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Steve_OS 11-26-2024 06:22 PM

It's In The Game: Madden NFL Now Streaming on Amazon Prime

It's In The Game: Madden NFL is now streaming on Amazon Prime. Announced a couple of weeks...

Written By: Steve Noah

Click here to view the article.

Picci 11-27-2024 10:49 AM

Re: It's In The Game: Madden NFL Now Streaming on Amazon Prime
Finished Episode 1... I had previously played a Baseball WS game on an IBM system back in 1983 against another person while on active-duty USAF. It involved 2 keys on the keyboard and the end result would display on the screen. Then there was Bases Loaded (private citizen). My GF got an Nintendo system in 1987, I picked up a controller, played it, and spent the next few months spending time together. Then Madden came out. Ditched the GF and later bought a Sega Genesis :lol:

Enjoyed Episode 1. Interesting to hear the challenges EA faced as they started out

Tonight, Episode 2! I'm sure it's the 90's. For me, a new bride and 2 children and playing video games :cheers444:santa:

mestevo 11-27-2024 02:04 PM

Re: It's In The Game: Madden NFL Now Streaming on Amazon Prime
I binged it yesterday, a lot of interesting bits of information and behind the scenes stories. Love stuff like this, like Hard Knocks, that connects you to the humanity behind something that otherwise becomes so impersonal or sensationalized.

CHiC25 11-27-2024 02:39 PM

Re: It's In The Game: Madden NFL Now Streaming on Amazon Prime
Just watched first episode. I'll say this, im sure im one of the OGs on this site (my name was formally Waaazuuuuup, life happened and i returned after a 10 year absent), Im getting lil misty eyed watching this. Seeing Madden for one, who was a true sports icon for me growing up.

I remember playing sports games on an Atari 2600, and to see them evolve into what they are now is true amazing. Ill admit i get frustrated at times when the gameplay of some of these game feel a bit cheesy but thats due to the up and down effect from previous games to which you hope companies build up on their previous build rather than fall backwards.

We truly live in a great age of video gaming and i look forward to watching the remaining episodes as well as seeing how video games will evolve in the future..

Vinrich 11-27-2024 03:13 PM

Re: It's In The Game: Madden NFL Now Streaming on Amazon Prime
The historical parts were great but you can tell what pushed them to be better which was competition. Sports gaming in general is in dying need of more competition - I wish the exclusive rights would end.

CHiC25 11-27-2024 03:18 PM

Re: It's In The Game: Madden NFL Now Streaming on Amazon Prime

Originally Posted by Vinrich (Post 2051016007)
The historical parts were great but you can tell what pushed them to be better which was competition. Sports gaming in general is in dying need of more competition - I wish the exclusive rights would end.

100% agree with you

Watching Madden play the 1990 version of the game and seeing him smile knowing how tough he was on the developers says ALOT!! Makes me wonder what Madden would say about todays versions.

Also, NBA Live folded under competition. Dare I say the same may have happened had EA not had the licensing agreement...

ricket 11-27-2024 03:43 PM

Re: It's In The Game: Madden NFL Now Streaming on Amazon Prime
My two takeaways from episode one: (1) console manufacturers back in the day essentially took a big cut of the video game manufacturers profits for the ability to make a console-specific game and (2) Joe Montana Football was essentially an inferior knock off of Madden (that came out in '90). I have some friends who will be crushed to hear that.

I really enjoyed learning how it all started and the business environment back then. Big risk, huge reward. Looking forward to the next episodes.

Vinrich 11-27-2024 03:47 PM

Re: It's In The Game: Madden NFL Now Streaming on Amazon Prime
This quote from one of the producers irked me

"Everybody can come at us - we're going to beat them down and run up the score."

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