berating the "bunch of people who complain but are still willing to hand over $60 for a game that they knew they wouldn't like?"

If your assumptions are correct, the hardcore fanbase on this forum is negligible. I mean, if our demands aren't being met, who cares if they buy the game or not, right?

aholbert32 09-16-2020 04:27 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by SlimmerFredette (Post 2050213058)
I'm glad you bold your points because alone they don't stand tall on its own.

Anyways, If you're smart enough to know the battle is lost since EA isn't listening to you/us/OS, how come you're not smart enough to stop berating the "bunch of people who complain but are still willing to hand over $60 for a game that they knew they wouldn't like?"

If your assumptions are correct, the hardcore fanbase on this forum is negligible. I mean, if our demands aren't being met, who cares if they buy the game or not, right?

I berate them because I can. I dont think intelligence has anything to do with it. Just like your silly *** continues to post here even though they didnt (and like wont) give you the game you want. You do it because you can.

Your last statement is just flat out wrong. I dont believe that the hardcore fanbase is "negligible". I believe that they have more power than they realize. I think that if they actually let their wallet speak and exercised that power, EA would be willing to actually cater to their needs. ****, I bolded that post...now it wont stand tall on its own.

When I heard and saw what the game was, I thought this was a great opportunity to show EA that this community matters but thats not what happened because people like you bought the game. So I will continue to berate them (and you) and you will continue to post here cluelessly as if the majority of your suggestions actually matter or will make it into the game. Deal?

SlimmerFredette 09-16-2020 08:15 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by aholbert32 (Post 2050213085)
I berate them because I can. I dont think intelligence has anything to do with it. Just like your silly *** continues to post here even though they didnt (and like wont) give you the game you want. You do it because you can.

Your last statement is just flat out wrong. I dont believe that the hardcore fanbase is "negligible". I believe that they have more power than they realize. I think that if they actually let their wallet speak and exercised that power, EA would be willing to actually cater to their needs ****, I bolded that post...now it wont stand tall on its own.

When I heard and saw what the game was, I thought this was a great opportunity to show EA that this community matters but thats not what happened because people like you bought the game. So I will continue to berate them (and you) and you will continue to post here cluelessly as if the majority of your suggestions actually matter or will make it into the game. Deal?

1) I did not buy the game. I played the Beta & EA Access and that's it. I still play UFC 3 though.

It was easy for me though, however, I understand why those who are fans of the sport and want new player models would continue to buy the game -- and that is inevitable. The revolution you're calling for is unrealistic.

2) You said yourself that a big reason the game did so well is that it was marketed towards casual players and they purchased the game -- however you reached that conclusion, it leads me to believe that the purchasing power of the "hardcore" fans is negligible or else why would they strongly market the game away from its hardcore fans...? You consistently state how the EA could give a damn about OS and Reddit -- yet, like everyone else complaining -- here you are with your tin foil hat banging on pots.

I'd be curious to know what % of EA's sales are from returning customers -- if you have that information I'd like to see it. That would clear up a lot of stuff.

aholbert32 09-16-2020 09:23 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by SlimmerFredette (Post 2050213349)
1) I did not buy the game. I played the Beta & EA Access and that's it. I still play UFC 3 though.

It was easy for me though, however, I understand why those who are fans of the sport and want new player models would continue to buy the game -- and that is inevitable. The revolution you're calling for is unrealistic.

2) You said yourself that a big reason the game did so well is that it was marketed towards casual players and they purchased the game -- however you reached that conclusion, it leads me to believe that the purchasing power of the "hardcore" fans is negligible or else why would they strongly market the game away from its hardcore fans...? You consistently state how the EA could give a damn about OS and Reddit -- yet, like everyone else complaining -- here you are with your tin foil hat banging on pots.

I'd be curious to know what % of EA's sales are from returning customers -- if you have that information I'd like to see it. That would clear up a lot of stuff.

I dont give a **** if you call my "revolution" unrealistic. Its more realistic then continuing to buy the game and hope that they will make a change.

As for the bold, I'll tell you how I reached that conclusion. THE LEAD DEVELOPER OF THE GAME MADE A PRESENTATION BEFORE RELEASE. He explained to us their strategy. He supported that strategy with data.

Now the following part is an assumption based on the data that was presented and it doesnt take a PHD to discover that this assumption is likely true because it is true in practically every EA game.

EA knew that many hardcore gamers would be upset about the direction of UFC 4. I've been told that directly. My assumption is they believed that while they would lose some hardcore gamers...most of them would do what it appears they did.

As you said, they are "fans of the sport and need new player models" and bought the game even thought it wasnt marketed to them.

See this isnt me with a "tin foil hat". This is me having more information than you and you not knowing what the **** you are talking about.

Most of the people here already know this. You apparently didn't. I'm glad I could pass this information on to you.

TheShizNo1 09-16-2020 09:24 PM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
I can't comprehend some of the stuff in this thread. Really.

Leading up to the game dropping, Aholbert (I know, not the best source for some of you) was pretty much dropping blatant hints the whole time that this is not the MMA game that most want. Even Geoff dropped little tidbits here and there saying as much. People still found reasons to get hype and to give EA the benefit of the doubt.

Then they drop a trailer talking about a kumite, bum fights backyard arena, and masks..... Stop here, man. This was like, your back of the box features. I mean.... they pretty much told you what the game would be.

Then the game drops...... [emoji2377]...... and you guys get full on ads.....

Now it's released that the game had the best launch sales to date of the series and some of you are still trying to fight it lol. How much more proof do you need?

Money talks. Or at the very least, numbers talk. Have there been any social media trends like Madden has had as far as #fixmaddenfranchise or #nfldropea?

Nah, man. Most of the people that come here with great ideas and breakdowns and that said they refused to buy the game until **** was fixed or added....... still bought the game. No uproar was big/loud enough on social media (where all the devs are) to make anyone care.....

So the cycle restarts with those of you refusing to give up hope and coming here spewing **** that needs to be added that won't be but you'll still buy it..... and we'll be here again for UFC 5.

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

GameplayDevUFC 09-17-2020 01:16 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by TheShizNo1 (Post 2050213466)
I can't comprehend some of the stuff in this thread. Really.

Leading up to the game dropping, Aholbert (I know, not the best source for some of you) was pretty much dropping blatant hints the whole time that this is not the MMA game that most want. Even Geoff dropped little tidbits here and there saying as much. People still found reasons to get hype and to give EA the benefit of the doubt.

Then they drop a trailer talking about a kumite, bum fights backyard arena, and masks..... Stop here, man. This was like, your back of the box features. I mean.... they pretty much told you what the game would be.

Then the game drops...... [emoji2377]...... and you guys get full on ads.....

Now it's released that the game had the best launch sales to date of the series and some of you are still trying to fight it lol. How much more proof do you need?

Money talks. Or at the very least, numbers talk. Have there been any social media trends like Madden has had as far as #fixmaddenfranchise or #nfldropea?

Nah, man. Most of the people that come here with great ideas and breakdowns and that said they refused to buy the game until **** was fixed or added....... still bought the game. No uproar was big/loud enough on social media (where all the devs are) to make anyone care.....

So the cycle restarts with those of you refusing to give up hope and coming here spewing **** that needs to be added that won't be but you'll still buy it..... and we'll be here again for UFC 5.

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

The biggest fuss was made over cowboy's beard.

And that was added in the first patch.

I think that speaks volumes to both what fans care about most, and EA's willingness to listen when enough of a fuss is made.

edit: And the ads. Those were taken out pretty quick too.

tissues250 09-17-2020 03:54 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
Congratulation! Finally we will get Battle royal mode in EA UFC5.

ryangil23 09-17-2020 05:28 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess
I think EA tries to find a balance between casual, hardcore and competitive. It’s not all towards casuals.

They do lean more towards arcade than sim but not completely. A certain level of skill does come into it as well. You can throw 100 1-2s if you want and people might think that’s not realistic but a decent player will have you out of there before stamina even matters anyway if you do that.

Phillyboi207 09-17-2020 07:48 AM

Re: UFC 4 sets a launch sales record for the EA UFC seriess

Originally Posted by ryangil23 (Post 2050213807)
I think EA tries to find a balance between casual, hardcore and competitive. It’s not all towards casuals.

They do lean more towards arcade than sim but not completely. A certain level of skill does come into it as well. You can throw 100 1-2s if you want and people might think that’s not realistic but a decent player will have you out of there before stamina even matters anyway if you do that.

I think this was the case for UFC 3.

UFC 3 was more like 50% comp, 25% casual, 25% sim.

UFC 4 is like 90% casual, 10% comp players.

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